Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:28 AM

Chapter 1564

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At noon that day, Xiao Yunhai and Jeff Welch signed the agreement and started another cooperation after Yazhou electronic products.

In the next few days, well-known media all over the world received an invitation letter from Yunqing network company, inviting reporters to attend a press conference at a five-star hotel on Wall Street in New York on December 12, when Xiao Yunhai will announce something shocking the world.

The news soon spread all over the network, even the invitation cards were posted up.

"What kind of event should Mr. Xiao pay so much attention to. He's not the one who likes to hold a press conference. "

"I've heard that it's a product that can change the way people live. I don't know whether it's true or not."

"To tell you the truth, whether this conference can be held or not is a different matter. The summons sent by the Chinese court has been nearly a week. When time comes, if Mr. Xiao doesn't show up, people will take measures. "

In a five-star hotel in Yanjing, China, more than ten people headed by Wang Yangqiu, Li Kaifeng and Qu maoxun are drinking and eating.

Li Kai said: "it's said that Xiao Yunhai is very good. I gambled with three tycoons and won an oil field worth nearly one billion US dollars. "

Wang Yangqiu said with a smile, "so what. Once Xiao Yunhai goes in, Yunqing oil and gas company will still be eaten by those oil tycoons, and there will be no bones left. Ha ha, I don't know what this guy thinks. It's time for you to hide, isn't it over? He even sent out invitation cards to invite journalists from all over the world to attend his press conference. It's really speechless. "

Qu maoxun was puzzled and asked, "is Xiao Yunhai too calm? In addition to those sent by Xiao Chongyang, the Xiao family seems to be too quiet to collect evidence. "

Wang Yangqiu was very proud of the situation he had created. He felt that he was turning his hands for clouds and covering his hands for rain. Hearing this, he said with a smile: "Qu Shao, if you are a member of the Xiao family, do you dare to act in this situation? For them, immobility is the best action. Once it moves, the dead will be faster. "

Qu maoxun thought about it and nodded, but he still felt uncomfortable. It was like a big net waiting for his fish to fall into the net.

Li Kaifeng said: "let me tell you a piece of good news. When the Court saw that Xiao Yunhai did not seem to want to be tried, he sent people to the United States of America. Isn't he going to hold a global press conference? The people I asked to go get him at that press conference. Hehe, the sensation caused by this is absolutely global. "

On hearing this, they all thumbed up to Li Kaifeng and said, "Li Shao, you are cruel enough."

Wang Yangqiu said with a smile: "if so, Xiao Yunhai is a disgrace to throw home."

The crowd burst into laughter.

In Xiao Yunhai's villa, Zhao Wanqing is also talking to Xiao Yunhai.

"Husband, Yanjing intermediate people's court has sent someone to arrest you for trial. You should be more careful."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't worry. When they arrive in the United States of America, they have no privileges and can only be regarded as ordinary people. If I really dare to arrest me, I will ask the New York police to take them away. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "then you are completely broken with the court."

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "how about breaking up? This is a huge political event, a life and death struggle. If we win, the people they're looking for will be ruined. Wife, you can rest assured. If it had not been for the Xiao family to get more benefits, Qu maoxun and his family would have been in prison. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "I know. Husband, do you think they will arrest you when you hold a press conference? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I hope so. If I was taken away in front of hundreds of media reporters around the world, the promotion of WiFi was definitely beneficial. At that time, it will be difficult for us to think about it or not. "

Zhao Wanqing listened, directly happy, said: "husband, I am convinced you."

Xiao Yunhai also asked about the two children's situation, learned that they all had a cold, so he gave Zhao Wanqing a good command, and then hung up the phone.

In a four-star hotel in New York, a straight middle-aged man smokes and looks downstairs.

There were five young men sitting on the sofa, all of them were tall and vigorous. It seemed that all of them had been soldiers, and they had military momentum.

They are the police responsible for bringing Xiao Yunhai back.

"Have you found the location of the target?" Zhang Likun finished smoking and turned to ask.

"Already found, eat sleep is in the headquarters of cloud clear network company, just we can't enter at all." Said a young man.

Zhang Likun thought of the Li family's order and said, "we are not in a hurry. Isn't Xiao Yunhai going to hold a press conference the day after tomorrow? At that time, we will arrive at the hotel one day in advance and take him away at the press conference. He is a member of the Xiao family. I believe he should not dare to resist US. "

The young man frowned and said, "director Zhang, in front of the global media, will Xiao Yunhai be taken away. Is the impact too great?"

Zhang Likun said with a smile: "the impact will certainly be great, but it just shows the world that our Chinese law enforcers are determined to uphold the law."After thinking about it, they all nodded.

Time flies, and in a flash it's December 12.

A five-star hotel on Wall Street ushered in more than 300 well-known media in the world, and the conference room of Nuo Da was full of seats.

There was a huge red banner on the stage, which read the news conference of Yunqing network company.

The reporters chatted as they prepared for the shooting.

"What do you think Mr. Xiao is going to announce in such a big way?"

"Who knows. There are different opinions on the Internet, and there are all kinds of guesses. "

"The only thing that can be confirmed is that there will definitely be groundbreaking news at this press conference. Otherwise, how could Mr. Xiao take the risk of opening this press conference?"

"Yes. I can't wait for half an hour. "

In a lounge of the hotel, Xiao Yunhai called Xiao Chongyang.

"Uncle, are you ready? It seems that the people sent by the court intend to arrest me at the press conference. In less than two days, I will return home for trial. "

Xiao Chongyang said: "I have wronged you these days. We're all ready. You can come back. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK."

with Christie and wenyanhong to the press conference, Xiao Yunhai sat down in the middle of the rostrum.

"Thank you all for coming here to attend the press conference held by Yunqing network company. There are three main things I want to announce to you

Xiao Yunhai picked up the white router on the desk and said, "the first thing is related to this little thing. Let me introduce it to you. It's called WiFi router. As long as you follow the instructions and install it on the computer, we can use the mobile phone to access the Internet for free, without spending a cent. "

"Wow, you can surf the Internet without paying for traffic. This router is so powerful."

"The era of mobile phone intelligence. I feel like we're about to enter the era of real mobile intelligence. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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