Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:44 AM

Chapter 1593

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The next day, Xiao Yunhai returned to Yanjing.

After only one day, Xiao Yunhai flew to Shanghai and joined the crew to participate in the publicity conference of "Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance".

In the next few days, Xiao Yunhai and his crew went to more than ten cities to publicize.

Xiao Yunhai's popularity is really too high, every place, thousands of fans must be welcome. No matter where a propaganda meeting is held, it is a sea of people, and the media and journalists pay more attention to it.

This period is the best film schedule in China. The fans have worked hard for a year and have money. In addition, it is Chinese new year, it is impossible to travel, so going to the cinema to see a movie has become their best pastime.

Since this schedule is the best, it will naturally attract the attention of film companies all over the world.

Like the "Tang Bohu points the autumn fragrance", all the troupes participate in the programs in various TV stations in China, and hold film publicity meetings in all parts of China.

According to the rough statistics of the media, there are more than 20 films of different styles and types released from the 10th day of the lunar month to the 20th day of the first lunar month.

In this, Xiao Yunhai's fame is naturally the biggest. If it's "Zhu Xian", then we'll all give up. But this is a comedy film with an investment of less than 100 million Chinese dollars, so it's another matter.

Some even challenged Xiao Yunhai in front of reporters in order to stand out.

In an interview program of Yanjing TV station, Frank gay, director of American Disneyland film company, was asked by the host what he thought of Xiao Yunhai's "Tang Bohu points the fragrance of autumn", he made a very impolite answer.

"I don't think Mr. Xiao's play can be a threat to me."


"It's simple. Because my "Jedi police" is better than Mr. Xiao's "Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance" in any aspect. First of all, there are actors. We have two Hollywood Movie Masters, one Hollywood queen, Chinese film emperor Liang Hui and the famous action actor, Mr. Zhen Dan. The other roles are also played by the first-line actors with excellent acting skills. Besides Mr. Xiao and Mr. Huang Bo, the golden emperor, I really don't know any other actors in Tang Bohu

"The second is investment. Mr. Xiao can't imagine what kind of scene I can't imagine with more than 30 million dollars. And we are 40 times as much as his. From preparation to publicity, we spent 1.3 billion US dollars. The scene is even more frightening. It can be called one of the most popular action movies in history

"The last is propaganda. Mr. Xiao seems to lack confidence in this film and his publicity is far lower than his other films. I didn't see anything wonderful about the trailer

"Therefore, I don't think Mr. Xiao's" Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance "is definitely not comparable to our" Jedi police. ". This is the real idea in my heart. I am not trying to slander Mr. Xiao's films. I hope he doesn't mind. "

Liang Hui nearby heard Frank sgay's words, and her smile suddenly converged, and her expression became very serious.

Although Liang Hui is also very confident in the movie "Jedi police", Frank sgay's so impolite comments on Xiao Yunhai's "Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance" makes Liang Hui smell a trace of danger.

Frank sgay is an excellent Hollywood action blockbuster director, but he does not know Xiao Yunhai's lofty status among Chinese fans.

From "Charlotte trouble" to "master", Xiao Yunhai has never let fans down. With a box office of over $23 billion and a minimum of $1.6 billion, no one can match it. This gave the long-term downturn of Chinese films a boost, Xiao Yunhai has also become a hero in their hearts, a sense of pride and self-confidence.

If Frank sgay's words annoyed Xiao Yunhai's fans and caused them to boycott "the Jedi police", then we can imagine the end of the play.

Thinking of this, Liang Hui was suddenly worried.

At the end of the show, Liang Hui said to Frank gay, "Mr. guy, you shouldn't say bad things about" don't give me some autumn fragrance ". It will be very bad for us

What's up, Frank? The reason why I say these words is to use Mr. Xiao's film to promote our "Jedi police", and these words are true. With Mr. Xiao's mind, we should not hold a grudge against him. "

"Yes," said Ruth, the heroine. I've met Mr. Xiao several times. He's a real gentleman. He doesn't mind. Moreover, director Guy only analyzed the gap between the two films from an objective point of view and did not slander them for no reason. Mr. Liang, are you worried too much? "

Liang Hui shook his head and said, "then why didn't other troupes talk about Mr. Xiao? As soon as reporters ask about Mr. Xiao's films, they just say good things. Don't they know the difference between "Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance" and their own movies

Franks gay was stunned, his face solemn, and said, "why?""Because they don't want to offend his fans. Director Guy, it's impossible to calculate how many fans Yunhai has in China. There must be over 300 million. In the minds of these people, the sea of clouds is their God. Even if it's a bad film, as long as he says it's good-looking, the box office of this film will immediately create a box office miracle. You're telling the truth. Yunhai will never take it seriously, but his hundreds of millions of fans don't think so. They will think that you are insulting the film of Yunhai and slandering their idols. Once our enemies use it and arouse their antipathy towards the Jedi police, it will not only end up in China, but also implicate your later films. Do you understand? "

Action star Richard widened his eyes and said, "No. Even the most famous actors in Hollywood can't have such influence. Liang, are you exaggerating? "

Liang Hui said with a bitter smile: "this is a lesson from the past. Have you forgotten Paramount's biochemical crisis, which competed with 2012? The director, Mr. weaver, was the holder of the global box office record at that time, and the film was also very wonderful, but in the end, he won $120 million in China. At that time, Xiao Yunhai had not yet reached the summit. Now, with the success of 2012 and the great master, his influence has reached the point where a word can determine the life and death of a movie. I hope that my prediction will not come true, otherwise, what we are waiting for will be a complete failure. "

Liang Hui's words, so that the entire crew are silent down, heart was covered with a layer of shadow.

When we got on the bus, no one spoke.

Arriving at the hotel, Franks gay suddenly said, "Liang, you and Mr. Xiao are good friends. Can you call him and explain it?"

Liang Hui frowned and said, "director, even if you make this call, it's useless. I know Yunhai very well. He won't mind, but he won't give us platform. After all, you're talking about his movies. "

Frank gay took a deep breath and said, "what do we do now?"

Liang Hui thought for a while and said, "we still have to call. This matter must be explained to Yunhai in advance. If it's not appropriate for him to explain, it's too bad for him to find out. I hope I'm just worrying. "

Taking out his mobile phone, Liang Hui dials Xiao Yunhai's number directly.

Xiao Yunhai is taking the crew to eat in a hot pot restaurant in modu. When he sees a call from Liang Hui, he quickly picks it up.

"Mr. Liang, you haven't contacted me for a long time." Xiao Yunhai said with a smile.

Liang Hui said with a smile, "you are so busy. How can I bother you often?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "according to you, it seems that there is something going on today."

Liang Hui said: "there is something I really want to communicate with you in advance. In the interview program just now, director Frank sgay said something inappropriate. I hope you don't mind. "

Xiao Yunhai asked in a puzzled way: "what words? Did you scold me or my movie? "

Liang Hui said: "none of them. So... "

after hearing Liang Hui's words, Xiao Yunhai frowned and said:" Mr. Liang, although director Guy said all the truth, I was still a little unhappy in my heart. He wants to use me to promote your films, which is a bit out of the ordinary. "

Liang Hui said with a wry smile: "director Guy has already known that it is not suitable. I'm sorry to call you. "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "my mind is not so narrow-minded. I will never retaliate because of this. But also my heart is not so big, it is impossible to say anything good for him. So I can take it as if it didn't happen. As for other problems, you can handle them yourself. "

Liang Hui said, "OK. As long as you don't mind. "

After hanging up the phone, Liang Hui said to Franks gay: "as I expected, he won't do anything to us because of this, but he won't explain it to us. Now the key is his fans. Let's wait and see. "

Franks gay could only nod helplessly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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