Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:53 AM

Chapter 1587

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The model of Xinxing show is similar to that of Venus show, except that there is no sideline host. Zhang Xinxing supports the show.

At the beginning of the program, it was Zhang Xinxing's personal talk show time.

Generally speaking, for a 60 minute program, Zhang Xinxing has to speak for at least half an hour, which makes everyone laugh and then invite the guests over.

In this issue, because the guest is a very topical Xiao Yunhai, Zhang Xinxing only talked for 10 minutes and ended the personal talk show.

"Do you know why I shortened my acting time to 10 minutes today?"

"Yes," they answered in unison

Then the slogan "the emperor of the clouds, the world's best" resounded throughout the studio.

Yesterday, after Xiao Yunhai agreed to be on the program, Chen Zhan asked the program group to carry out publicity.

Xiao Yunhai has not participated in any interview program in this year. Fans suddenly learn that idol is coming to Xinxing show. That's good. They have been waiting for it.

At the end of the show, Zhang Xin didn't know how many TV viewers would say.

Fortunately, Zhang Xinxing is self-conscious and gives most of his time to Xiao Yunhai.

Zhang Xinxing said with a smile: "yes. Speaking of Mr. Xiao, the cloud emperor, he is well-known. It seems that there are not many people in the world who do not know him. I once said in the program that I am 35 years old and I have never admired anyone since I was young. Only Xiao Yunhai, the boss of our TV station, is an exception. His achievements in the field of music, film and television, business, charity, and literature make people feel overwhelmed. But these can only prove his genius. What I admire most is his personality. No matter what kind of achievements he has made, there is no change. He loves his wife, his children, his family, his family and his society. It's a perfect incarnation. "

"To tell you the truth, the reason why I want to work in Yunqing TV station is not because of the good treatment here, but because I hope to see this legendary figure often and have a good communication with him. Unfortunately, I haven't seen him for several months. I thought Yunqing TV station is not his industry. Yesterday, our head of the TV station called to say that Xiao Yunhai was going to be interviewed in the program tomorrow. I was so excited that I didn't sleep all night and thought about countless questions. "

"Now let's welcome Mr. Xiao Yunhai, the world famous director, to the stage with the warmest applause."

In the screams and applause of fans, Xiao Yunhai walked with light steps and appeared on the scene, bowed deeply to the audience, and then shook hands with Zhang Xinxing.

After sitting down, he heard everyone screaming. Xiao Yunhai didn't say a word. He just looked at the audience with a smile. Suddenly, the studio was quiet.

Zhang Xinxing saw this situation and said in surprise: "Mr. Xiao, you are really good. Just look at that, let everyone know what you mean and stop talking. I'm afraid even those heavenly kings and empresses can't do it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "we call it heart to heart communication. Now that these brothers and sisters have come here, they must know my habits very well. Sometimes with a look, a movement, they will understand what I want to express, not surprisingly

Zhang Xinxing said: "it also shows how much they love you from one side. Well, our program is officially on. First of all, I want to ask you all kinds of strange questions put forward by netizens on the Internet. Are you ready? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "you didn't even let me see the manuscript. How can I prepare it?"

There was an uproar at the scene.

"No, the emperor is talking naked."

"If you don't show him questions, what if you ask questions you shouldn't ask?"

"I think it's best that the emperor is not prepared."

Zhang Xinxing said: "first of all, let me explain to you. Mr. Xiao is the first person who hasn't read the Taiwan version since the program was launched. When he came, he said a word, everything can be said to people. Then our head of the station resolutely confiscated the copy given to him. Although he is the boss of our TV station, the head of the TV station is his uncle, so we can only keep his opinions. "

"Ha ha ha."

"It turned out that he had been punished by his uncle."

Zhang Xinxing said: "then I began to ask. The first question, yunhuang, what is your favorite hobby after work

Xiao Yunhai didn't even think about it. He replied, "it used to be boxing, but now it's playing with children."

"Do you usually smoke and drink?"

"I don't smoke. I like drinking. And the amount of wine is not small. There is no problem with four or five catties. "

"Do you usually like to stay at home or call friends out to play?"

"At home. So I'm rarely photographed outside by journalists. "

"As the richest man in the world, do you have much free time? How many days a year do you have to rest? "

"More. It has to be two or three months in a year. "

"Do you have pets in your family?""No

"How many houses do you have in all?"


all the 20 questions raised by netizens are all about his private life. The most wonderful thing is that a netizen asked him how long he and Zhao Wanqing had a one-off life, which made Xiao Yunhai speechless.

The netizen question finally came to an end. Xiao Yunhai deliberately wiped the cold sweat on his forehead

Zhang Xinxing said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, are you scared by the netizens' questions?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I didn't expect you to be so interested in my private life. Sister Xing, let's talk about it first. You can ask me about music, movies, business and so on. You can avoid private life. "

Zhang Xinxing said, "I only ask you one question. Is Miss Zhao has the final say in the family? Why don't I think so? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "well, she is basically handling all the big and small things at home. I never interfere. There are also outside, such as Yunqing international investment company, which was originally managed by my mother-in-law. Later, the company got on the right track and gave it to Wanqing. "

"I read on the Internet that this investment company made a profit of more than 50 billion US dollars last year. Why don't you manage it yourself?"

"Yunqing International Investment Co., Ltd., I may have invested more than 400 billion US dollars, involving dozens of projects. Just those materials are much higher than me. What I fear most is these things. I feel dizzy after a few minutes. Therefore, I will not intervene in the affairs of investment companies

"Do you two usually quarrel?"

"I'm not talking to you. We've never had a fight since we realized it."

"Really? Including your affair, I didn't argue with you after clearing up? "

"No. She's very smart and has a good way of doing things. For example, when Ms. Bessie and I were watching the NBA Live, you know I never went out with a woman other than her. Suddenly came this time, how could she not worry. So before the first quarter was over, she called me, but I was talking to two kids. They kept calling my dad on the phone. Of course I am very happy, but looking back, it is not right. It seems that her purpose in calling me is not pure. If I really had something with Ms. Bessie, I might have turned back

Zhang Xinxing nodded and said with admiration: "Miss Zhao Wanqing is really smart. In this way, not only to achieve their own goals, but also will not have a positive conflict with you, it is really the best of both worlds. Ladies watching our program, have you heard Mr. Xiao? If you meet her husband again, you might as well use Miss Zhao's method. However, why didn't she clarify it for you at the first time when the scandal broke out? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "angry. She believed that I was nothing, but I went to Los Angeles in the name of work and watched a ball game with Ms. Bessie. If it was for you, would you not be angry? So she told me directly, you can handle this by yourself, I won't help you. I just didn't expect that Ms. Bessie's interview made the scandal spread all over the world, which was unexpected to both of us. At this time, when she clarified again, everyone would not believe it. They thought that she was trying to compromise for the sake of her family. You say, am I unjust? "

"So you took Miss Zhao to MGM's" challenge the limits "to break the guesswork and convey the message that your relationship has not been affected at all, right?"

"Yes. In fact, Kerry, the director of China MGM TV station, invited me to the NBA game in order to let me participate in his variety show. In the morning, I went to Citibank for a loan, and Ms. Bessie personally received us. In the end, I sold her a 9% stake in stell networks, and borrowed $1.5 trillion from the $4 trillion oil field in Texas. Hehe, some people on the Internet say that I have a special relationship with Vanessa Bessie. It's just ridiculous to be able to lend so much money. "

"That's what happened. The audience can rest , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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