Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:22 AM

Chapter 1568

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When Xiao Yunhai got off the plane, he was surrounded by more than ten policemen at the airport. The leader said, "Mr. Xiao, there are more than 20000 fans outside now, and hundreds of media reporters are waiting for you. You'd better make some ideological preparations."

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "can I go through other channels?"

The chief policeman shook his head and said, "No. Look at this situation. If you don't show up, they are likely to riot. These people's mood is a little unstable, once agitated, the consequences will be unimaginable. Therefore, we hope you can persuade them all back. "

Xiao Yunhai did not refuse, said: "no problem."

The chief police thought Xiao Yunhai would make some demands. After all, they arrested him from New York. They must be uncomfortable. But they didn't expect the other party to agree so easily. They were very happy and said, "thank you. Lao Zhang, the six of you will go through other channels. "

Zhang Likun asked: "Lao Li, why is this?"

Li Rong said with a bitter smile: "you are all given human flesh by netizens. Once you go out with Mr. Xiao, I'm afraid that you will be recognized by them and there will be some disturbance. And the Dean told you to go home and have a rest in the near future

Zhang Likun and others immediately understand their own troubles, so don't mention the remorse in their hearts.

Zhang Likun thought for a moment and said, "Lao Li, due to the identity of Mr. Xiao, I hope that the hospital can let Mr. Xiao go home, and I believe he will never run away."

Li Rongfa took a deep look at him and knew that the other party was courting Xiao Yunhai. He sighed in his heart that if he had known this day before, he said in his mouth, "OK. You can call the hospital now. I believe there should be no problem. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "thank you very much."

Li Rongfa waved his hand and said, "where. If Mr. Xiao doesn't want to come back, Lao Zhang and his colleagues have no way. Now that you are back, it means that you will not go again. "

Zhang Likun in order to "bear the crime and meritorious service", quickly took out his mobile phone and called the president.

"Mr. Xiao, the Dean has agreed. You can go home now." Five minutes later, Zhang Likun hung up and said to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai nodded with satisfaction, patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't worry. When I win the case, I'll tell them that you're just doing business. Not only should we not be criticized, but we should also be praised. "

Zhang Likun said thanks, but in his heart it was a secret way. If you lose the lawsuit, you don't care about us.

Under the protection of more than ten policemen, such as Li Rongfa, Xiao Yunhai walked out of the airport. At a glance, the whole airport was full of people. No wonder the police were nervous.

Seeing the appearance of Xiao Yunhai, the cameras and cameras in the hands of the reporters roared at the same time. The flash lamp never stopped, and the eyes of the people who took the photos couldn't open.

Fans are even more excited to shout, more than 20000 people's voice gathered together, like thunder rolling, deafening.

Xiao Yunhai received a microphone that had been prepared too early from a policeman and said, "thank you for coming to the airport to meet me, and for your concern and support for me. Please rest assured that I will win this lawsuit. Another good news to tell you is that my new film "Tang Bohu's order of autumn fragrance" has been completed and will be screened on the 10th day of the lunar month. This movie is a comedy that can make you laugh from the beginning to the end. I will discuss with the cinema to reduce the ticket price to less than 20 yuan, so that everyone can have a happy Spring Festival. "

"Good." All the fans applauded.

Xiao Yunhai pressed his hands down and continued: "I will go home next, hire a lawyer and wait for the court to open. Everyone gathered here has caused congestion at the airport and inconvenienced many travelers. So I hope you can go back now and wait for my good news. "

Just then there was a commotion in the crowd.

"Look, it's sunny.

"After clearing up, I must come to pick up the emperor and go home."

More than a dozen bodyguards escorted Zhao Wanqing to Xiao Yunhai, and fans around him automatically made way for them.

In front of Xiao Yunhai, Zhao Wanqing, with a smile on her face, hugged him together.

"Kiss one."

"Kiss one."

Fans yell, reporters will not let go of this picture, flash flash flash.

Xiao Yunhai patted Zhao Wanqing's back. After parting, he put his arm around her waist, and said with a smile, "you want to be beautiful."

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Wanqing suddenly raised her toes in front of everyone and gave Xiao Yunhai a kiss like a dragonfly.

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and the fans yelled.

Xiao Yunhai touches the place where Zhao Wanqing secretly kisses him, shakes his head and laughs bitterly: "wife, how can you learn so bad?"

Zhao Wanqing smiles but doesn't speak.

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, everyone, I really want to go home. You all go back, too. Goodbye

With that, he left the airport with Zhao Wanqing under the protection of the police and bodyguards.For the reporters' questions, Xiao Yunhai was deaf and didn't answer one.

"Baby, do you think of dad?"

When he got home, Xiao Yunhai saw two children playing in the living room. His eyes suddenly showed a strong love. He said, and walked to the children and kissed them hard.

Tengyang and Jin Yu may be tied by Xiao Yunhai's beard, and they cried together.

Zhao Wanqing gave Xiao Yunhai a hard look and said with a smile: "you haven't shaved for a few days? Really, don't you know our little face is tender? "

Xiao Yunhai scratched the back of his head and stood there giggling.

Zhaowanqing will coax the child to laugh, and Xiao Yunhai, to xiaochangfeng where to eat.

Seeing only chenxiuzhu and Yan floating in the living room, Xiao Yunhai asked in surprise: "where is the grandpa, Grandpa, my father?"

Chen Xiuzhu smiled: "go to Xiangjiang, say there will be an auction, there will be a real Yan Zhenqing's real life. Two people said nothing, and they ran on the plane. "

"The private plane we ordered came so soon?" Xiao asked

"What about 200 million dollars?" Chen said? Can you not be quick? Like you, the pilot was your father's from your second uncle. "

Yan Feiyun smiled: "they two three days of Kung Fu, fly three places, everywhere to buy calligraphy and painting antiques. It will take less than two years to open a museum. "

Xiaoyun Haidao: "as long as they are happy. Mom, how's dad's body? "

"He practiced one hour a day, and he was radiant all day, and he was much better than he was president of Hanhai," Yan said

Xiao Yunhai nodded and smiled, "that's fine."

After lunch, Xiao received a lot of friends' calls. All of them were asking him about the murder.

Xiao Yunhai replied one by one, tired not light.

In a five-star hotel, more than 20 people, such as Wang Yangqiu and qumaoxun, gathered together, drinking and talking about things.

"Ha ha, Xiao Yunhai has finally come back." Li Kai is a wind.

Wang Yangqiu smiled and said, "Li Shao, you are a bad Xia Mawei. In front of the global journalists, Xiao Yunhai was brought back, and it was very happy to slap his face

Li Kaifeng said proudly: "it's just a small thing. Xiao Yunhai is stupid enough. He had no courage to openly rebel against law enforcement officers, but he had to make such a conference. Isn't it a face that will come to us and fight? "

The crowd laughed.

Only qumaoxun did not laugh, but frowned.

Wang Yangqiu saw his expression, and he was a little stunned and asked, "little music, what happened to you? What makes you unhappy? "

"I just feel a little wrong," he shook his head. Don't you think Xiao Yunhai and Xiao's family seem to be too quiet? I heard that Xiao Yunhai's father and father-in-law went to Xiangjiang to attend an auction. At this time, they still had such leisure and leisure. Don't you wonder? Xiao Yunhai, who spoke at the conference, was confident and seemed to be fearless. I'm a little worried. Are we neglecting? "

Wang Yangqiu laughed: "song is less, you are too afraid of xiaoyunhai. The situation is that Xiao Yunhai has nothing to do with him unless he finds evidence that the death of Yan is irrelevant. Now the bodies of the king of Yan are cremated. Where do you ask Xiao Yunhai to find evidence? "

Qumaoxun said: "this is what I say, but I still have some uneasiness in my heart. Kaifeng, when will the court open? Finally, it's faster, so that there's no night long. "

Li Kai said: "I will ask the old man in my family to urge him. It is said that this time, the impact is very big, dozens of super rich with a price of no less than 100 billion dollars gathered in Yanjing, and filed an application to the court to ask for a visit. It must be admitted that Xiao Yunhai is really too strong. The results of his case will directly affect the global economy and numerous large companies directly or indirectly related to him. And his fans, today Yanjing city rushed into tens of thousands of people, all of them are fast to give the hotel full, all for Xiao Yunhai. One can reach this level, and it is not a waste to go around the world. "

Wang Yangqiu hum, sneer: "what is the use? Once in prison, his property will be divided by these decent rich people, even bone dregs will not be left. His fans will not be long and will disappear. OK, let's stop talking, drink. After the court, we'll go to court and send him the last ride. "


Xiao Yunhai's return attracted the eyes of the whole world. The headlines of the major news headlines, with no exception, are all news from xiaoyunhai.

Soon, Yanjing intermediate people's court set the date of trial, December 16 at 9:00 am, that is, the day after tomorrow.

Several court law enforcement officers with guns, directly in front of xiaoyunhai villa door, Zhao Wanqing and other people can enter and exit at will, only xiaoyunhai can stay at home. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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