Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:35 AM

Chapter 1560

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Back to the car of the hotel, Xiao Yunhai smiles to Kristi, who is in a daze in the back seat: "are you ok?"

Christie was stunned, then the smile on her face was like a flower. All of a sudden, she seemed to be twenty years younger, and her whole body was full of vitality.

"Mr. Xiao, this is just a short afternoon. You have doubled your assets more than once. God, I can't believe it's true. Are you a god of gamblers

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what God of gamblers? This is my first time playing Soha. The reason why we can win depends on IQ. Hehe, it seems that I still have a talent for gambling. "

"With these fields, our Yunqing oil and gas company will have more than 80 billion barrels of oil reserves, even if placed in the world, it will be in the top 20," Kristi said. Although it is still far away from TMC energy, it is on the verge of catching up with it in terms of oil reserves. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "don't just focus on TMC energy company. Even if it exceeds it, it doesn't make any sense. Ms. Kristi, get Gavin to take over the oil fields we hold as soon as we get back. As for the rest, let's talk about it then. "

"I'm sure Gavin will jump for joy when he hears the news," Kristi said

Kristi was right. After they went back to Yunqing oil and gas headquarters and told Gavin Dulles the news, he was stunned for a while, and then he yelled with excitement.

He knew that Yunqing oil and gas company had really taken off, and no one could withstand its rise.

The news that the five world's richest people are gambling in the 21st century spread all over Wall Street. When they heard that the gambling money reached nearly one billion US dollars, and Xiao Yunhai had won all of them, everyone was stupid.

"God, Kung Fu Xiao won a trillion dollars. I can't believe my ears."

"Soma oilfield, wusser oilfield, Meila oilfield, Musen oilfield, Bethel oilfield and gawar oilfield have all arrived in Kungfu Xiao's hands in one afternoon, which is too frightening."

"Kung Fu Xiao is really good. The first time I played Soha, I won the other four veterans. This IQ is really too high. "

"Terence Bessie has suffered a big loss this time, and will definitely not give up. Next, TMC energy and Yunqing oil and gas company will have a fight."

"Although TMC energy company is the first in the world, it is impossible to hold down Yunqing oil and gas company which is different from the past steadily."

"Why did you lose so badly? It's not because I'm too bold. With a bad card, he wanted to scare everyone away. Unfortunately, his luck was so bad that he met Kung Fu Xiao

When Terence Bessie's loss to the wusser oil field and 10% of the gawar oil field in xiaoyunhai came to winnisa Bessie's ears, Winnie Bessie was not angry, but she was very happy in the office.

At the beginning, she bought STEL network company, but Xiao Yunhai made it into an empty shell.

Terence Bessie fell into trouble and ran to the Bessie family to stir up trouble. Vanessa Bessie was severely criticized by the family, and her reputation plummeted. She was almost removed from the management of Citibank.

Now Terence Bessie is still miserable. She has lost an oil field worth more than $200 billion. Of course, Vanessa Bessie will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

However, she didn't want to be a rising star. Instead, she called flora Bessie, the first successor in charge of Citibank.

Although Winnie Bessie has a lot of brains and talents, it is not a big threat to Rhoda Bessie.

And Terence Bessie is not the same. His achievements since he took control of TMC energy have left veroda Bessie on pins and needles, but without a chance.

Now that the opportunity finally arrived, he joined forces with Vanessa Bessie and several other heirs, protesting to the family for the removal of Terence Bessie, who was too gambling, as CEO of TMC energy.

Terence Bessie seemed to know that such a thing would happen, and had already paid a huge price to secretly buy off the important figures of the family. Therefore, the public's protest did not achieve the desired effect, but Terence Bessie's power was limited to the greatest extent.

Two of the best successors in succession fell into the hands of the same young man, and Xiao Yunhai unfortunately entered the eyes of the Bessie family.

Only after studying Xiao Yunhai's major companies, the Bessie family found no loopholes in attacking Xiao Yunhai.

Although his whole industry is somewhat scattered and unsystematic at all, they have a common feature, that is, most of the shares are in the hands of Xiao Yunhai. Even if the market value of his company falls sharply, Xiao Yunhai will not have any loss as long as he does not intend to sell it.

If you don't use the means, you can't do it in the dark. The Bessie family controls nearly 35 percent of America's arms business and has its own mercenaries. However, Xiao Yunhai's identity is too sensitive. On the surface, he is a member of the Xiao family, and secretly he is supported by Hong Gang, the world's largest Mafia organization. He is also the number one expert in the world. He can foretell the arrival of danger. If you can't kill each other, the whole Bessie family will be in big trouble.The Bessie family was annoyed that there was no way to take xiaoyunhai on both sides of the light and dark.

It has to be said that Xiao Yunhai's strategy is completely correct.

The Conservative Development in the early stage made him change without any flaw in the later period. No one wants to get it from him unless there is a problem inside.

After careful calculation, Yunqing oil and gas company has reached a terrible oil reserve of 932 billion barrels, and gas of 85400 cubic meters, ranking 16th in the world, and becoming the world-class private oil company after TMC energy company.

"Hello, Yunhai, I heard that your boy won a lot of oil fields by gambling?"

The next afternoon of the gambling game, uncle Xiao Chongyang called xiaoyunhai.

Only two people know the new mobile phone number of xiaoyunhai. One is zhaowanqing and the other is xiaochongyang. It is just that private affairs and public affairs are not wrong.

Xiao said with no idea: "uncle, your news is really smart."

Xiao Chongyang laughed and scolded: "it's all the past day, smart. Let's discuss something first. The oil fields you won need to be left for Huaxia. We are willing to buy them at a price of more than 10% of the global market price. "

"I can only hold two oil fields, one is the usson oil field in the Gulf of Mexico, and the American government will not agree to export oil," Xiao said with a bitter smile. The other is soma oilfield, but it seems that the reserves are not high, only a billion tons, relatively small. "

Xiao Chongyang said: "a billion tons of oil fields are too small. Your boy is getting bigger and bigger now. China Petroleum Company has several partners in the Middle East, but the quantity is low and the price is high. Your soma field is already the largest. And gawar, the world's largest oil field, has been in the top 10 reserves even after decades of exploitation. If it can be taken down, it will really solve the energy crisis for China. "

Xiaoyun Haidao: "but the problem is that I have only 22% and I don't have a controlling position."

The biggest shareholder in gawar is Saudi oil, which accounts for 36 percent, while the rest are oil tycoons.

"22% is the second largest shareholder," Xiao said. If you can convince several other shareholders, it would be best to sell oil to Cathay. "

Xiaoyun Haidao: "uncle, this matter will be done after I return to China. Uncle, when will I close the net? "

Xiao Chongyang smiled: "another week is almost the same. Wang family led, a total of 24. Ha ha, we Xiao family offend a lot of people

Although Xiao Chongyang said with a smile, Xiao Yunhai still heard the infinite cold meaning in the tone.

Can walk to the position of the head of Huaxia No.2, Xiao Chongyang is the top-level of Huaxia, regardless of his ability or wrist. He has no idea how many rough waves he has experienced in his life.

This time, only one temptation, let 24 political families attack together. If Xiao Yunhai really has problems, will Xiao family be swallowed by them.

Political struggle is not you dead, or I die, Xiao Yunhai has expected the end of these people.

Xiaoyun Haidao: "OK. Then I'll stay in New York for a week. "

After two days, Xiao Yunhai finished the post production of Tangbohu point autumn fragrance.

Xiao Yunhai looked at it from the beginning to the end, nodded with satisfaction, and was more perfect in detail than the one of the previous star master. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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