Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:31 AM

Chapter 1562

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Taking Xiao Yunhai to the reception room, Morson made him a cup of coffee and said, "Mr. Xiao, wait a moment. I'll report to Mr. Welch."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said with a smile, "thank you."

Morson came to the conference room and stopped to hear the roar inside. Then he knocked on the door.

"Who? Get out of here. " Seeing Morson, Jeff Welch glared and said, "didn't I say you're not allowed to disturb my meeting?"

Mo Sen said respectfully, "boss, Mr. Xiao has come to our company and is waiting for you in the reception room. I'd like to talk to you about a business that is sure to make a profit without losing money. "

"A guaranteed business?" As soon as Jeff Welch's eyes brightened, he stood up and said, "go back and write me a detailed analysis and propose the next rectification measures. All right, let's go. "

With that, Jeff Welch picked up his cup and left in a hurry.

Jeff Welch knows very well that it must be a great business for Xiao Yunhai to come to him in person. At least, it must exceed 10 billion or even 100 billion US dollars. Otherwise, with his lazy nature, he would have sent Christy.

Those in charge all heaved a deep breath and said in their hearts: "fortunately, Mr. Xiao is here, or you will have to be tossed to death by the boss."

Jeff Welch came to the reception room, opened his arms and laughed, "Mr. Shaw, I'm so sorry. If I had known you were coming, I would have met you downstairs in person. "

Xiao Yunhai hugged him and said, "Mr. Welch, I have called you in advance, but your mobile phone is turned off. I can't help it. I have to kill it directly. "

Jeff Welch made a gesture of "please sit down" and sighed, "shame. Recently, General Motors has encountered some problems. The turnover is going from bad to worse, and my hair is very gray. Mr. Xiao, it is said that you are here to introduce me to a business with a steady profit and no loss? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Mr. Welch, we Yunqing network company has developed a thing that will change the life style of the whole world and let the world enter a real intelligent era. But this thing needs someone to produce, manufacture and sell for me. I think your company is undoubtedly the best choice. "

Jeff Welch asked curiously, "what has such a great influence?"

“WIFi。 The function of WiFi is... "

Xiao Yunhai briefly introduced WiFi. The more Jeff Welch listened, the brighter his eyes became. At last, he even stood up with excitement on his face, gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "Mr. Xiao, you are really amazing. This WiFi is absolutely an epoch-making product. Once it is born, it will surely be popular in the world, and there is no force to stop it. No wonder you will say that this business is sure to make or lose. Yes, it is. The router business can be left to us. I guarantee that within one month, at least 50 million units will be produced. It's just about the distribution of profits "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile:" after all the production, publicity and sales costs, we will carry out the proportion of 8:2. "

“8:2? Mr. Xiao, you're not kidding. It's too low. " Jeff Welch said displeased.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "don't think 20% is too little. We preliminarily estimate that the sales volume of WiFi routers will reach 800 million at least. If each WiFi router can earn 200 dollars, it will be 160 billion dollars, and 20 percent will be 32 billion. In two or three years at most, you can make 32 billion dollars. Such a risk-free business, even if it is 10%, there will be a large number of people rushing to do it. Mr. Welch, if it wasn't for our good relationship, I wouldn't have given you 20 percent. "

Jeff Welch knew that Xiao Yunhai was right. WiFi really has such potential. He thought about it and said, "well, I wish us a happy cooperation."

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and said, "happy cooperation. I hope you can take someone to our Yunqing network company tomorrow morning to sign a contract and start production as soon as possible. In a week's time, I'm going to announce to the world about WiFi. What do you think? "

Jeff Welch nodded and said, "OK, no problem."

After talking about business, Xiao Yunhai talked with Jeff Welch for a while, then he left.

Winnissa Bessie, head of stell networks, frowned and said to the phone, "what are you talking about? Kung Fu Xiao Yan sent out a wonderful thing? What? "

"It's LAN Jiancheng who told me. It's like WiFi. Once this is installed, you can surf the Internet for free with your mobile phone. "

Li Jiazhi, the head of Twitter's social networking site, is on the phone.

"Free internet access with mobile phones?" Vanessa bessiton was shocked.

Generally speaking, mobile phones need to buy traffic from telecom companies to access the Internet. The Bessie family has its own telecom industry, covering only the eastern part of the United States. However, this part of the revenue alone can reach tens of billions of dollars a year. Taking into account the whole country, the whole Europe and the United States and even the whole world, that is at least more than one trillion dollars.Xiao Yunhai's "Warcraft" can play on the rice grain mobile phone, but why still can't get up, is because the players are not willing to spend two money.

If Xiao Yunhai really develops a free internet access device, it will greatly hit global telecom companies.

Li Jiazhi said: "boss, this is true. Last night, I finally heard it from the drunken LAN Jiancheng. Today, Mr. Xiao was originally going to Los Angeles, but it was cancelled because of this. "

Vanessa Bessie said, "OK, I see. Tomorrow I'll ask the finance department to call you 100000 dollars. "

Li Jiazhi said happily, "thank you, boss."

After the phone call, Li Jiazhi breathed a deep breath and opened the door of the office. He was shocked. LAN Jiancheng was standing there with his eyes fixed on him.

If you don't know, you'll be scared to death

LAN Jiancheng said with a smile: "say, what are you doing? The one in broad daylight has locked the door. "

Li Jiazhi cut it and said, "can I call my old lady Hao and ask her to have dinner in the afternoon?"

LAN Jiancheng said, "really? Well, I wanted to invite you to dinner in order to avenge being drunk by you last night. There seems to be no chance. Since you have an appointment with a beautiful woman, you may have another day. "

Li Jiazhi said, "OK. I'll go first. "

LAN Jiancheng said with a smile, "go away."

Waving hands with Li Jiazhi, watching his car slowly leave, LAN Jiancheng's face suddenly becomes difficult to see the extreme.

When Li Jiazhi called, LAN Jian's achievement had arrived.

The sound insulation effect of his office is not good. LAN Jiancheng seems to hear his own name inside, so he puts down his hand who just wants to knock on the door and sticks his ear on the door to listen.

Although I didn't hear most of the content, the two terms boss and WiFi were clearly heard.

LAN Jiancheng is very angry in his heart and wants to kick the door open and expose him. Suddenly I think, I have no evidence, even if it is said, there is not necessarily someone to believe. If you don't do it well, you'll be beaten by him.

So he pretended to laugh with Li Jiazhi as usual, but actually he was ready to give it to Xiao Yunhai.

LAN Jiancheng called Kristi to get Xiao Yunhai's new mobile phone number and immediately dialed it.

"Mr. Xiao, this is Lan Jiancheng."

Xiao Yunhai just returned to the hotel and asked with a smile, "what's the matter?"

LAN Jiancheng said, "Mr. Xiao, I suspect Li Jiazhi belongs to Vanessa Bessie. He had just called the boss in the office and seemed to have revealed the WiFi affair. It's all my fault. We went to drink last night, and I probably told him about it after drinking. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. Anyway, I will hold a press conference in a week. When that happens, the world will know. What have you done to Li Jiazhi? "

LAN Jiancheng said, "no, it's still the same as usual."

Xiao Yunhai said approvingly, "it's good not to scare the snake with grass.". His undercover identity is revealed, so he's one of us. Maybe he'll have to let Vanessa Bessie know what we want to know

LAN Jiancheng nodded and said, "I think so. Well, he and I are good friends. I didn't expect that he would use me to do such a thing. It's very chilling. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Lao LAN, we should pay attention to it later."

LAN Jiancheng said, "I will try to drink less in the future." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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