Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:06 AM

Chapter 1578

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"Luohan is your friend after all, and it is not hopeless. It is a good deal with it," Xiao said after receiving a call from Gao Xiangfeng

Gao Xiang wind: "Mr. Xiao, my brothers asked me to thank you for being able to open up to Luohan

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "OK, don't say any more of these polite words. If nothing is wrong, I hang up. "

Gao Xiangfeng hurriedly said: "Mr. Xiao, Luohan said Wang wanted to use the money of selling the company and hire killers to deal with you and your family. It's not a good idea. "

Xiao heard a news today that Youshi and Longquan social networking sites were going to be auctioned. But he didn't expect the money to be sold to deal with himself. He hum coldly: "this bastard knows what I'm in trouble with. Who is his agent? Find him, talk about it. "

Gao Xiang wind: "OK, I will do it as soon as possible."

The next day, an amazing news came, saying that Wang Yangqiu's left arm, Liu Ming, did not auction youtv and Longquan social networking sites, but secretly sold them to stire network company, with $100 billion and his wife and children disappeared.

Wang sent countless people to find them. Unfortunately, there was no news, just like the evaporation of the world.

To say that Wang Yangqiu is stupid enough, he has a problem, instead of handing the company to his family, he has given it to an outsider, and thinks he can control him. And I don't think about it. He is just a prisoner who has been sentenced to life without any time. Who will sell his life.

Xiao Yunhai knew that, very speechless.

The road of the open building plank secretly crosses Chencang, this Liu Mingyi really slipped very.

However, in this way, Wang Yangqiu can not ask the killer to find his own trouble.

After half a month at home, Xiao flew to New York by private plane.

After finishing the film "Zhuxian", Zhao Wanqing has been taking care of the children at home. She is still thinking, and she comes with Xiao Yunhai.

Christie came to pick up and took them to a five-star hotel presidential suite.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening. He took a bath and Xiao Yunhai fought with Zhao Wanqing.

After the cloud rain, Xiao Yunhai hugged Zhao Wanqing's delicate body and said, "wife, I want to buy a villa in New York. Yunqing network company stands here, and will come over frequently in the future. It is hard to stay in the hotel. It is really hard to feel sorry. I think I'll buy another manor. The price of that estate in Los Angeles has almost doubled. It's a really good investment project. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, this is the matter for you. Wife, I can't sleep a little. "

"Zhao Wanqing said:" in the plane to rest so long, can sleep is strange? "

Xiao Yunhai showed a narrow face, smiling: "anyway, nothing is idle, then we will have another time."

Then he turned over and rode up.

"Ah, husband, you're a little bit lighter. Well... "Br >

no sleep overnight.

At 9 a.m. the next day, Xiao came to Yunqing network company, while Zhao Wanqing and a girl in Christie's team who knew New York went to see the villa.

In the president's office, Christie and wenyanhong sat there and briefed xiaoyunhai on the situation for the past half a month.

"How many companies have come to ask for cooperation with us?" Xiao asked

"It has reached hundreds," Wen said. It includes more than ten network companies, six mobile phone developers, eight small and medium-sized game companies, 26 telecom companies, and the rest are some chain supermarkets, hotels and so on. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "it is not enough. So, you can release a message that by the time WiFi officially goes online, our patent fees and app platform usage fees are all 30% off, so as to stimulate those businessmen. "

"OK, I'll send someone to post this message right away," wenyanhong said. Mr. Xiao, what is the patent fee and platform fee

Xiao thought about it and said, "the patent right is not less than 100 million dollars a year, and the platform cost is set to be 10%. What we have to do now is to open up the market as soon as possible, to make money for us by pulling all the businesses around the world to our chariots. "

"10 percent is really right, enough to make the pot full," Christie laughs

Xiaoyun Haidao: "so we can't be greedy. Win win cooperation is the real and lasting way. By the way, I heard that the president of America came to Wall Street the other day? What is the reason? "

"Two months later, it's the presidential election," Wen said. President Adams is here to seek support from Wall Street. He also held a banquet, invited dozens of wealthy tycoons, but it was said that the results were very small. "

"Why?" Xiao asked

"It's a bit of a dislike that wall street didn't get benefits from his policies in his presidency," Wen said. But President Adams is already a safe bet, depending on the situation. "Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "until the last moment, no one will know what the final result will be. Did he look for you? "

Wen Yanhong said, "No. But they sent me an invitation, but I didn't go. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "very good. We Yunqing network company and all other companies will not participate in the presidential election of the United States, which is the iron law. You can exercise your voting rights as individuals, but you must not express any opinions in the name of the company. Politics is not the game that we businessmen should play. "

Wenyanhong and Christie nodded at the same time.

In the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai simply ate something, visited Yunqing network company, and then went to the laboratory under construction. He saw that there were people and large machines everywhere on the construction site, which were divided into different areas and started construction at the same time. The progress was very fast.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the planning map and said with a smile, "this is your renderings. Why do I feel a little awkward? "

LAN Jiancheng said: "it should be said that it is very awkward. However, the laboratory we want has nothing to do with the appearance. It is mainly practical. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's right. I heard that the price of this laboratory is much higher than our previous budget? "

LAN Jiancheng looked at Morris and Samson with a bitter smile: "Mr. Xiao, I'm really sorry. We didn't expect that experimental equipment and equipment would become so expensive. When we made the budget before, we were based on the price of two years ago, but who knows how much it is now. You can rest assured that we will try our best to reduce the budget. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "no, just follow the plan. I just said it casually. I didn't mean to start a teacher to investigate a crime. You are the core of the whole Yunqing network company. You can do whatever you think is appropriate. Wen will try its best to meet your requirements. As for money, our company is not short of money. If 30 billion is not enough, it will be 40 billion or 50 billion. My idea is either not to do it, to do it must be perfect. "

LAN Jiancheng said excitedly, "thank you for your great support. We don't know business, we don't speak. Sometimes we can be very straight. I hope Mr. Xiao can be more tolerant. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "technicians should be like this. Eloquent, boastful, that is the matter of customer service personnel. If our WiFi and social networking app are successful, I promise to raise the research cost to 100 billion US dollars next year. "

LAN Jiancheng clapped his hands and said happily, "it's really great. Thank you, Mr. Xiao. We will certainly live up to your trust in us." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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