Published at 11th of May 2022 05:15:01 AM

Chapter 1581

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For ordinary people, 150 yuan is already a lot of money. You can save so much money just by a few operations. Why not.

Xiao Yunhai's goal has been completely achieved.

The same is true in Europe and the United States. As long as you use the payment function on twitter app, you can immediately save 50 dollars.

As a result, more than 95% of consumers choose to pay online, and the number of APP downloads on Xiao Yunhai's social networking site is increasing.

At the same time, the only game "battle of the king" on social app has also been warmly welcomed by players.

In a short week, all WiFi routers were sold out. The number of active users of Twitter and Yunqing app reached more than 80 million. The game "battle of the king" was the most popular, with 218 million downloads, including 70 million mobile phone players.

In order to attract the attention of players, Xiao Yunhai set the download price at $10. Although it was not as good as the original world of Warcraft, it also made a lot of profits, which was 2.1 billion US dollars.

What's more, Xiao Yunhai is happy that the user's satisfaction has reached more than 90%. Both WiFi, app and the game "battle of the king" are highly praised.

"I think WiFi is going to be the greatest invention of the century. It's amazing."

"Today, I went to the supermarket and bought a lot of things. I paid directly with my mobile phone, which is much more convenient than cash transaction."

"The battle of the king is fantastic. 5vs5, fair play, even if you spend money on special heroes and inscriptions, it doesn't break the balance of the game. How can such a game not be popular

"I thought it would be very inconvenient to play online games on mobile phones, but I didn't expect that it would be easier to operate than a computer, and there was no card at all. What's not said, fight for the king. "

"Too sad. Isn't there WiFi in my hotel? A group of consumers came in and went out. It was just a slap in the face. It seems that I really want to keep up with the trend of the times. "

"Yesterday, I had a competition with some old classmates who didn't often contact with each other for a round of" the battle of the king ", and we directly beat him down. It's just a word, cool. "

"Whoosh, the sword is empty, and the heroes are all tied up. It's really lonely to be invincible. We are the Bauhinia army. We have won 63 games for a long time. Which dares to fight


With the popularity of WiFi and app, the market value of Yunqing network company has soared ten times, reaching a terrible $500 billion. Numerous companies have come to discuss cooperation, from the original few people to instant into a sweet cake.

Previously, Xiao Yunhai once said that all companies seeking cooperation before listing will enjoy 30% discount. Unfortunately, everyone is waiting there. Only a few 200 companies in the world have signed Russian cooperation agreements with Yunqing.

Now, WiFi and app are completely popular, and the company's boss who has moved before but has no action has his guts full of regret. A 30% discount is tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

"Hello, sea of clouds, Congratulations," the battle of the king "swept the world." Man Wenbin called Xiao Yunhai and said.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Wenbin elder brother, don't be so polite. I guess you are going to march into the mobile tour?"

Man Wenbin said with a smile: "those who know me are the sea of clouds. Yes, I found that mobile games seem to be very popular with players, and it's much easier to develop than online games. Just in terms of technology, we have some problems, so I would like to ask you to find some experts to guide me. To avoid doing it, but can't play on the mobile phone. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "no problem."

"What's more, how much are you going to charge for the use of the app platform?"

"It used to be 7 percent, now it's 10 percent. That is to say, players spend 10 yuan, we only charge one yuan. What about? It's cheap. "

"What's cheaper? It should be said that black is going to die. Yunhai, how about eight percent? "

"Brother Wenbin, there is no discussion. Who makes you not believe my app? More than a dozen game companies that have signed up with me have been announced. If you break the gap, what about other game companies

Man Wenbin says something, but Xiao Yunhai is biting hard this time.

Xiao Yunhai is very clear that the dike of thousands of miles was destroyed in the ant nest. Now is a critical period. We must not have any problems, and some loopholes can not be opened. Once opened, the hole will become bigger and bigger, and finally become a hole, even if you want to block it.

What's more, although Xiao Yunhai's social networking site app has few decent competitors, it doesn't mean that the opponent will always be like this.

For example, there are several good dating websites in Europe and the United States, with more than 30 million online activities. In just three days, their app has already appeared on the Internet.

Huaxia also has a lot of social networking app online, but compared with Xiao Yunhai, it's a little worse.

After all, they have no red envelope and payment function, and there is no excellent hand game to attract consumers.However, not now, does not mean that it will not work in the future.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai must at the initial stage, through good service, leave people thoroughly. It is better to be able to form a habit of users like wechat in previous lives, which is perfect.

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai did not agree, man Wenbin had no choice but to retreat and ask for the second place. He said, "since it's not cheap, can you always give me a better recommended position for the game?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "still not."

Man Wenbin said: "Yunhai, is there something wrong with Yuexian and I that offended you?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "brother Wenbin, tell you the truth. Don't talk about your game, even our storm game, there won't be any special recommendation, everything will be according to the results. For example, the revenue of your game yesterday was 100 million US dollars, more than everyone else. Then I will automatically rank this game at the first place of all the games at 0:00 today, so that players can see it at a glance. Similarly, if the game of another company won the first place, no matter how bad the relationship between it and me, even if it was developed by stell game company, I would put it in the first place. My goal is four words, absolutely fair. Only in this way can I be recognized by all the game companies in the world. Do you understand? "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, man Wenbin did not speak for a long time. After a long time, he sighed and said, "Yunhai, your ambition is really too big. As long as you can adhere to this fair rule, your game platform will be invincible. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "brother Wenbin, I'm really sorry."

Man Wenbin said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. I can't let you make an exception for me. If there's a big problem, I'll be guilty. Moreover, my fairy moon game company is not necessarily worse than your storm and stern. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "then compare."

There are many managers like man Wenbin who have been dismissed by Xiao Yunhai.

In the twinkling of an eye, it has been a month since WiFi was released, and all WiFi routers are out of stock.

In this month, GM increased its production capacity and put on ten production lines again, still unable to meet people's needs.

At the same time, Xiao Yunhai's WiFi has also entered other countries and regions. In less than two days, 60 million routers were swept away by countries other than Europe, America and China, and Xiao Yunhai's app also hit in.

In this way, Xiao Yunhai's goal has been completed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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