Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:58 AM

Chapter 156

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If others say that he is so arrogant, Su Yingxue will definitely spray his face. But this is said by Xiao Yunhai. Su Yingxue only feels that he is full of pride and self-confidence, but he has no doubt in his heart.

It's just that many things can't be decided by your own mind, unless you have enough ability to completely control your own destiny. Obviously, Xiao Yunhai doesn't have such strength at this time.

Su Yingxue sighed: "of course, I believe 100% of your talent. However, the company will not wait for you so long. In fact, when you released Xiao Li's throwing knife, the company's top management had already put pressure on me. I hope you can receive the advertisement as soon as possible. Finally, I blocked you from shooting step by step. Now, you have won three golden cup Music Awards, and the album has sold to this degree. I really have no reason to give up. I hope you can understand me, too

Looking at Su Yingxue's pitiful expression, Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "OK, sister Xue, don't play poor here. As for your acting skills, any of the students in our class will perform better than you. It's really a dagger in front of Guan Gong. "

Su Yingxue couldn't pretend to go on any more, pointing to Xiao Yunhai and swearing: "you're such a nuisance. I'm all like that. You don't know how to comfort yourself. You really don't know how to take pity on women and cherish jade."

Su Ying had a pause and continued, "let's be serious. This time, I think you'd better take an ad, just shoot one, and I'll go to work. "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment, nodded and jokingly said, "OK. For the sake of my beautiful and generous sister Yingxue, I can't accept an advertisement. "

"Bah, what other stars can't even ask for, how can they be so hard to get here? I don't know what's going on in your mind." After laughing and scolding for a while, Su Yingxue took out a contract from her bag and handed it to Xiao Yunhai. She said, "this is a contract from Haoyu clothing, one of the largest clothing companies in China. When they saw the photo album on your album, they immediately recognized you as their company's image spokesman. Judging from the terms they offered, they are still very sincere. You can have a good look. "

Xiao Yunhai took the contract in his hand, looked at Su Yingxue with a smile, and said, "no wonder everyone says that all agents are smart and capable, as cunning as foxes. Sister Xue, you said a lot of nonsense. It turns out that this is the last one waiting for me. Great. "

Su Yingxue said with a smile: "I can't help it. I'm not as rich as you. In order to save more dowry, I can only play smart

Xiao Yunhai laughed and looked at the contract seriously.

If you want to say that the Haoyu dress is really authentic, and the signing conditions are very rich.

The contract requires Xiao Yunhai to help Haoyu clothing to shoot three advertisements of spring and autumn clothes, summer clothes and winter clothes every year, and hold no less than three new product press conferences. The endorsement fee is 20 million per year for five years.

After reading the contract seriously, Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "sister Xue, although it looks like a lot of RMB 20 million a year, I firmly believe that my endorsement fee will far exceed this price in half a year. Well, you can talk to them again and see if you can change it to two years. "

"Well, I'm a hard worker." Su Yingxue said helplessly, "well, I'll contact them. You're such a hard guy to serve. "

After that, Su Yingxue was about to leave. Suddenly she remembered something, turned back and said, "you're so angry that you almost forget the business. I'll let you know three things now. First, at the request of many fans, I hope you can open a personal homepage online as soon as possible. "

Xiao Yunhai had no objection to this, nodded and said, "OK, no problem."

Xiao Yunhai now has tens of millions of fans, without a personal home page, it's really inappropriate.

"The second thing is, in view of the outstanding achievements of your album, the company hopes that you can continue to work hard and increase publicity efforts. It would be better if you could win the first World War."

"Isn't it? We have to publicize it. The company is too greedy. I'm tired to death these days. "

In his previous life, seeing those big stars go all over the country to publicize their works, every place they go can cause a huge sensation. Xiao Yunhai is very envious in his heart. He often fantasizes that when he can be like them, he can enjoy the glory brought to him by his fans.

But when he really experienced these things, Xiao Yun Haydn was disgusted with these propaganda activities.

Yaya, bah, this is torture. Even if you let him fight for a day, it's more comfortable than flying around and smiling.

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's complaint, Su Yingxue chuckled and said, "I knew you would be like this. Don't worry. I've arranged everything. You just need to go to one show

"What show?"

"Happy Sunday of mango."

"Yes, no problem."

Xiao Yunhai's answer is very straightforward.

He knows that, as the treasure of mango TV, happy Sunday is the only variety show in China that can hold the first ratings for three consecutive years. Last year, the average audience rating reached an astonishing 3.2%, creating a miracle in the entertainment industry.This program is similar to the happy base of previous lives. There are three men and two women and five hosts with different styles. It also interacts with the stars through some simple questions and games, so that the audience can see and understand what their favorite idol looks like in life.

Therefore, happy Sunday has a great influence. Many second and third line artists are proud to receive its invitation.

"Yunhai, you should thank me very much. In order to make your program broadcast on this Sunday, I tried my best to get through the relationship and get the consent of the other program group."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and pointed to Su Yingxue and said, "sister Xue, it's not such an invitation. Although I don't know what happened inside, I'm sure it's not what you said. Even I suspect that you just put my name up and get a quick answer from them, don't you? "

Su Yingxue saw Xiao Yunhai's confident appearance and asked in surprise, "how can you be so sure?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "because my uncle is the person in charge of happy Sunday, and Chen Zhan, deputy director of mango station."

Xiao Yunhai once heard Uncle Chen Zhan say that because happy Sunday is so important to mango station, TV stations attach great importance to every issue of its recording. Chen Zhan will ask himself what kind of star guests he chooses, what kind of process he needs and what kind of games he plays.

If he saw that his nephew wanted to be on the program, he would not say a word and let him go directly.

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's reply, Su Yingxue froze for a moment and then asked in surprise, "is it really your uncle? Yes

"Yes, of course."

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Didn't you ask?"


Su Yingxue suddenly shrieked and looked at Xiao Yunhai with vicious eyes and said, "you are really angry with me. If I had known that Chen Taichang was your uncle, how could I have been so stupid as to ask others to pull strings for me. Let the true God not look for, but beg those little ghosts, is there anyone in the world who is more stupid and stupid than me? "

It turns out that when Dong Piao was doing the album promotion, in order to make Dong Piao happy on Sunday, Su Yingxue used a lot of relationships and owed a lot of human feelings, so she finally got to know a Mangifera leader at the director level. Then there was a treat and a gift, which cost a lot of money, which made Dong float on the show.

Now, another artist of his own is actually the nephew of the vice director in charge of the variety show department. This is a huge blow to Su Yingxue.

After a long time, Su Yingxue calmed down and said, "I won't mention it. Let me talk about the third thing. The company has equipped you with a top-level team to handle your various affairs. "

Speaking of this, Su Ying Xuedun took a look at Xiao Yunhai secretly and found that he frowned slightly, so he gently advised: "Yunhai, in fact, even if the company has not done so, I will tell you about it. You are now a steady first-line star, your position is there, and many things need to be reconsidered. So, as long as you want to continue in the entertainment industry, a professional team is essential, and I hope you can understand that. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "sister Xue, I understand. I don't know when they'll come? "

Su Yingxue said: "if you are free tonight, I can ask them out to get together and exchange feelings."

"Well. Sister Xue, the place is up to you. Find a better place. It's my treat

"No problem."

That night, Xiao Yunhai put on a simple make-up, and his senior brother Meng Fang came to the Longhai hotel that Su Yingxue had reserved.

When the two of them came, it was almost seven o'clock. Su Yingxue was waiting for him downstairs anxiously.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai get off the bus, Su Yingxue rushed to meet him and said, "how did you come so late?"

Xiao Yunhai pointed to the watch on his wrist and said with a smile, "I didn't come late. You came too early. Sister Xue, you are cruel enough. I heard that a meal in this Longhai hotel costs at least tens of thousands, and the consumption in the whole capital city is ranked on the top. I just want you to choose a better place. It's a good choice. I'm really a local tyrant. "

Su Ying gave Xiao Yunhai a look of white snow and said, "aren't you a local tyrant? Don't tell me who you're going to kill. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "it's a shame to meet people." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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