Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:25 AM

Chapter 1566

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Xiao Yunhai snorted, the bones of his hands crackled a few times, a pair of big hands instantly changed like a baby, sliding out of the handcuffs, and then his hands returned to their original state. With a click, the handcuffs were directly pinched by him.

The reporters exclaimed.

Looking at Zhang Likun, who was arrogant to the extreme, Xiao Yunhai once again stretched out his hands and said, "do you still need it?"

Zhang Likun said in a sharp voice, "Mr. Xiao, do you want to resist arrest?"

Xiao Yunhai showed a trace of disdain and said: "if I want to resist arrest, don't mention the six of you, then count them as 60, 600, and don't try to catch me. Well, I've just finished my business in New York, so let's go back to you. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai left with the six men and winked at Christie.

Christie nodded knowingly.

Xiao Yunhai had told her everything before, so Christie didn't worry at all.

In less than half an hour, Xiao Yunhai's video at the conference has swept the world.

Hundreds of millions of netizens are very excited and have commented on the Internet.

"Free internet access, free video calls, payment functions, and playing games are just like dreams."

"This pioneering work of Mr. Xiao is absolutely epoch-making, and the intelligent world begins from then on."

"WiFi and social networking app will set off a huge wave in the world, no one can resist this temptation."

"You can travel all over the world with a mobile phone on your body. What kind of natural and unrestrained is this?"

"Just created a business miracle, won't the cloud Emperor just fall? In order to avenge the original underworld, it is too hard to accept that the most outstanding business genius in Chinese history is sent to prison. "

"Looking at the bears of those law enforcement police officers, I think the emperor Yun is likely to be very dangerous. Otherwise, they would not dare to treat him like that. "

"Who is that man? Post a human flesh search and find them. How can they handcuff him in front of the people all over the world. It's just disgusting. "

"The emperor was so overbearing that he broke his handcuffs. Worthy of being my idol. Although the emperor did not suffer a loss, but those few people absolutely can not light Rao. Find out their flights and we'll stop them. "

For the law enforcement officers to Xiao Yunhai handcuffed behavior, not only Chinese fans, fans around the world are in fierce protest.

Xiao Yunhai's fans and fans add up to at least 700 million. After learning that Yun Real Madrid is going back to China for trial, many people set off to Yanjing to cheer for their idols.

Not to mention at home. Just after the press conference, countless fans came to Yanjing either by plane or by train.

Xiao Yunhai has not come back, Yanjing Hotel is already full, traffic has been seriously congested.

Winnissa Bessie, head office of stell networks, frowned after watching the video of Xiao Yunhai's press conference.

At this moment, she has to admire Xiao Yunhai's genius and creativity. Both WiFi and social networking app will completely change the way of life in the world. What's more, those electrical telecommunication companies and game companies will have to look up to Xiao Yunhai's breath.

The annual profit of WiFi patent fee, APP platform usage fee, payment service fee, merchant's joining fee and advertising fee will be no less than 500 billion US dollars, while his investment is very small and out of proportion.

The game of STEL network company, business network all need to cooperate with Xiao Yunhai, otherwise, the only thing waiting for him is death.

Now the only uncertainty is whether Xiao Yunhai can escape this disaster. If not, Yunqing network company will become the food of many international giants. We will certainly unite to suppress it and finally share it.

Although Xiao Yunhai seldom goes to his company to preside over the company, no one will doubt that he is the sea god needle. In front of him, no one dares to make waves.

On the contrary, if you avoid it, Yunqing network company will really rise, and Vanessa Bessie will immediately change its strategy and reconcile with Xiao Yunhai, even if she still hates him in her heart.

Thinking of this, Vanessa Bessie picked up the phone and said, "arrange the plane. I'm going to Yanjing. I'll leave tonight."

It's not just Winnie Bessie, like Steve bikes, President of Time Warner, Jeff Welch of General Electric Company, Max Garcia, President of whirlwind Electronics Group, Terence Bessie of TMC energy company, etc., who are worth more than 100 billion US dollars on Wall Street, but also the heads of eight Hollywood companies, Telecom executives and oil tycoons in other regions , game manufacturers and so on are also gathered in Yanjing.

No way, Xiao Yunhai holds more than 10 trillion yuan of assets, stomping his feet can cause a big earthquake in the world economy, especially when he just held a press conference, and his influence has reached the peak.

Whether his lawsuit can win or not is directly related to these people's future direction, so they can't ignore it.According to Xiao Yunhai's intention, Kristi held an emergency video conference of various departments that night, including Zhao Guangting, President of Barker bank, Raul of Marvel comics, Daniel of magic effects company, Robert donheim of Yunqing TV station, Alan adehan of storm games company, as well as Yunqing network company and Yunqing Wen Yanhong, head of the oil and gas company, is sitting in the meeting room with Kristi.

Daniel asked anxiously, "Ms. Kristi, what is the situation with the boss? The news that he is going to jail is everywhere on the Internet. "

Daniel has been with Xiao Yunhai for the longest time. He is loyal to him because he has relied on Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai just had an accident, he ordered a ticket to Yanjing. If it wasn't for Kristi's sudden phone call, he would have arrived in Yanjing now.

"Miss Christie, did the boss say anything to you when he left?" Raul frowned and worried.

Christie nodded and said, "you don't have to worry. It's all in Mr. Shaw's expectation. As for the murder case, Mr. Xiao has long had evidence to prove that he is innocent, but this case involves the political structure of China, so Mr. Xiao deliberately came to the United States to confuse his opponents. Mr. Xiao forbids us to go to Yanjing. We must stay firmly in our jobs and manage the company well for him. "

Zhao Guangting looked at Kristi with a suspicious look and said, "Ms. Kristi, you don't mean to say that to stabilize us, do you?"

Others are skeptical.

Christie shook her head and said with a smile, "it's still Mr. Shaw who knows that you people won't believe me easily. So last night, he recorded a video and let me show you

Open the laptop that has been prepared for a long time, Xiao Yunhai appears on the screen.

"Since you can see this video, it shows that my guess is correct. You guys certainly didn't believe Ms. Christie's words and thought she was deliberately appeasing you. Now I tell you not. If what I expected is good, someone will come to Yanjing intermediate people's court to arrest me during or after tomorrow's press conference. You don't need to be nervous, let alone worry. These things have not escaped my calculation. As for the homicide case, I have evidence for a long time. It's just that the time has not come and it hasn't been published. Now what you have to do is to be optimistic about our company, and you can't slack off. "

"Especially our cloud clear network company, to this point, has already had the ability to win the world. With the popularity of WiFi, the annual profit of more than 500 billion US dollars is just a piece of cake, even if it reaches trillion, I will not be surprised. Therefore, in recent years, in addition to doing your own work well, you should turn everything around Yunqing network company, and Kristi will adjust in the middle. Yunqing TV station and manwei propaganda department should do a good job in all-round publicity for it in this month. If one billion is not enough, then two billion. In short, wherever there are earth people, there must be our advertisements. "

"Everyone, we have a wonderful future. As long as you work hard, I guarantee that in ten years' time, we will certainly become a super large consortium spanning the four major industries of Internet, entertainment, resources and banking, and you will all become 10 billion rich people ... well, I seem to have gone too far. You remember to me, no one can pass on my evidence, otherwise, all my efforts will be in vain. You don't want to go to Yanjing. The trial is just a matter that can be solved in half a day. There is no way to be lazy. Well, that's all. Everyone is busy with his own business. Let's end the meeting. "

After watching the video recorded by Xiao Yunhai, we put our hearts in our stomachs, and at the same time, our eyes were full of expectations for Xiao Yunhai's words.

The goal of becoming a super large consortium spanning the Internet, entertainment, mining and banking industries is really exciting.

What's more, they already have this condition and can reach the goal in a short time.

Christie laughed, "well, that's the end of the video conference. Mr. Xiao has made a report for the whole year, and has not asked you to do anything about the income for Christmas. The employees have been working hard for a year. Xiao Yunhai should give them a good reward to improve their enthusiasm. As for us and those middle-level cadres, Mr. Xiao decided to reward us with 2% of all the profits of the company. "

"Two percent?" The eyes of the crowd suddenly brightened.

Raul asked, "Ms. Kristi, how much would each of us get if we had two percent?"

"This year, the revenue of all our companies is estimated to be over $500 billion, and three percent is 10 billion," Kristi said with a smile

The crowd was so excited that each of them could get at least one billion dollars. On Wall Street, I haven't heard of any CEO who can get so much money.

Christie said, "well, don't get excited. When the time is ripe and the company is integrated, Mr. Xiao will give us dividends of different values according to his performance in that year. By then, everyone will be ten billion. He he, following Mr. Xiao is undoubtedly our greatest fortune. We can only repay his hard work. That's all for our meeting. "At the end of the meeting, everyone was relieved, and they all felt extremely excited, as if they had found their own goals in life. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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