Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:41 AM

Chapter 1595

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Time flies, twinkling of an eye to the 15th of the twelfth lunar month "Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance" release day.

Xinhua summer cinema line has arranged 7800 screens for this film, which is the least. There is no way. There are too many films to be shown during this period. In addition, the investment of this film is too small. Therefore, it is still unknown how to arrange the films.

For this film, which is doomed to be scolded by those professionals, Xiao Yunhai did not even hold the premiere ceremony. Instead, he took Zhao Wanqing into a screening hall to see how the effect was.

At Xiao Yunhai's level, the premiere of a movie, good or bad, is bound to be full. In addition, the ticket price of the film is really cheap, only 18 yuan, so there is hardly a vacancy in the projection halls all over the country.

A while ago, there was a filmmaker who said in the program that even if Xiao Yunhai's "Tang Bohu points the fragrance of autumn" can't be worse, fans will certainly pay for it. Because everyone has a curiosity mentality, they would like to see with their own eyes what a movie that can make a myth come to an end. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the box office. Even if the ticket price of 18 yuan exceeds 3 billion yuan, there should be no problem.

The film started soon.

First of all, the gate of a mansion was surrounded by more than 20 people, all anxiously waiting for something.

Suddenly the door opened, and several servants threw out a garbage basket.

People scrambled for it one after another, and yelled that I finally got Tang Bohu's calligraphy, and then ran away, and the people behind me rushed after him.

The beginning of this half minute is nothing strange. It just shows how powerful Tang Bohu's painting is. But the next scene makes everyone laugh.

Tang Bohu, played by Xiao Yunhai, has a brush in his hand and is stained with black ink. His face looks serious. Fans think he is going to paint.

I didn't expect a huge reversal in the next shot. Xiao Yunhai was brushing chicken wings, and the ink was soy sauce.

A young man who had just had a sip of water spurted out of his mouth with a puff.

Fortunately, he lowered his head in time and sprayed it on the ground, otherwise he had to fight with the people in front of him.

"Shit, what the hell."

"In front of me, I praised how powerful Tang Bohu was. As a result, I got a roast chicken wing. I am also convinced of this divine turn. "

"It's tough. In terms of humor, who can compare with the emperor

The fans laughed at the plot.

Next, Huang Bo plays Zhu Zhishan to Xiao Yunhai's home.

After some flattery, Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "but, brother Zhu, you lose several hundred taels every few days. If you lose all of them, you will come to call for help. It's not the way to do this all the time? "

Huang Bo nodded, raised his thumb, and said," I have insight. In view of this, I lost everything I could lose in my life, which is 300000 taels. I hope brother Tang can draw 30 paintings for me and let me pay my debts and save my life! "

" Puchi "

" hahaha. "

"It's a dialogue. It's funny to lose everything you can in your life. "

"See here, I dare say this is a film that can make people laugh

The fans in the movie hall laughed back and forth again.

Next, Xiao Yunhai painted with Huang Bo's body, rolling and rolling, making a picture of a majestic eagle spreading its wings and swallowing the world.

The idea immediately attracted applause and cheers from fans.

Huang Bo said with a smile: "what I admire most about brother Tang is that I can make the double points on my chest into flowers, my palms into trees, my buttocks become stones, my front feet sit on clouds, and my back feet become mountains. Why, what part of my body was that magnificent Eagle painted with? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it is your life root."

Huang Bo showed a proud look and said, "as expected, it's majestic and enthusiastic. It's really vivid."

Xiao Yunhai looked scornful: "what I mean is that little bug in the beak of an eagle. How can it be majestic and enthusiastic? Cut

"Ha ha ha."

Only ten minutes after the movie started, the fans in Xiao Yunhai's studio laughed seven or eight times. Even Zhao Wanqing, who had read the script, was laughing all the time after watching Xiao Yunhai and Huang Bo's extremely exaggerated performance. He didn't care about his lady style at all.

"Husband, you two are a pair of living treasures."

Xiao Yunhai hissed at her: "wife, be quiet. What do you think? "

Zhao Wanqing said in a soft voice, "everyone is laughing like this. Do you still need to say? However, you should be prepared to be scolded by the critics. The quality of this film is so spooky. I can't stand it, let alone them. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "whatever. As long as the fans like it, it's OK. "

When the two were discussing the film, the critics had put down their pens."What kind of movie is this? It's sensational. "

"Xiao Yunhai is going downhill."

"I'm so angry. He is now the world's leading director and the leader of China's film and television industry. It's insulting to make such a film. "

"Charlotte's annoyance was a joke. I didn't expect that this "Tang Bohu order autumn fragrance" is more mischievous. I have only one feeling. I can't argue with anger. "

Countless film critics have seen the beginning, already know that this "Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance" is a kind of comedy film without artistic quality.

The dialogue and expression of the characters are all exaggerated.

In their eyes, the performances of Xiao Yunhai and Huang Bo are not even as good as the new film stars who just graduated from school.

More than ten minutes later, Xiao Yunhai saw several black shadows leave the studio.

Zhao Wanqing said, "husband, have you seen it? The one who just went out was Lai Changping, a five-star film critic. It's only a dozen minutes, and he's gone. It's estimated that your score is probably a duck's egg. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "it's still that sentence. I'm shooting for the fans, not for the critics. "

Just at this time, it happened that Ning Wang sent the imperial doctor to check on Tang Bohu's illness, while Tang Bohu hid in his room and ate chicken, which caused the fans to laugh again.

Xiao Yunhai said, "do you hear me. This is the biggest encouragement to me. The rest is bullshit. "

The film to the life-threatening scholar sword battle Tang family overlord gun plot, inside the action is extremely beautiful, can all be covered by the joke.

Let everyone feel wonderful, see Tang Bohu's mother there again and again pit her husband, the whole studio suddenly turned into a sea of joy.

A girl next to Zhao Wanqing covered her stomach and kept laughing. She lowered her head and did not dare to look again.

The funniest part of it came up very quickly.

Along with the exciting drum sound, the four talented people took the model step, the music and the movement between the nondescript Union, amused the movie fan to all want to laugh.

After a poem about a person's life, the famous flower in the previous life finally appeared.

Tang Bohu was instigated by all the people to walk behind the woman and said, "miss."

Ruhua suddenly turned around, and saw her thick eyebrows and big eyes, her beard stubble, and her fingers were still picking up her nose. However, she wanted to learn from the woman and show her charming amorous feelings. She said, "what can I do for you, young master?"

This scene almost didn't vomit. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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