Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:38 AM

Chapter 1558

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Xiao Yunhai's face changed, his face was a 3 and a 9, belonging to the eight pole can not play the card, the whole person fell into meditation.

Abd in the back is a 7 and an 8. Seeing that Xiao Yunhai hasn't spoken, he is worried. He pushes his 200 billion dollar chips in and says, "this time, I'll try my luck. I'll win or lose a game."

The other two also pushed the chips in, their cards are very good, the worst is Xiao Yunhai.

Terrence Bessie said, "Mr. Shaw, you're not going to run away, are you? That's just three cards. "

Xiao Yunhai pushed the 200 billion chips directly into it and said, "I want to see the fourth card."

Terence Bessie snapped her finger and said with a smile, "that's right. Licensing. "

In the fourth card, Terence Bessie got a 10, which made it possible for 10, J and a to make a straight. Xiao Yunhai made a pair of 3, a K, abd 678, Joseph a pair of 10 and an a, aikailamu a pair of 7 and a 2.

everyone's cards are very strong from the surface, which has never appeared before.

Joseph got the biggest card, took a deep breath of cigar, and said, "the last one is 200 billion yuan, this one is 300 billion yuan. Somebody, bring me the information of my Musen oil field in the Middle East and let them evaluate it. "

Joseph has always been cautious in his words and deeds. Judging from his fearless appearance, he is likely to be a big brand, but it is not without the possibility of stealing chickens. After all, the stakes in this game are too high.

Shortly after, the assessment team gave an estimate of $860 billion.

Aikailamu had been exchanged once before. At this time, there were 890 billion yuan left in front of the table. This time, he lost the worst. He not only lost 6% of Meila oilfield shares, but also bought a fully controlled soma Oilfield by Xiao Yunhai. Now, he has changed a large oil field worth more than 1 trillion yuan into chips, which almost killed him.

However, if we can win the game, not only will all the money come back, but also may make a lot of money.

In the evaluation of Josef's Musen oil field, he had already thought about it. Three words should be followed to the end.

Even if he loses in the end, he still has shares in several oil fields in the Middle East, and he can still live a good life.

Therefore, after Joseph put out 300 billion chips, aikailamu followed him without thinking about it.

The most tangled is abd, 678 plus the base card 4. If the next card is 5, it will be good, but if it is not 5, he will die.

Take a look at the cards of four people, there is no 5, the probability is still very large.

Abd bit his teeth and said, "I'll bet that five for 300 billion."

After that, he took out the oil field share transfer agreement, exchanged 5% of gawar oil field shares for 32050 US dollars, and put it on the market.

Up to now, his share of gawar oil field has been used up to 12%.

It's Terence Bessie's turn. Without any hesitation, 300 billion dollars.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's really lively. I'll bet on the last card, too

Counting out his 300 billion dollars, Xiao Yunhai has only a few billion chips left in front of him in addition to the share transfer agreement of soma oilfield, which is not enough to overturn the deal at last.

However, if the last card is not suitable, there is no need to overturn.

None of the five men withdrew, staring at the card in the hand of Dutch officer.

This Dutch official is an old Dutch official in his 40s. He used to work in Las Vegas and has rich experience. He presided over thousands of card games.

But this time, even his hands trembled, because now the bet on the table has reached three trillion dollars, which is definitely a century gambling never before.

The last five cards issued by Dutch officials determine the final result of the world gambling. He can't help being nervous.

After the last five cards, he wiped the sweat on his head, and the economists and lawyers beside him looked at the gambling table with their toes on their feet.

The whole casino is quiet with needle dropping.

Terence Bessie was the first to open the card. With a triumphant smile on his face, he said triumphantly, "well, it seems that my luck is good. It's a Q

People's faces were suddenly hard to see the extreme.

Everyone knows that Terrence Bessie's card is likely to be a K. if so, everyone will be dead.

Xiao Yunhai opened his own card, it was only a 5, and 3 and K eight pole can not play.

Joseph's luck is good, to a K, even if the bottom card is 10, together into three, but also can not defeat Terence Bessie's son, the face is not good-looking.

Aikailamu is even worse. He has a 3. If he gives it to Xiao Yunhai, he can make four. Unfortunately, it is bullshit to put it there.

Abd was originally 678, but the last card came to a 6, making a pair. It was not as big as the other's card.The first few cards, we are very good, to the last card, but poor to the extreme, is simply playing people.

Only Terence Bessie got what she wanted most. The other four were completely silent.

Terence Bessie, with a look of wisdom in his hand, laughed and said, "you guys, it seems that your luck is not so good."

There was still no one to speak.

Xiao Yunhai closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair, listening to the heartbeat of Terence Bessie.

"Well, it's so fast. According to past experience, if it is a K, it should not be true. Is he stealing chickens

Xiao Yunhai swept around, his face still, waiting for the other three people's choice.

The Dutch official said, "Mr. Joseph, your K is the biggest. It's up to you to speak."

Joseph sighed, threw the card into it, and said with a wry smile, "what else do you say?"

Abd and aikailamu, two old opponents, looked at each other and threw the cards in at the same time.

Only Terence Bessie and Xiao Yunhai were left.

"Mr. Xiao, you will not give up, will you? Then I'll be very sad Terence Bessie laughed.

Xiao Yunhai frowned and looked like a sword. Staring at Terence Bessie, he said, "is your card really K?"

Terence Bessie said confidently, "if you want to see my cards, I'll give you a chance. Mr. Shaw, a trillion dollars. "

Everyone was in an uproar, Qi Qi put his eyes on Xiao Yunhai.

If he did, the bet would reach an unprecedented five trillion dollars.

Xiao Yunhai was shocked, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. He looked at the chips in front of his desk and sneered: "Mr. Bessie, do you have so much money?"

Terence Bessie, smiling, said, "of course. Coincidentally, our TMC energy company has exactly 10% of the shares in the gawar oil field, which can be exchanged for us $650 billion. With the 380 billion chips left in front of my desk, it is enough. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "do you have this right?"

Terrence Bessie said, "of course. Mr. Xiao, if I pay a trillion dollars, will you follow me or not? If I don't, I don't have to be so bothered. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a suspicious look: "I can't tell you if I follow you. If you really steal chicken, see me want to follow, and immediately take back, that's OK. If you want me to use a trillion dollars to open your cards, bet on the things first. "

Terrence Bessie said, "OK. I'll call and have the relevant materials from the gawar oil field brought here. And what about you? You can't talk empty handed. "

Xiao Yunhai grinned and shook with the share transfer agreement and related materials of the soma oilfield in aikailam, and said, "this can be exchanged for 350 billion US dollars. As for the other 650 billion US dollars, I can write you a transfer agreement of shares in Huaxia Tahe oilfield. How about it? "

Terrence Bessie said, "OK. Dutch officer, I ask for a seal. "

Dutch official nodded and took two big clocks to buckle the cards of Xiao Yunhai and Terence Bessie.

Everyone left the table and four white bodyguards with guns stood in the four corners.

Terrence Bessie took out her cell phone and made a phone call to have the materials brought.

"Mr. Xiao, is it time for you to write an assignment agreement?" Terence Bessie road.

With a smile on his face, Xiao Yunhai said, "don't worry, Mr. Bessie. I haven't made the final decision yet. Your last huge bet of one trillion yuan makes me feel that you are stealing chicken. "

Terence Bessie shook his head and said with a smile, "Mr. Shaw, I advise you not to try me. It's no use."

Xiao Yunhai with a pair of knife eyes. Staring into Terence Bessie's eyes, he said, "it's not necessarily. As long as it is a person, there will always be flaws. "

Terrence Bessie shrugged and said, "well, I'd better go before you see anything."

"Are you guilty?"

"Yes, I feel guilty, so I need to have a glass of red wine to calm my nerves."

After Terence Bessie left, Xiao Yunhai frowned, asked for a cup of tea and drank it.

Abd came to him and asked, "Mr. Shaw, you don't really want to open cards, are you?"

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Mr. abd, do you think his last card is really K?"

"Eight nine is ten," abd said. Mr. Xiao, I think you'd better give up. In this world, no one dares to frighten people with more than $1.6 trillion, unless he is a lunatic. "

Looking at Terence Bessie, who was talking and laughing with Joseph, Xiao Yunhai said, "maybe he is a madman."

"Good luck," said abd. Well, it's really tragic to lose more than the last ten years combined. "Xiao Yunhai smiles, takes out his mobile phone and sends a message to Kristi.

This is his latest number. The one he has been using has been turned off and locked in the safe of Yunqing oil and gas company. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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