Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:30 AM

Chapter 1563

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At nine o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yunhai came to the president's office of Yunqing network company, called CEO Wen Yanhong and asked her to come over.

Wen Yanhong, 37 years old, is an excellent Chinese American professional manager Christie found on Wall Street. She has very strong ability but little ambition. She does not have the strong desire to control. She is very suitable for Yunqing network company.

A few days ago, she had been on a business trip in other places. She just came back last night. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai only saw her photo, but never saw her in person.

"Bang bang bang"

hearing the knock on the door, Xiao Yunhai said, "please come in."

Wen Yanhong, dressed in professional clothes, opens the door and comes in.

Xiao Yunhai looked up and saw that although she was a little older, she was well maintained. At first glance, she didn't look like a woman in her forties. At best, she was in her thirties.

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said with a smile, "Hello, manager Wen. Today is our first official meeting. Welcome to join us

Wen Yanhong is curious about the world's richest man who has created a commercial miracle, but seems not to care about her own company.

At first, she thought that the other party had made such a big career at a young age, which should be a talent with high vision and sharp cutting edge. However, when I saw him today, she found that he had neither the brilliance on the stage nor the imposing momentum in imagination. Instead, she felt like a big boy full of sunshine and warmth, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

"Hello, boss."

After shaking hands, Xiao Yunhai asked her to sit down and said, "manager Wen, let's not talk nonsense. There are three things. First, I met with Mr. Jeff Welch of General Motors yesterday. I confirmed the production and sales of WiFi routers verbally. The profit is distributed according to 8:2. Some details need to be discussed with them. Second, you go to inform the media. I will release WiFi to the global media in a week, that is, December 12. You are responsible for all organizations of this conference. The bigger the scene, the better. Third, Li Jiazhi, who is probably from stell networks. Don't rush to get rid of him. Maybe it will be of great use in the future. Do you understand? "

Wen Yanhong nodded and said, "OK, Mr. Xiao. I will do the first two things at once. As for Li Jiazhi, I will put him on the surface. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "manager Wen, I want you to talk about these three things. By the way, do you have any difficulties at work? Say it out and I'll fix it for you? "

Wen Yanhong thought for a moment and said, "it's mainly about the lab. In order to build the laboratory as soon as possible, we hired six construction companies to work there, so the progress was very fast, but there was a problem with the funds. Those experimental equipment are generally higher than our previous predetermined price. Minister Lan's requirements are so high. According to this method, 30 billion dollars is not enough. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "there is an old saying in China that if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. No matter how high the price of the equipment they want, we must be 100% satisfied. If 30 billion is not enough, then 40 billion will be enough. Don't make a living, let alone aggrieve them. These people are the most valuable assets of our company. Take WiFi as an example. We can make three laboratories by router alone. What's more, the annual WiFi patents in the future will bring us a steady stream of funds. "

"Mr. Wen, remember one of my words. The core of our Yunqing network company is not you or me, but their 9600 engineers. No matter what demands they put forward, we will satisfy them as long as they are not particularly excessive. Especially in scientific research, we need 100% support, understand? "

Wen Yanhong said with a smile, "I know. Mr. Xiao, if there's nothing else, I'll be busy. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "hurry up. After WiFi is popular all over the world, manager Wen may become very busy. "

Wen Yanhong said, "that's the best."

While Xiao Yunhai and wenyanhong are discussing things, Vanessa Bessie is holding a teleconference with more than a dozen powerful people in the conference room of STEL network company.

"Vanessa, you told me that something very unfavorable to our telecom industry is happening. Let me invite the managers of telecom companies to have a meeting. What is the purpose? Is it all right now? " Mandy Bessie asked, sullenly.

"Of course. Ladies and gentlemen, I have reliable information. Kung Fu Xiao has developed a device that can provide free internet access to mobile phones. "


"Free Internet, how can this work?"

"Traffic sales in our telecom company's revenue proportion is very big, once free, it will not let us lose a lot."

Winnissa Bessie's words made the TV Telecom executives not calm down. If you say anything, I say it, the meeting will be in a mess.

Mandy Bessie frowned. "Winnie, you're not lying to us, are you?"Vanessa Bessie said, "is it good for me to lie to you? I can tell you, it's called WiFi. Just need to install it on the computer, you can let the mobile phones within tens of meters around the Internet for free. You don't need to doubt its authenticity. What should you do now? I'm sorry, I have something else to do, so I won't be with you. "

Vanessa Bessie to Xiao Yunhai trouble to achieve the goal, she stepped on high heels, opened her slender legs, chic left.

Everyone was stunned, and then they were relieved.

We all know the enmity between Winnie Bessie and Xiao Yunhai. The reason why she called herself and others to attend the video conference was to provide an occasion to deal with Xiao Yunhai together.

Now that the task has been completed, it will no longer be involved. After all, this matter has little to do with her.

"Mandy, it seems that your cousin hates Mr. Xiao to the bone." Said the boss of hill Telecom.

Mandy Bessie said, "whatever her purpose, there's one thing she's right about. What we should discuss is how to deal with Kung Fu Xiao's WiFi? "

There was silence, frowning, and trying to find a way.

After a while, Mandy Bessie mused, "according to Vanessa, WiFi works by using our network signals. If we can't charge for the use of it

"Certainly not. Users pay to buy our network signals, and the signals are already theirs. They use WiFi to access the Internet, which is very reasonable. We can't find any problems with Kung Fu Xiao. "

"It's just a matter that doesn't need to be discussed. The development of technology can't be stopped by us. "

"Let's go. If you can't stop it, don't do useless work. Maybe we will have something to ask for Kung Fu Xiao in the future. "

A scene led by Vanessa Bessie came to an end, and everyone's screens went black.

"What are you talking about? You didn't discuss anything? " Vanessa Bessie was a little annoyed when she got a call from Mandy Bessie.

She just hoped that they could share the same hatred and come up with a way to let Xiao Yunhai's WiFi die. She didn't expect that the final result was no result.

Mandy Bessie said: "my dear cousin, according to the WiFi information you provided, we can't find any loopholes at all. Users buy products designed by Kung Fu Xiao and use them on the network they pay for. There is no relationship between Kungfu Xiao and us. What do you want us to do. I'm sorry, Vanessa. You've made a wrong calculation

With that, Mandy Bessie hung up.

Both of them are competitors, and the relationship between them is not much better.

"Waste, it's all rubbish." Vanessa Bessie's face was hard to see.

She is very clear that once WiFi comes out, it is bound to be popular all over the world, let alone ordinary people. Even if she is an ordinary person, she will definitely buy one because it is so convenient that she can surf the Internet without any restrictions anytime and anywhere.

The success of WiFi represents the success of Yunqing network company. With its potential, we don't know how many electrical and telecommunication companies will rely on Xiao Yunhai. Maybe their own STEL network company will ask him.

At that time, Yunqing network company will certainly replace stell network company and become the first in the world.

In the face of Xiao Yunhai's enemies, winnissa Bessie finally realized the powerlessness of David Stern.

Is it true that he and Xiao Yunhai are enemies? Vanessa said in her heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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