Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:57 AM

Chapter 1584

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After they got to know each other, Xiao Yunhai led them to No. 1 box, which was luxurious enough to accommodate more than 30 people. An electric turntable slowly turned.

When the food and wine were ready, Xiao Yunhai waved and several waiters went out immediately.

Seeing Zhang Yuan's relatives seems a little restrained, even look at their own eyes with a trace of awe, chatting, it is very difficult to let go.

So Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "my elders, I'm really sorry. Wan Qing and I should have met you at the airport today, but our identity is a little special, so there is no past. In this way, I will punish myself by three cups, which is an apology to all of you. "

"Big brother, don't do that."

"Yes. It's no big deal. "

People began to talk.

Knowing her husband's intention, Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "he is a master who has no wine and no joy. The reason why he took the initiative to punish himself for three glasses of wine was just to pass the addiction. Husband, isn't it? "

Xiao Yunhai finished drinking three cups of wine and said with a smile, "my wife knows me. Dear elders, brothers and sisters, I know that you are a bit constrained when you first come here, especially when you know our identity. It's all human nature. But what I want to say is that since everyone is already at this table, it is the family. Wanqing and I are your younger generation, your children, and all other identities go to one side. Look, how about it? "

Zhang Yuan's uncle said, "OK. What my nephew said is true. I like it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "uncle, I've heard Zhang Yuan say that you and uncle are both masters of wine. You can drink three or five Jin without any problem. Coincidentally, I'm known as a wine jar. Ten Jin and eight Jin are not a problem. Wait a minute. Do you dare to compare the amount of wine you drink? "

Zhang Yuan's third uncle said with a smile: "I can't do anything else. I'm good at drinking.". Big nephew, we are not drunk today

Zhang Xin raised his hand and said, "I'll have a drink with brother Xiao, too."

Zhang Xin's mother scolded: "how old a child, what wine to drink."

Zhang Xin said defiantly, "I'm 20 years old, why can't I drink?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Auntie, since Zhang Xin wants to drink, don't stop. How can a man, a man, not drink. Besides, can you make sure that he doesn't drink with his classmates outside? "

Zhang Xin said with a smile: "brother Xiao, you are really the same person. It seems that you didn't drink less when you were at school. "

Xiao Yunling said: "this is wrong. My brother started drinking when he was eight. For this reason, my mother nearly smashed his ass and didn't get out of bed for three days

The crowd burst into laughter.

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "Xiao Yunling, you are really open-minded. It's getting married soon. Can't you talk so vulgar? "

Xiao Yunling cut, very disdainful.

After a few young people make such a fuss, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly enlivens a lot.

Xiao Changfeng and Chen Xiuzhu looked at each other, picked up their glasses, got up and said, "in another two days, the two children will be married. According to the law, we should hold a banquet in our hometown, but their two children's classmates and friends are in Yanjing, so we put the home court here. At the same time, it also makes me feel a little embarrassed, so that we have to make a hard trip. "

Zhang Yuan's uncle said, "don't say these polite words. We are all old earth hats who have never seen the world. Before, we did not want to come here, mainly for fear of humiliating Zhang Yuan. We are relieved to see that your family is like this. As the father of the man, this wine should be our toast to you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you are welcome. I don't think anyone should respect anyone, just respect fate. Thank it for the great marriage between Zhang Yuan and ling'er, and for making us a family. "

Zhang Yuan's third uncle said, "well said. Let's drink to this fate. "


At this time, the atmosphere really warm up.

A table of people talking and laughing, very harmonious.

Xiao Yunling knew that it was all Xiao Yunhai's credit. He looked at him gratefully and got a spoiled look in his eyes. He almost didn't make Xiao Yunling cry.

I'm so lucky to have such a brother.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Xiao Changfeng said: "brother, sister-in-law, there is something I want to discuss with you. Our family's membership is a bit special and not suitable for public occasions, so we want to make our two children's weddings one inside and one outside. One internal means that the two of us sit together for a meal, get to know each other, and don't let any outsiders come. On the other hand, according to the normal process, we can go as we should. However, my family and Yunhai Wanqing, two public figures, will not appear, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble. What do you think? "

Zhang's father nodded and said, "of course, no problem."

Xiao Changfeng said with a smile, "that's really good."On the other side, Xiao Yunhai and Zhang Yuan's uncle and uncle fight into a piece and drink happily.

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai's family did not look down upon themselves, these farmers were very happy in their hearts. They drank and then they completely let go.

At the end of the banquet, the two people's faces turned red, and the road was a little unstable.

Surprisingly, Zhang Xin accompanied them to drink from the beginning to the end, and a lot of drinks. It was estimated that he had drunk three jin, but there was nothing wrong with him. He was just a Dionysian.

When he got on the bus, Xiao Yunhai patted him on the shoulder and said, "you boy is very good. Another day, let's invite Zhang Yuan and let's practice alone. "

Zhang Xin said triumphantly, "no problem. Brother, let's take a picture. You are my idol. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "take ten pictures, come on."

"I want it too," said Zhang Yuanyuan

Xiao Yunhai said: "then we'll take photos together."

It took five minutes for Xiao Yunhai to meet the requirements of Zhang Yuan's brothers and sisters and got on the car with excitement on their faces.

After the car left, Xiao Yunhai took a long breath and said, "the matter is perfectly solved. Let's go home and wait for Zhang Yuan to meet her next day."

Xiao Yunling said: "brother, thank you for what you have done on the wine table."

She is not a fool. Naturally, she can see that Xiao Yunhai is deliberately "courting" Zhang Yuan's family.

Xiao Yunhai smile, gently pinched her nose, eyes full of love, said: "what is this. Ling'er, from just having dinner, we can see that Zhang Yuan's family are honest and conscientious farmers, without any trifles. The first thing you need to do is help them get rid of poverty and make arrangements for Zhang Xin and Zhang Yuanyuan. Eat people short mouth, take people soft, so that your position in Zhangjia is completely stable, Zhang Yuan in the heart will be particularly grateful to you. Do you understand? "

Xiao Yunling nodded and said, "I understand."

One side of Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "ling'er, have you seen that your elder brother is simply too cunning."

Xiao Yunling said, "I knew that for a long time. In our family, no one can play with my elder brother in terms of scheming and scheming. "

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai immediately rolled his eyes and said, "you are naked slander. I am an honest and honest Chinese excellent young man. I have nothing to do with any intrigue, OK

When they heard this, they all laughed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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