Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:14 AM

Chapter 1573

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Xiao Yunhai's trial results quickly spread out, and reporters with great powers have already got the truth and spread all over the Internet.

"Ha ha, Emperor Yun is OK. That's great."

"It scared me to death. If emperor Yun really goes to jail for beating down the underworld, I must be crazy. "

"Nearly 100000 people came to the front of the court to support the emperor, causing serious traffic congestion in Yanjing. In this world, the cloud emperor has this influence. "

"It's not just fans, but the people who go to the audience are all the world's most famous tycoons with assets of more than 100 billion US dollars. My God, if a bomb goes in, the world economy will collapse. "

"The man named Wang Yangqiu is so hateful that he even killed people and framed him, just like what was shown on TV. Fortunately, the emperor has a lot of heart, otherwise he will be unable to argue. "

"Yes. This time, the emperor knew that the other side would do everything possible to fight against him, so he took measures in advance. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous. "

"The emperor of cloud beat the Dragon so badly, it was just trauma. The man in black called Luohan slapped three palms, but the other side's internal organs cracked. It has to be said that Chinese Kung Fu is really amazing. "

"Ha ha, Emperor Yun is OK. Then I can see" Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance "before the new year and" Zhu Xian "after the new year. It's exciting to think about it."

"What I am most excited about is that I can use my mobile phone to surf the Internet free of charge, and be able to make video calls with relatives far away from home at the end of the year, when my grandparents will be happy to die."


Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing returned home and had a beautiful dinner with Chen Xiuzhu and Dong Piaoyun to celebrate.

Then, Xiao Yunhai began to answer the phone endlessly. All of them were from his friends and subordinates. In one afternoon, he received 60 or 70 calls.

Among them, the entertainment industry has the largest number of artists, such as Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun and others have applied to the court to attend, but who ever thought they were turned away by the court.

Originally, they were still somewhat indignant. When they learned that most of the onlookers were world-class tycoons worth hundreds of billions, they were relieved this time.

Although they are film masters, they can not be compared with these people in any case.

The last call was from Christie.

"Mr. Xiao, is your case all right?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "yes, I was acquitted. Yes? Has the news reached the United States? "

Christie nodded and said, "yes. Mr. Xiao, I need to report two things to you. The first one is about the high-speed railway from Yanjing to Shanghai. According to our survey of passenger flow, if the railway can be built, the most conservative calculation in one day will be about 360 million yuan, and we will account for 30%, that is, 100 million Chinese dollars. What about the 60 year old business rights that the provincial and municipal governments have promised us? "

Xiao Yunhai has invested 300 billion US dollars in this high-speed railway. At $30 million a day, it takes 30 years to recover costs, and the next 30 years are all profits. This deal, seriously calculated, Xiao Yunhai undoubtedly made a very big bargain. Although the time is long, the victory lies in stability.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai said: "I agree. Let me know when to sign a contract. What's the second thing? "

"It's great news," Christie said with a smile. More than ten days ago, we discovered an oil field in Venezuela. In order to determine its reserves as soon as possible, we invited thousands of experts to go there. After careful research, they have come up with a most conservative estimate. "

"How much?" asked Xiao Yunhai

"40 billion barrels of oil and 6 trillion cubic meters of natural gas, ranking fourth in the world. In this way, the oil reserves of Yunqing oil and gas company have exceeded 100 billion barrels, and the natural gas reserves have exceeded 100 billion cubic meters, ranking 12th

Hearing the news, Xiao Yunhai laughed and said: "great, really good. Gavin told Gavin to build a super large oil refinery near the oil field as soon as possible, with an annual oil refining capacity of no less than 150 million tons. In addition, the annual development of natural gas should not be less than 20 billion cubic meters. So it doesn't matter how much money we spend. "

Christie asked, "who do we sell to?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "of course, it's Huaxia. Africa is not very safe. We sell the refined oil to Huaxia and ask them to send troops to protect us. At the same time, they are responsible for the transportation. We don't care about anything. As long as we exploit refined oil, it saves us a lot of things. "

Christie nodded and said, "that's a good idea. The key is the price."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I will have a good talk with the government. As long as they promise to buy according to the international price of finished products, I will promise them. By the way, spread the news as soon as possible. I'm sure the Chinese government will come to me and you will also bring people here. I am in charge of the general direction, and you need to deal with some details. "

Christie said, "OK. I will be there in twenty-four hours. "As soon as Xiao Yunhai's case was over, the discovery of a super large oil field in Venezuela by Yunqing oil and gas company spread all over the world.

For ordinary people, it's nothing. But for oil tycoons and even countries, it's a big deal.

"How could it be? Is Kung Fu Xiao blessed by God? " Terence Bessie just got off the plane and couldn't believe his ears when he heard the news.

When Venezuela discovered oil, Terence Bessie had already learned from Xiao Yunhai at the auction.

At that time, he also satirized that the small oil field was useless, but after more than ten days, Xiao Yunhai gave him a slap in the face.

At least 40 billion barrels of oil reserves and 6 trillion cubic meters of natural gas reserves, TMC energy company is only one such super large oilfield.

However, Yunqing oil and gas company has owned two in just a few days. If it goes on like this, TMC energy will give up its first place.

Terence Bessie said to himself, "is there any secret to Kung Fu Xiao? I can't believe it. "

But on second thought, it's impossible. If he had the ability, he would have been an oil tycoon, and he didn't have to wait until today.

China government, office of the second Chief Executive.

Xiao Chongyang had a meeting with several leaders in Ziguangge to discuss the transfer of officials.

With the help of Xiao Yunhai's investment at no cost, Xiao Yuanyang's economic development in Shaanxi and Gansu Province has made great progress. Compared with last year, it has increased by 63%. The financial revenue has leapt from the top ten to the 15th. In addition, Xiao Yunhai's affairs have finally made him a step forward and become the governor of Shaanxi Province. My nephew has also successfully stepped into the ranks of generals. As long as he works step by step, it is not impossible to become a lieutenant general or even a general.

His son and nephew were all promoted, and several young officials of the Xiao clan were promoted, which can be said to be a complete victory.

Although many positions, the Xiao family all let go, but the benefits are enough. If it is too greedy, some people will be angry.

The reason why the Xiao family was able to become the first family was that they were not greedy and knew how to share the benefits, in addition to the strict management of the family and wholeheartedly working for foreign countries. Instead, as other families did, they tried their best to take advantage of their own people.

This is also the principle that the Xiao family has been able to traverse the political arena of China for decades. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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