Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:42 AM

Chapter 1594

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Magic hot pot shop, Xiao Yunhai after answering the phone, face a little uneasy.

What he hated most was that outsiders borrowed his fame to promote films, especially forced to link two films that couldn't be played without his own permission. Such a thing is just a piece of shit. So frank was very upset about what guy did.

Xiao Yunhai is very aware of his status in the eyes of his fans, so no matter what the film, even the film of his company, he seldom makes any positive or negative evaluation.

So far, Bickerman's "King Kong" has been praised by him, and the box office in China has directly exceeded 4 billion US dollars. No other film has the honor.

After seeing Xiao Yunhai answer the phone, Bai Huijie doesn't seem to be right, so she gives Huang Bo a color.

"Third brother, what's bothering you? Say it and let's have a good time. "

Xiao Yunhai listened, directly happy, said: "you boy all day to know to pick up my tooth ear, have the ability to make up one of their own."

Huang Bo said with a smile, "I don't have that job. Was that Mr. Liang's call just now? What did he say? "

Xiao Yunhai said the matter again, and said, "what I hate most is this. It's unreasonable."

Huang Bo was also a little aggrieved and said: "if the quality of a film depends on the actors, investments and scenes, it's better to shoot commercial films. There are so many big stars in the cast. I wish I could do some publicity by myself. I have to use us as a stepping stone for his film promotion. It's really disgusting. However, I'm afraid the old boy has made a wrong calculation this time. He doesn't look at your status in the eyes of Chinese movie fans. He even dares to do such a thing. He is just looking for death. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I think Mr. Liang's call is also afraid that it will arouse the disgust of my fans. I have to explain it in advance so as not to cause my misunderstanding in the future. Oh, look at it. At our film conference tomorrow, this topic will definitely be asked. Oh, well, Frank gay did it to help us publicize. "

Liang Hui's guess is not wrong. That night, there were many posts about this issue on the major forums.

"Who's the director, Frank gay? It's such a big tone that I dare to slander our movie of emperor Yun. "

"Doesn't he want to hang out in China? Don't say that the emperor won't make a bad film. Even if it's a bad film, we can only scold it. He's something, and when it's his turn to speak. "

"Is the Jedi warlords great? Can it be better than biochemical crisis? Since he said that the box office of "Tong Bohu ordered autumn fragrance" can't match it, we'd better hit him in the face. Let his film go to hell. "

"Yes. If you dare to slander my idol, you must be punished. I propose that the box office for Jedi cop should not exceed 100 million. "

"You're right upstairs. Together, we just don't go to see his movies and see how arrogant he is. "

"Unfortunately, Huige was affected. I can't help it. For the sake of emperor Yun, I can only apologize to him. "

With the encouragement of those who are interested in it, fans are calling on friends to join hands to boycott the Jedi police.

Seeing the messages from online fans, Paramount's Asia director, Luke xiongton, was overjoyed.

The reason why this thing was thoroughly fermented in less than two hours was that he asked the navy to do something urgently.

Because Paramount's films "storm" and "Jedi police" are only one day behind each other before and after the screening time. They are also action films, and they are also large-scale productions, with investment no less than Disney.

If Jedi cop had a bad day, he would have benefited from it.

Like Frank sgay, Lu Kexiong is not optimistic about Xiao Yunhai's Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance. He doesn't regard it as an opponent at all.

Indeed, compared with their two high-end and high-end films, "Tang Bohu ordered autumn fragrance" is really too poor.

But the status of Xiao Yunhai in the fans, Frank sgay is very clear.

Therefore, before the "storm" crew launched the publicity campaign, he gave instructions, only to "Tang Bohu point autumn fragrance" said good, can not say anything bad about it.

Anyway, the film is not a threat to them, and the trouble is still less subtle.

It's the same with other companies.

But I didn't expect that the director of "Jedi police" should be so stupid. It's just looking for death to slander Xiao Yunhai's film in China.

Naturally, Luk Hsiung will not miss this opportunity. Other film companies such as GM, MGM and Huaxia have made the same response.

Under their deliberate propaganda, the Jedi police suddenly became the target of public criticism.

Even if Liang Hui made a long explanation on his homepage, he did not get the approval of the fans.

"Mr. Franks gay, your words have aroused the strong dissatisfaction of hundreds of millions of fans of Mr. Xiao. Do you have anything to say about it?""I hope you can look at it rationally. What I said was as a filmmaker, not as a director of Jedi police. Please don't boycott the film that took our entire crew half a year to make because of me. Please, everyone. "

Frank said, with a deep bow.

Almost at the same time, Xiao Yunhai and his crew were interviewed by reporters.

"I watched that interview directed by Frank gay, and if I'm happy, it's a lie. Of course, it's not as angry as you think

"Mr. Xiao, do you think his comment on your book" Tang Bohu points to autumn fragrance "is correct

"Frankly speaking," Tang Bohu points the autumn fragrance "is not as good as" the Jedi police "in terms of actors, investments and scenes, which is an objective fact. But I don't think our film will definitely lose to it. "Jedi police" is an action blockbuster. In this schedule, there are four action movies showing. The competition will be very fierce. What kind of box office it can get is still unknown. And my "Tang Bohu order autumn fragrance" is a distinctive low-cost comedy, the competition is relatively light. Therefore, it is too early to say whether the box office will win or lose. In fact, there is something wrong with Frank Gay's forced comparison of two films with different themes. An action film and an ancient costume comedy can't be compared with each other. "

"Mr. Shaw, now your countless fans are very dissatisfied with Mr. Frank Gay's remarks and have expressed their intention to boycott his films. What's your opinion on this?"

"A film can only be completed through the efforts of all the crew members, so it should not be denied. To be sure, Mr. Frank Gay's words, although I can't agree with him in some places, did not slander me and my film. I hope the fans can see it rationally

Xiao Yunhai's words simply stop talking, just tell the truth, as for how to do, it depends on the fans themselves.

This is also the broad-minded Xiao Yunhai. If he changed other directors, he would like to immediately add fuel to his words, just to kill a competitor.

Not only Xiao Yunhai, but other directors of the drama group were also asked about their views on this matter.

Without exception, almost all of them denounced Franks Gay's film as not using Xiao Yunhai's film to raise the value of his film.

Both domestic and foreign directors have not given up the opportunity to be a wet dog.

In this way, a large-scale action film that has not yet been released, under the joint attack of competitors, has directly reached the edge of collapse.

At the same time, we also let those entertainment companies see that in China, we can never say anything bad about Xiao Yunhai. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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