Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:20 AM

Chapter 1569

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"Changfeng, are you really not coming back to attend the trial of Yunhai?" Chen Xiuzhu called and asked.

Xiao Changfeng said: "what can I do for you. Cloud sea has those videos and recordings, the truth of the matter is obvious, and the evidence is conclusive, they can not deny it at all. I estimate it will be over in less than two hours. What's the use of us going back. "

Chen Xiuzhu snorted and said: "you play your bar, it's better not to come back."

Seeing that Chen Xiuzhu hung up the phone in a huff, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mom, we are sure to win. What do you want dad to do back home. And Wanqing can go that day. You and my mother-in-law will take care of the children at home. When I come back at noon, I want to eat braised beef

Chen Xiuzhu said, "no, I'm not sure. I have to sit in."

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "but there is no seat for you. The court is so big that it can hold at most a hundred people. There are more than 60 rich people who have come all the way to China. You can't even find a place to sit. What's more, it's just a passing scene. What's wrong with you. My lawyers have said that the trial is likely to be less than an hour. They played the video of me beating Yama, and then I played the video of the other side killing and the recording of their talking, and then it was over. "

Chen Xiuzhu sighed and said, "OK, as you please. I'm just angry that your father doesn't care about you at all. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if I don't have evidence, you see my father doesn't care."

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

At seven o'clock in the morning, tens of thousands of fans came to Yanjing intermediate people's court with various banners and slogans.

They also do not make trouble, a quiet stand there, the road is directly blocked by the slightest gap are not left.

There was no way for the cars to and fro, so they had to back down. After a while, they caused traffic jams.

The traffic police have been prepared for this long time, but they didn't expect Xiao Yunhai's fans to go so early, so they had to go ahead and evacuate the vehicles.

But the traffic in Yanjing is very serious, where you want to evacuate, the arrival of traffic police has no effect.

Xiao Yunhai's fans gathered more and more, and even foreign fans came all the way to wait with Chinese fans. By eight o'clock, the number of people had reached 80000, almost to catch up with the concert.

Yanjing police station urgently assigned 2000 police to maintain order, but faced with 80000 people, it was just a drop in the bucket. You can't see any people in it. They had no choice but to ask Yanjing military region for help.

"Commander Wang, I'm Zhang Mingguang, director of the police department. There's something you need the help of your army

"What's the matter? Director Zhang, just say it. "

"Xiao Yunhai's murder case will soon open. There are 80000 people gathered at the gate of Yanjing intermediate people's court, many of whom are foreigners from Europe, America, Japan and South Korea. Although their mood is still stable, I am afraid that if Xiao Yunhai is found guilty, their emotions will explode. If they can not be suppressed at that time, there may be major problems affecting stability and even international events. Therefore, I need you to send 3000 troops to help us to maintain law and order. "

Commander Wang said, "I need the order of the first commander to send troops."

Zhang Mingguang said: "I have reported to the chief executive and he fully agrees. There are dozens of tycoons worth no less than 100 billion US dollars who went to attend the audit today. He ordered us not to have any problems. We in Huaxia can't afford to lose such a big face. "

Commander Wang said, "OK, after I confirm, I will send troops to help. He he, Xiao's grandson is really good. "

At 8:30, 3000 soldiers came to the scene to help the police maintain order.

Twenty minutes before the opening of the court, the audience, escorted by the police, entered the court through the safe passage on the west side of the court.

They are all the world's top tycoons. If something happens in China, China's international reputation will be affected.

Wang Yangqiu and several young men have arrived.

Even Wang Yangqiu was a little nervous when he saw those tycoons who were worth more than one trillion dollars and moved their feet, and the economy of the whole world was going to shake three earthquakes.

If a bomb is thrown over now, it would be equivalent to destroying half of the world.

On the other side, Vanessa Bessie looked at her brother and chuckled, "Terence, I didn't expect you to come. What about? It's not very good to lose to Mr. Xiao. "

Terence Bessie knew that she had been severely punished by the family, and that Vanessa Bessie was the first to win, so she didn't give her a good face and said, "Vanessa, you don't have to laugh at me here. The WiFi created by Yunqing network company has an unprecedented impact on your stell network company. The company you bought with nearly two trillion dollars is going to die soon. We are all losers. No one has to look down on anyone. "

Vanessa Bessie frowned slightly and was about to speak when a man's voice whispered in her ear.

"Hello, Miss Bessie. I'm wang Yangqiu. Do you remember me?" Wang Yangqiu saw a picture of Vanessa Bessie, so he went over and said hello.Winnie Bessie knew that Wang Yangqiu's family was not simple. She didn't take it up and said with a smile, "Mr. Wang, we talked on the phone before. Today we've met."

Wang Yangqiu looked at Winnie Bessie's beautiful face and said with a smile, "well, I want to thank you for your help. Otherwise, my social networking site will be killed by Xiao Yunhai's Yunqing social networking site. "

Vanessa Bessie didn't like Wang Yangqiu's gaze. She was so eager to swallow her eyes. The powerful woman's fierce momentum stopped as soon as she sent out. Her voice turned pale and said, "Mr. Wang, you are welcome. However, the situation of your social networking site is not very good. Once Mr. Xiao's WiFi and social app are popular in the world, I'm afraid the whole world will be his world. "

Wang Yangqiu showed a confident look and said, "he doesn't have this chance."

Terence Bessie, who was nearby, heard Wang Yangqiu's confident words and couldn't help turning to ask, "Mr. Wang, are you so sure that he will lose the lawsuit?"

"Who are you?"

Wang Yangqiu did not know Terence Bessie.

"I'm Terence Bessie, President of TMC energy, winnissa's brother."

Wang Yangqiu suddenly realized, shook hands with him and said, "it's Mr. Bessie. It's really disrespectful. Xiao Yunhai's crime of murder is a certainty. The difference is between intentional homicide and negligent homicide. Even for negligent homicide, the minimum penalty is 10 years' imprisonment. "

Terence Bessie, with a smile on her face, said, "that's very unfortunate. It's a pity for a business genius. "

Max Garcia, President of whirlwind technologies, who has been quietly listening to them, interjected: "Mr. Bessie, too good people often don't come to a good end. There is a saying in China that the trees show in the forest, and the wind will destroy them. I'm afraid Mr. Xiao is doomed this time. "

Among the people present, the person who hates Xiao Yunhai most is undoubtedly Max Garcia, the president of whirlwind.

Before, Xiao Yunhai stepped in and robbed Yazhou electronic technology company from his hand. Later, in the world cup, Xiao Yunhai won him more than 100 billion dollars. Now he has finally developed a new mobile phone operating system similar to the universal system. The factory and production line have been built and are preparing to do a big job. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yunhai's press conference will be cool The water cooled him from head to foot.

Only universal system can match with WiFi, and only this one will completely kill the whirlwind mobile phone.

Max Garcia knows that with WiFi, the mobile phone will become the most important partner in people's life. But if you want to join in, you have to use universal system. This is a dead end.

Therefore, Max Garcia's expectation is that Xiao Yunhai will go to prison. Only in this way can he get the right to use WiFi and even patent it.

If Xiao Yunhai gets through safely, he can only make peace with Xiao Yunhai just like Winnie Bessie. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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