Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:46 AM

Chapter 1591

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At this time, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone rings, open a look, it is Hu Yaoting calling.

"What's your instruction, sister Hu?"

A strange woman's voice came.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao. This is sister Hu's secretary, Lu Hui. Are you in Feicheng

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. I just recorded a program on Yunqing TV station. What's wrong with sister Hu? "

"We are in Longyue bar in Feicheng. Sister Hu is drinking to relieve her worries, but no one will advise her. Can you come here? "

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, I'll be right there."

Xiao Yunhai hung up the phone and said, "uncle, sister Xing, I'm afraid I don't have time to have supper with you. A friend of Yanjing is in Langyue bar, and seems to have some problems. "

"It doesn't matter," Chen said. Get your things done first. Hyatt bar is on Xinghua Road. Don't look for the wrong place. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "don't worry, I'll do well."

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai entered the Hyatt bar.

The inside and outside are just two worlds. The exciting music is pounding, and the lights are on and off. Countless men and women are dancing on the dance floor. Some women are dancing crazily. They don't mind being taken advantage of by those unscrupulous men.

The whole environment is extremely noisy, which makes Xiao Yunhai very unhappy.

In his previous life, he often went to bars. In this world, he might have been influenced by his predecessor. He liked quiet places, so he almost never entered such places.

At this time, a slender woman with a delicate face came over. It was Lu Hui, Hu Yaoting's secretary.

"Mr. Xiao, you are here at last." Lu Hui said with a sad face.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "what's going on?"

Lu Hui said it again.

It turns out that they are here on behalf of Hu's electronics company and Yazhou electronic technology company to talk about the patent right of mobile phone universal system. Xiao Yunhai also knew about this, and said to Xia Fujun that he would give Hu Yaoting some preferential treatment.

At the end of the day, the negotiation was very smooth, and the contract could be signed tomorrow.

Who ever thought Hu Yaoting's boyfriend called to break up with her.

Hu Yaoting was deeply involved in this relationship. After calling, she cried bitterly in the car. The hotel did not return, so the driver took her to the Hyatt bar for half an hour.

Lu Hui couldn't persuade him. She suddenly thought that Xiao Yunhai would come to an interview program today, so she called him with Hu Yaoting's mobile phone.

Xiao Yunhai frowned and asked, "who is that man? How could such a strong woman like sister Hu be hit like this? "

Lu Hui said: "he is a doctoral supervisor in the Chinese Department of Yanjing University. His name is Jiang Hui. He is very talented. Sister Hu met at a reception. They fell in love at first sight and soon fell in love. It's just that I didn't expect that after only three months, Jiang Hui proposed to break up. It's unreasonable. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "do you know why Jiang Hui broke up with sister Hu?"

Lu Hui shook her head and said, "I don't know. Mr. Xiao, you are one of sister Hu's only friends. Please help and persuade her

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile, "I will do my best."

With that, Xiao Yunhai stepped to the side of Hu Yaoting, patted her shoulder and said with a smile, "beauty, can you have a drink with me?"

"Go away."

Hu Yaoting is a good drinker. Although she has drunk several glasses of red wine, she has a clear mind.

Hearing that someone wants to soak himself in the name of drinking, Hu Yaoting doesn't take a look at it and lets the other party go.

But as soon as the words were spoken, she suddenly felt that her voice was familiar. She turned her head and saw that it was Xiao Yunhai. She was stunned and said, "Yunhai, how did you come here?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "your secretary, Lu Hui, is worried that drinking too much wine will be bad for your health. Let me come and chat with you."

Hu Yaoting showed a trace of bitterness on her face and said, "sea of clouds, do you think I'm not beautiful?"


"Am I in good shape?"


"Do I have any money?"


"Then tell me why he didn't want me? Do you know how much I love him? "

Speaking of this, Hu Yaoting can not help but tears, is obviously hurt by the feelings of deep.

Xiao Yunhai handed her a paper towel and said, "sister Hu, there are only so many reasons why two lovers break up. 1、 He moved on and found another woman. 2、 He was with you before. He didn't have a pure purpose. See no chance or have got what you want, then abandon you. 3、 Get together less, leave more, a month down, see less than a few times. Not to mention after marriage. 4、 Personality incompatibility, communication problems. You are far from his ideal wife. "

Hu Yaoting's eyes flashed a trace of clearness and thought about it for a while. He said, "he is an orthodox scholar. He is determined and stubborn. He will never approach me for money or other things, let alone empathy. In the past three months, we have basically met every afternoon, and we can rule out the rule of "less gathering and more leaving". From what he said this afternoon, I know that the problem is likely to be the fourth one. He's a bit macho, and my character, you know, is quite strong, and I can't help speaking with a tone of command. Maybe that's an important reason. "Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "most of the male chauvinist men like little birds and all girls who take him as the center. You can't do that, sister Hu. "

Hu Yaoting nodded, picked up her glass and poured it into her mouth. She said, "he told me this tonight. Ha ha, sea of clouds, do you know? It's my first time in love, and I didn't expect it to end up like this. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Hu, love is like this, sweet and astringent. If it is a personality incompatibility, then let go as soon as possible, no way, this is congenital cultivation, no one can change, can not aggrieve themselves, accommodate each other. Otherwise, once married, it will hurt not only the two of you, but also your children

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, Hu Yaoting closed her eyes and lay prone there, crying again.

Xiao Yunhai is not a love expert, and he has no way to deal with it.

Searching my mind, I suddenly thought of a song from my previous life and sang it.

"If two people's paradise, like a warm wall, imprisons your dream. Whether happiness is like a iron window, migratory birds lost the south. If you yearn for the sky, long for a pair of wings, let go to let you fly. Your wings should not accompany the rose, but listen to the withering time

Of course, Xiao Yunhai's singing skills are needless to say. Even if it's Qingchang, it's still very beautiful.

Hearing his song, Hu Yaoting quickly stopped crying. Although she was still lying there, her ears stood up and listened carefully.

"If romance becomes a drag, I'd like to choose to return to loneliness for you. If lingering becomes a chain, let go of the promise. "

"There is a kind of love called let go, give up forever for love. We stay together, if you give everything, let true love take me away. There is a kind of love called let go, for love to end forever. If I leave, if you have everything, let true love take me away and say goodbye... "

this song of a mu from a previous life is a perfect match for Hu Yaoting's current situation. Hu Yaoting unconsciously raised her head, a burst of meditation on her face.

After Xiao Yunhai finished singing, Hu Yaoting said with a bitter smile: "there is a kind of love called letting go, giving up for love forever. Yunhai, your lyrics are very good. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Hu, you are a strong woman in business. Emotionally, I also hope you can be strong. Only the two of you can feel whether the shoes fit or not. No matter how much others say, it's no use. If you think you can make the greatest change for him, find him and try to save the relationship. If you can't, let go and find your own happiness. "

Hu Yaoting nodded and seemed to see that there was no wine in front of Xiao Yunhai's table, so she said to the waiter, "mix this gentleman a best cocktail."

The waiter promised that under his fancy mixing technique, within a minute, a cocktail slipped into Xiao Yunhai's face.

Because the light was too dim, the waiter did not recognize Xiao Yunhai, otherwise he would have delivered it in person.

Hu Yaoting picked up her glass, touched Xiao Yunhai and said, "you boy, you are not really a comforter, but the songs you sing make me feel deeply. It is impossible for my family to know my own affairs and want me to change myself. Even if I love him again, I can't do it. If romance becomes a drag, I'd like to choose to return to loneliness for you. Ha ha, then go on alone. "

With that, Hu Yaoting raised her glass, raised her neck and drank it down.

Xiao Yunhai naturally gave his life to accompany the gentleman.

After drinking three cups, Hu Yaoting seemed to feel better. She took a deep breath and said, "let's go."

As for the money for wine, they paid for it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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