Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:03 AM

Chapter 1580

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At the end of the visit, he came to the reception room where he personally made two cups of Longjing tea for Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing.

Xiao Yunhai took a sip and said with a smile, "where did you buy this Longjing tea?"

"In New York's Chinatown, for a thousand dollars, 250 grams," said dawton Welch. How about it? "

Xiao Yunhai originally wanted to say that you had been cheated, but on second thought, the tea seller was probably from China, so he changed his mouth and said, "it's quite good. Dawton, I want to ask, what is the cost of a WiFi router? "

Dalton Welch said, "I've had people calculate that it's about eighty dollars. Of course, the more you sell, the lower the cost. If, as you would expect, it would exceed 800 million, the cost would plummet to $60. "

"How much are you going to price?" Xiao asked

"That's exactly what I want to discuss with you today," said Dalton Welch. After negotiation, we think that $480 is appropriate. What do you think? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "it's almost what I thought. My ideal price is between $450 and $550. "

"Don't you think the price is a little expensive?" asked Zhao Wanqing

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "wife, compared with mobile phones and computers, this WiFi router is already very cheap. If it was me, I would definitely buy it

"That's right," said dawton Welch. At that time, we thought that the critical point of the price should be 600 US dollars. 480 US dollars has been very conservative, far from exceeding the limit that consumers can bear. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "a router costs 80 US dollars, and you sell it for 480 dollars. It's a huge profit. If the sales volume can reach 800 million, it doesn't mean that you can earn at least 320 billion dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "wife, don't forget, this is a one-time deal. It's OK to use it for seven or eight years. "

"That's for us," said Dalton Welch. For you, this is just the beginning. I can't even imagine what terrible profits your app will have once it succeeds. I guess it will bring you at least 500 billion dollars a year, which is equivalent to the fact that companies all over the world are helping you

Xiao Yunhai complacently said: "my goal is not a mere $500 billion, but an annual income of more than one trillion. But if we want to achieve this goal, we Yunqing network company has a long way to go. "

Dalton Welch said, "a trillion dollars is incredible. Xiao, I have to admit that you are a business genius. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "thank you for your praise."

The two men discussed about the sale, and Xiao Yunhai left with Zhao Wanqing.

In the next three days, Xiao Yunhai handled some affairs in Yunqing network company. After everything was settled, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing flew to Los Angeles.

The post production of Zhu Xian has reached the latter half stage. Xiao Yunhai is a little worried. After staying for almost a week, he feels that there is no problem. They just bought some things and went back home.

At this time, it was already January 8, and the Huaxia golden cup international music award ceremony had just been held.

The organizing committee called Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, hoping that they could attend. Xiao Yunhai refused without thinking.

This year, they jointly produced two albums. The English version of 18 songs sold 357 million copies, while the Chinese version of 14 songs sold 239 million copies. This achievement made other singers despair. You know, the best singers this year are only 33 million.

Fortunately, they are not competing for awards, otherwise, most of the awards will not escape from their palms.

A week later, WiFi routers finally began to be sold in China, Europe and America.

In front of a rice grain mobile phone store in Yanjing, a long line was formed early.

Before eight o'clock, the number has reached hundreds, most of them are young people who pursue fashion.

On the electronic display screen at the door of the store, the words that our store sells WiFi routers constantly appear. It is because of this that so many people gather.

"Brother, how many WiFi routers are there in this store? We're behind three hundred, but not enough. "

"Who knows. I hope the shopkeeper awesome, otherwise we will be in white. "

"Well, we only got 40 million units in China. It's just that there are more wolves and less meat. If you can't buy it today,

I think it will be even worse in the future. "

"It's said that it's all the creativity of the cloud emperor. It's really great."

"A creative idea is worth billions of dollars. I really don't know how the brain of emperor Yun grows?"

While they were talking, they waited patiently for the door to open.

At 7:50, a great wall car came slowly.

The shopkeeper Gao Shan got down from the car and immediately realized that it was the WiFi router problem after seeing the situation in front of him.So Gao Shan ran to the door, opened the door, took out a loudspeaker from inside, and said, "brothers and sisters, I'm really sorry. It's been a long time for you to wait on such a cold day. "

A young man in the back yelled, "don't be so polite, boss. We want to know, how many WiFi routers have you entered? There are about 600 people here. If not, just say so, so as not to let the people behind us wait for hours in vain. "

Gao Shan said, "don't worry. This time, I have entered a total of 2000 WiFi routers. As long as the people in front of me don't buy too many, I think it should be able to meet everyone's requirements. By the way, there is one thing that needs to be informed in advance. My store has installed a router, and the password is six six. Now that you are here, you must be using a rice grain mobile phone, so you can download the app of Yunqing social networking website to scan the code for payment. As long as you connect the card of Yunyi shopping website, scan the QR code of our store, enter the price, and I will receive it on my mobile phone. Those who pay in this way can be 150 yuan cheaper than cash. That is to say, you only need to pay 1350 yuan. "

This is Xiao Yunhai's publicity strategy, with 150 yuan to let consumers experience the charm of online payment.

In this way, they will tie the bank card and app together, laying a good foundation for Xiao Yunhai's next two-dimensional code promotion.

"Damn it, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"No, I didn't remember the card number."

"Hello, wife, tell me the card number of my Yunyi shopping website quickly... Oh, stop talking nonsense, and look for it quickly. It can be 150 yuan cheaper."

While everyone was downloading apps from their mobile phones, Gao Shan walked into the store and took out two huge drawing boards, one on each side, with square and disorderly things painted on them. If there are Chinese people who have passed through, they will know that this is a two-dimensional code.

People have seen it on the posters, but the real QR code is still the first time to see it.

"Boss, your QR code is too big, isn't it?"

As he moved things, Gao Shan said, "you don't know. This QR code has no fixed size. It can be tens of centimeters in size. You just need to scan the app and put the QR code in the box on the phone screen, and that's OK. "

The third girl in the front said, "boss, I've got everything done. Now I can scan the QR code."

Gao Shan said with a smile, "you should come first."

The girl opened the scan function on the app, and suddenly a word "pay" appeared, with a horizontal bar behind it to fill in the price.

The girl entered 1350 and the payment password just set, which was displayed on Gaoshan's mobile phone.

"Is the last word of your name Lin?" Asked Gao Shan.

The girl nodded and said, "yes. My name is Wang Linlin. "

Gao Shan said with a smile:" the deduction has been successful. This is your WiFi router. "

Wang Linlin said happily, "thank you, boss. This payment function is really easy to use. I don't have to go shopping in the supermarket

Not only Wang Linlin, but others also use the app payment function. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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