Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:33 AM

Chapter 1561

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Anyway, there is nothing to do in New York. Xiao Yunhai told Kristi that he was going to Los Angeles to see the progress of "killing the immortals", and then went out for a walk.

However, the plan did not change quickly. Xiao Yunhai had just arrived at the airport and had not boarded the plane. A huge good news made him have to turn back.

WiFi software and hardware systems have been completed.

At the beginning, when Xiao Yunhai handed over the research and development task of WiFi to Yunqing network company, LAN Jiancheng said that it would take about three months.

Xiao Yunhai originally thought that there was some bragging element, but they did it.

WiFi is so important to Xiao Yunhai that he gives up his plan to go to Los Angeles and comes to the temporary office building of Yunqing network company.

"Mr. Xiao, according to your design, this is the router we developed." Hardware department minister Kyle Morris put a white router in front of Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai picked it up, observed it, and felt it was almost the same as the previous life. He asked, "how big is its signal coverage?"

Kyle Morris said: "it's 15 meters around, there's no problem."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK, I'll try first."

Kyle Morris plugged the router into the computer and told Xiao Yunhai the password.

Xiao Yunhai took out his mobile phone and opened the network connection. Sure enough, there was a WiFi signal. After inputting the password, the mobile phone could go online normally.

After playing for a while, Xiao Yunhai happily snapped his fingers and said with satisfaction, "it's really great. WiFi's success will completely change people's way of life, with it, we Yunqing network company can become the first in the world. By the way, have you applied for a technical patent? "

Kyle Morris said with a smile: "the patent department has applied long ago, and the certificates have been issued. We have developed it half a month ago, and then we have passed the precise test to ensure that there is no problem. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said: "next, we want to make routers mass-produced. I estimate that Europe and the United States need at least 300 million or more. I need to get in touch with GM about this. By the way, to what extent has twitter app been designed? Have all the functions I mentioned, such as red envelope and payment, been achieved? Is the game layout ready? "

Kyle Morris said with a wry smile, "Mr. Xiao, I'm in charge of the hardware. You should find LAN for these software problems. Well, here he is

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and saw LAN Jiancheng come in.

Xiao Yunhai said hello to him and asked him the question just now.

LAN Jiancheng said, "Mr. Xiao, don't worry. It's all finished. It's just that the red envelope and payment function are currently being tested. Because it involves bank cards and money, it needs to be 100% secure. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said: "the safety of funds must be put first, we are not in a hurry. Not for two or three months, half a year. If half a year is not enough, it will be one year, even two or three years. In short, it's best not to put the safety level on, I'd rather not let it appear. "

LAN Jiancheng said confidently, "Mr. Xiao, it doesn't take so long. With the full efforts of more than 2000 software engineers, we will be able to solve the problem in half a month at most, so as to ensure that there will be no loopholes to be attacked. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that would be great. What about the game? What is the effect of "the battle of the king" on a mobile phone

LAN Jiancheng took out his rice grain mobile phone and said, "Mr. Xiao, this is a semi-finished app. Can you have a look? "

Xiao Yunhai's Twitter app uses the symbol of a dolphin holding a ball, which is very conspicuous.

Open the app, the webpage inside looks very atmospheric, there is no messy things, give people a clean and tidy feeling.

All the functions of twitter on the computer are perfectly copied to it, and the game interface has only one "battle of the king".

Open the game, Xiao Yunhai played a few games, feel very smooth, speed is also very fast, the mobile phone can drive up completely.

LAN Jiancheng's mobile phone configuration is the lowest in rice grains, even it has no problem, let alone those with higher configuration.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "very good. A week later, I'm going to hold a global conference to launch WiFi, twitter app and "battle of the king" games together. No matter how much it costs, I want to know it all over the world. A month later, WiFi routers began to be sold all over the world. Now, you're busy. I'll go to GM headquarters and talk to Mr. Jeff Welch. "

The headquarters of General Motors is as high as 56 floors. It is said that there are at least dozens of departments in it. Each department has a director who is responsible for an industry.

Of the 360 lines, GM accounted for at least 60 or 70 lines.

This is the impression that GM leaves to the world.

Xiao Yunhai with a big sunglasses, strides into the building.

"I'm looking for Mr. Welch." Xiao Yunhai said to the customer service lady.The customer service lady was stunned and said, "I'm sorry, sir. Mr. Welch is having an important meeting. I'm afraid I don't have time to see you. And you'd better have an appointment, or you won't see him again. "

Xiao Yunhai had already called Jeff Welch before, but the other party turned off the phone. Now I know that he was in a meeting.

"Can you call Mr. Welch's assistant and say that Xiao Yunhai has something important to talk to Mr. Welch." Xiao Yunhai took off his sunglasses and said with a smile.

The customer service lady covered her mouth with excitement on her face. She nodded quickly and said, "Mr. Xiao, please wait a moment. I'll inform Mr. Morson."

After the call, the customer service lady said, "Mr. Morson will come down to meet you immediately. Mr. Xiao, I'm a big fan of yours. Can you take a picture with me

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course."

Fighting for the price of punishment, the customer service Miss looked excited and took a picture with Xiao Yunhai.

After a while, a middle-aged man in a suit and a pair of short-sighted glasses came down.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, who was chatting and laughing with the customer service lady, he hurriedly welcomed him and said, "Mr. Xiao, I'm really sorry to have kept you waiting here for a long time. I'm Morson, Mr. Welch's assistant

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and said with a smile, "who can feel the passage of time when chatting with beauties?"

Morson and the customer service lady laughed at the same time.

"Mr. Xiao, please follow me. Mr. Welch is not in a good mood recently. He is getting angry in the conference room. " Said Morson as he walked.

Xiao Yunhai asked in surprise, "Why are you angry? Oh, sorry, I shouldn't have asked. "

"It doesn't matter. It's not something to keep secret. The turnover of our General Motors Company decreased by 16% last month, which made Mr. Welch angry. He asked the heads of every department to explain clearly the reasons for the decline. There has been no meeting since 9 a.m. and even lunch is in the meeting room. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I see. Hehe, I'm here to bring GM a business that can make a profit without losing. I believe Mr. Welch will be very interested in it. "

Morrison's eyes lit up and said, "that's great."

Although Xiao Yunhai seldom comes to Wall Street, it is a myth in Wall Street.

No company he has set up is unprofitable. In particular, Yunqing oil and gas company, in a short period of one year, rescued it completely and became the second largest private oil company in the world.

These two days, because of the shocking gamble, the market value of Yunqing oil and gas company has soared from US $1.2 trillion to US $4 trillion.

If we are willing to raise funds, we may surpass TMC energy company.

This alone makes others feel admirable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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