Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:50 AM

Chapter 1589

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Next, Zhang Xinxing talked about the hidden rules of the vice director of Zhuxian some time ago.

"Mr. Xiao, are there many hidden rules in the entertainment industry?"

"There are hidden rules in any industry, and the entertainment industry is no exception."


hearing everyone's cry of surprise, Xiao Yunhai immediately understood their meaning and added: "the hidden rule I said is not the same as the one you imagined. I know that when it comes to this word, the first thing you think of is something like that of our vice director of Zhuxian, right? "

"Yes." They all answered in unison.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "you are totally wrong. What I said is a series of rules formed imperceptibly in the development of film and television circle. For example, in a cast, the status of actors must be different. Like those famous movie queen, as long as conditions permit, there is usually an independent dressing room. When eating, they will open a small stove alone and will not eat box lunch like other actors. The living conditions will be the best. Next came the first-line stars, second only to them. The second tier, third tier and group performances are no longer as good as those big stars in terms of living or eating. Do you think it's fair or unfair for such a rule? "

"It's not fair." The audience shook their heads.

Xiao Yunhai said: "wrong. It is reasonable for the film and television industry to form these hidden rules. Take the dressing room for example. If you remove this rule, there will be a problem that the leading role, supporting roles and group actors share the dressing room. The main character's part must be the heaviest. You can't make him wait in line to make up. You can wait. The crew can't. Can have an independent make-up room, you can use the fastest speed to make up. There are also meals and accommodation. If they don't have a good rest and eat well, and they have problems in two or three days, how can the play be filmed? "

"What's more, such a grading system is a driving force for an artist to move forward. If you want treatment, you should improve your acting skills. Just like government officials and enterprise executives, they want to be promoted, depending on their ability and achievements. "

Zhang Xinxing said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, the grading system is very normal, any industry will have. You know that's not what I'm asking? It's the kind of unspoken rules that people imagine. Do you have any in the entertainment industry? More? "

The audience at the scene and in front of the TV set thought that the topic of hidden rules had passed under Xiao Yunhai's concept of stealing. Did not expect that the host is still indomitable to ask, is to let everyone to the spirit.

"Xinxing is really wonderful. I dare to ask her boss such a question. "

"She is not afraid to be put on shoes."

"Now, the emperor has no choice but to avoid it. I really want to hear how he answers the well-known

question? "

Xiao Yunhai looked at Zhang Xinxing and said with a smile: "no wonder your popularity in the entertainment industry is not so good? It's strange that the guests are forced to

to answer such difficult questions

Zhang Xinxing said, "you'd better answer my question first. I'm afraid you'll make a joke and get around the problem. You can say it before. You can say it without saying anything

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "well, I'll tell you the truth, there must be, and there are many."


The audience exclaimed.

Zhang Xinxing asked, "do you think this phenomenon is normal? Why is this a problem? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course this is not normal. This kind of dirty business in an industry is certainly not healthy. If you ask me why, I will say three words, not self love. This kind of thing often happens to new people. In order to play a role and become a star, they have to put down their self-esteem and please those unscrupulous directors and investors. Are these people poor? I don't think it's pathetic, but it's pathetic and hateful. Even a person can't keep the bottom line of the most important

code. What's so pitiful. The reason why directors, investors and even big names can do this is not because of their lack of self love. If everyone in the circle can rely on talent to eat, then

such a thing will not happen. "

Zhang Xinxing said: "but the biggest responsibility should still be those investors, directors there?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "there is no responsibility. When Zhou Yu beat Huang Gai, one would like to fight and the other would like to be killed. All of them did not love themselves. The bigger the crew, the fewer such things. Because there are hundreds of millions and more than a billion dollars in the plays of large groups, and there are also several investors. No one dares to put in some people who are not good at acting, so as not to affect the quality of the whole play. But the small group is different. Investors often plug people at will, and adding more roles is a common thing, so the quality is generally average. "

Zhang Xinxing asked, "is there such a situation in the crew you are in?"

Xiao Yunhai helplessly said: "my" Zhu Xian "crew did not appear? Ah, a great name is destroyed in the first place. It didn't happen to any of the other shows that I've worked on, or any of my previous shows. In fact, there are not many such hidden rule incidents, and the entertainment industry is not as dirty as you think. Most artists are still very self-consciousLove, just a mouse excrement destroyed a pot of porridge. After their affairs were exposed, they implicated the whole entertainment industry

Zhang Xinxing said with a smile: "yes. If there are such things everywhere, it is estimated that the relevant departments of our country would have been involved in the investigation. What do you think of yourself, Mr. Xiao? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Yushu is facing the wind, natural and unrestrained, free and unrestrained, a quiet and beautiful man."


"Ha ha ha."

Zhang Xinxing said with a smile, "you are really joking. Yesterday, our reporters from all over the world interviewed many actors who have worked with you. Do you want to know how they evaluate you? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "if I don't want to know, will you not broadcast it?"

Zhang Xinxing rightfully said: "of course not."

Xiao Yunhai said helplessly, "is it meaningful for you to ask me this question? Broadcast it. "

In everyone's laughter, the interview videos of the actors appeared on the big screen.

Wang Tianming: "director Xiao is the one I admire most. His demands on movies and TV series are the most strict director I have ever met. In order to achieve perfection, he can spend money like water. He may spend 20000 yuan for what other directors can do with 10000 yuan, but the effect of shooting is absolutely impossible to say. In the entertainment industry, he is the director that all artists want to cooperate with, none of them

Huang Qiusheng: "when I mention the sea of clouds, the word" genius "will appear in my mind. His first play was the great master, which I cooperated with. At that time, his acting skills were already outstanding. Now it is estimated that there is no actor in the world who can really suppress him. "

Sun Yanjun: "what I admire most about the sea of clouds is his mentality. No matter how his identity changes, he still treats people the same way. Not only do we respect the old guys, but we are also very good to the new people and the group performances

Lin Hui: "I have cooperated with director Xiao in two films. He gives me a very strong sense of security and is a completely trustworthy person. Xiao usually likes to make jokes, but he just talks about it. He never takes advantage of girls. He is more gentleman than a gentleman. Even in filming, he also takes care of the feelings of girls. Intimate plays can be avoided if they can be avoided, and bed plays will not appear in his films and TV works. "

Huang Bo: "the third brother is a guy who has neither the heart nor the gall. When filming outside, he would try his best to avoid meeting with female artists alone. After 9:00 p.m., any female artists were forbidden to go to his room to avoid misunderstanding. It is very appropriate to use these four words to describe. He attached great importance to friends and family, and hardly ever took part in social occasions outside. He is definitely the most responsible man in the 21st century. Well, it's second only to me

"Ha ha ha." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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