Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:55 AM

Chapter 158

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Although Xiao Yunhai has numerous fans in music and martial arts novels, he has no fame in film and TV series. He has made several films and TV series, but none of them has been shown yet.

Therefore, people's interest in "Xiao Ao Jiang Hu" is far greater than that in "Legend of Zhen Huan", which makes Xiao Yunhai feel speechless.

Compared with these martial arts fans, those who pay more attention to "Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu" belong to those publishing houses.

The crazy sales of "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" and "Xiao Li Feidao" have made all publishing houses in China red. So far, the sales volume of the two books has reached 40 million, with profits of hundreds of millions, which makes Minsheng publishing house make a lot of money.

Now, seeing that Xiao Yunhai's "Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu" has been completed, the major publishing houses naturally can't bear to call Xiao Yunhai through various kinds of relations, hoping that he can hand over the "Xiaoao Ao Lake" to them for publication, and even some small publishing houses have opened at 8:2.

When Xiao Yunhai finished sending the message, she discussed with Su Yingxue, told her her own bottom line, and then gave Su Yingxue all the issues related to the publication of Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu.

Therefore, on the phone, Xiao Yunhai told these publishing houses that if you want the publishing rights of this novel, you can go to Su Yingxue.

Xiao Yunhai was only surprised that Minsheng publishing house didn't call, which made him wonder: "what happened to Zhang Liye?"

Xiao Yunhai's conjecture is not wrong. There is indeed something wrong with Minsheng publishing house.

In Xiao Yunhai's home page, Zhang Liye soon learned about Xiao Yunhai's release of "Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu". Without saying a word, he went to find the president.

Yan Qingfeng, the former president, because he was old and not in good health, reported to his superiors that he was sick. Ma Wenfa, the former vice president, replaced him.

Originally, Zhang Liye thought that with the huge sales of Xiao Yunhai's two martial arts novels, Ma Wenfa certainly agreed with both hands. However, he did not reply on the spot, but called some high-level officials to come to a meeting for discussion.

At the meeting, Zhang Liye stood up first and said, "Dear leaders and colleagues, Xiao Yunhai, also known as tianwaike, has published a message on his personal homepage today, saying that his new work" Xiaoao Ao Wujiang "has been completed. As we all know, his first two novels have brought great benefits to our publishing house, which makes other publishing houses envious. It is said that many of them have already contacted Xiao Yunhai. Since we have cooperated twice, the relationship between us is also very good, so as long as we are sincere, we have the greatest hope of getting the copyright of "Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu"

Li Wenjun, the new vice president, asked, "Mr. Zhang, I don't know what kind of conditions can be regarded as sincerity."

Li Wenjun is a middle-aged man in his forties. He has a round face and baldness. When he smiles, his eyes narrow into a slit, giving people a feeling of softness.

He and Ma Wenfa have always been very good friends, so the first thing Ma Wenfa took office was to promote Li Wenjun.

Zhang Liye frowned and replied, "I estimate that the profit ratio is at least 6:4, and Xiao Yunhai is in the majority. Only then can we get the copyright."

Zhang Liye has always been fed up with Li Wenjun's virtue, so he usually has a bad relationship with Li Wenjun.

Li Wenjun laughed and said, "Mr. Zhang, is this joke a little too big. I've been working in a publishing house for nearly 20 years, and I'm an old man here. I've never heard of any author who can get 60 percent. It's just fantastic. "

"What if he could sell more than 20 million copies? Will vice president Li still feel that he is not worth the price? " Zhang Liye argued.

"I have also read Xiao Yunhai's novels seriously. It has to be said that he creatively combined martial arts and detective to create a strange and unpredictable River and lake, with fantastic ideas. If he still writes this kind of novel this time, I have no objection. But this time, I heard that he had changed his style and said that he could open up a new form. Ha ha, Mr. Hu, to tell you the truth, I don't believe it. "

Sun Qingxing, director of the publicity department, nodded and said, "I agree with Vice President Li. However, Xiao Yunhai has tens of millions of fans. Even if he encounters Waterloo this time, it is still possible to sell millions of copies. So I think Mr. Zhang should talk about it. It's just that we need to study it together. "

Fan Xiaoyu, the finance minister, said: "starting from our finance department, I will not agree with Mr. Zhang's opinion. You should know that even if Xiao Yunhai succeeds this time, the profit of 60% is too high. What do you think of other excellent writers. We should know that among the writers we have signed up for now, the highest Teacher Wang Ping has only got 32%. Once Xiao Yunhai gets 60% profit, other writers will ask for a price increase. This is shaking the foundation of our publishing house. "

The heads of all departments expressed their opinions in turn, and all agreed with Li Wenjun. Some radical colleagues even attacked Zhang Liye, saying that he attached too much importance to Xiao Yunhai and neglected other excellent writers.This makes Zhang Liye suddenly feel a kind of unprecedented loneliness, as if overnight, he was familiar with the publishing house completely changed, become so strange.

Just when he wanted to stand up and argue with everyone, his old friend Wang Wenxuan pulled his clothes and whispered, "Lao Hu, don't make unnecessary struggles. It's no use. The press has changed. "

Looking at Zhang Liye, whose face was a little pale, Li Wenjun was very proud in his heart: "let you, the old guy, usually fake and lofty, dare to ignore me, and see how I deal with you."

Seeing that everyone had finished, Ma Wenfa took a leisurely sip of tea and calmly said, "Lao Zhang, I'm afraid we can't agree to your suggestion. It's said that it's 60 percent, even 40 percent profit. Otherwise, other writers will rebel. "

"I have just received a call from Mr. Zhang Ping and Mr. Zhang. His book" prosperous times and Great Qing "has been completed and is ready to be handed over to us for publication. With the influence of Mr. Zhang in the field of literature, I think we should focus on this. As for Mr. Xiao Yunhai's "Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu", Mr. Zhang can continue to follow up, but at most 30% is our bottom line. Otherwise, we can't explain to Mr. Zhang. "

When Zhang Liye heard Ma Wenfa's final decision, he knew that he couldn't win it. He felt a burst of exhaustion all over his body, and said in a somewhat displeased way: "President Ma, forget it. Mr. Xiao Yunhai will never agree with 30% profit. Well, I'm old, and I'm not in good health. So I want to apply for retirement and ask President Ma to agree. "

As soon as Ma Wenfa's eyes brightened, he said, "why is Mr. Zhang in such a hurry to retire? Our publishing house still needs the advice of veteran generals like you. "

How could Zhang Liye not recognize the hypocrisy in Ma's French language? He was even more disheartened. He waved his hand and said, "President Ma, don't try to persuade him. It's settled. I will entrust you with the retirement application tomorrow morning. After working all my life, it's time to enjoy the happiness. Dear colleagues, I hope you can make Minsheng publishing house better and better. Goodbye

When Zhang Liye returned to his office and saw the place where he had worked for so many years, he felt a little reluctant and sad.

But there is no way. Although he has a straight temper, he is not blind. Nowadays, Minsheng publishing house can't accommodate him.

Just as he was packing up his things, his old friend Wang Wenxuan suddenly came to his office with a paper box and said with a smile, "Lao Zhang, wait for me. Let's go together."

Zhang Liye was surprised and asked, "Lao Wang, how do you want to leave?"

Wang Wenxuan said with a smile, "why can't you see it. The so-called "one emperor and one courtier" have become their thorn in the flesh. Instead of being angry and miserable by them in the future, we should go straight away. "

Zhang Liye nodded and said, "yes, we are in the way of others. It's a pity that Minsheng publishing house doesn't know what it's made of by these people. "

Wang Wenxuan said, "don't worry about it. I've got a new place. Would you like to follow me

"New place? Where? "

"Even this summer, the newly established sunshine publishing house, whose president is Hua Mingquan, is a very courageous person with strong assets. After half a year's hard work, his stall has been spread all over the country, but there is a lack of experienced editors and influential works. Lao Zhang, I have just mentioned you to Mr. Hua Hua. He would like you to pass. He is still the director of the martial arts editing office. How about that? "

Zhang Liye, with a smile, pointed to Wang Wenxuan and said, "I didn't expect you to be a pimp. However, I'm not a fool. I'm afraid that what Mr. Hua really likes is not me, but tianwaike's works. He saw that I had a good relationship with Mr. Xiao, so he wanted to obtain the copyright of Xiaoao's Lake and lake through me, didn't he? "

On hearing this, Wang Wenxuan shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "he was really stupid when he said you were stupid. That's right. Mr. Hua really wants the copyright of Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu. He can pay any price for it, even if he loses money. His purpose is very simple, is to make the name of sunshine publishing house

"Hehe, I know it is. Lao Wang, you are eight years younger than me. You can fight there for at least ten years. But I am nearly sixty years old. I really don't want to work. Well, anyway, it's impossible for Minsheng publishing house to get the copyright. I'll call Mr. Xiao and ask him out. It's just that he's not what he used to be. He's already a big star. Can you give me this face and talk about it? "

Wang Wenxuan said happily, "it's really my brother. I knew you would help me. No matter whether he will come out or not, I will accept your love this time , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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