Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:34 AM

Chapter 1599

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When Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing did that, Lai Wenhui and his girlfriend came home after watching a movie in an ordinary community in Yanjing.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw his father, Lai Changping, sitting on the sofa with a gloomy face. He seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Dad, who's bothering you? You tell me, I'll fix him for you. " Said Lai Wenhui, taking off his coat.

Lai Changping snorted and said, "who else but you. How long have you been talking to Lily? Why don't you plan to get married. I tell you, if you don't fall in love with the purpose of marriage, I will kill you. "

Lai Wenhui said with a smile: "Dad, we have just discussed and will get married in two months."

Lai Changping was stunned and said, "really?"

"Of course."

Lai Wenhui said in his heart, "you are going to be a grandfather. Can I do what I should do without seizing the time?"

Lai Changping nodded and said, "this is not bad. What did you do tonight? "

Lai Wenhui said with a smile, "I went to the cinema with Lili."

Lai Changping was shocked and asked, "what movie?"

Lai Wenhui said with a smile: "Dad, what you did as a five-star film critic is not up to the standard. Of course, it's cloud emperor's" Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance. "

Lai Changping narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "what do you think of the film?"

"I'm kidding," Lai said. Can my idol's movie be bad? Lily and I were laughing from the beginning to the end, and almost didn't make me laugh. Wait a minute. I'll go to watch. Com and give this play a 9.5. In the new year's time, the screening of this kind of comedy, the cloud emperor will come

Hearing his son's comments on the film, Lai Changping frowned and said, "do you all think so?"

Lai replied, "of course. Lily and I have agreed to see it again tomorrow. Dad, I advise you to go and have a look. It's new year's day. Don't look like this all day. As the saying goes, smile, ten years old. "

With that, Lai went into his bedroom.

In less than five minutes, he ran out, looked at Lai Changping, and exclaimed, "Dad, you're not mistaken. Cloud emperor such a good film, you even played zero points, but also called it rubbish. Is your appreciation level different from normal people? "

Lai Changping snorted and said, "I really didn't see your so-called smile point. In my eyes, this play is a piece of rubbish made up of exaggerated acting skills, spoof plots and funny dialogues

Lai Wenhui said indignantly: "comedy is not funny, not funny, then how to make people laugh. If you critics look at a commercial comedy from the perspective of a literary film, there will be problems. But if you stand in the position of an audience, it will be different. Dad, movies are made for fans, not for your critics. If you want to evaluate a movie objectively, you should give up the prejudice in your heart and feel its charm from the perspective of an audience. What is the standard of comedy? It's not artistry, but whether the audience who watched it smile. The bigger the laughter, the more successful the comedy. "

Lai Changping was stunned for a moment. Obviously, he didn't expect Lai Wenhui to say such a thing. He said, "you know what a movie is. Don't talk about your fallacy here, and go to bed

Lai Wenhui said helplessly, "Dad, you are really stubborn. However, you see, even if you give this movie zero points, its box office will still soar. Those so-called blockbusters, in front of "Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance", will be vulnerable. At that time, you should not be slapped in the face by the fans. "

Lai Wenhui got into his bedroom.

Lai Changping sat alone on the sofa, seemingly lost in thought.

He didn't listen to his son's words. He just didn't want to lose the dignity of being a father in front of him.

In fact, even he himself had to admit that what his son said was reasonable.

The standard of comedy is the laughter of the audience, which seems to be correct.

Is it really appropriate to look at a comedy film with a good eye?

Is there something wrong with our angle?

Recalling the laughter of the fans in the cinema, Lai Wenhui suddenly felt that his starting point seemed completely wrong.

He took out a notebook computer and boarded the movie watching network. The average score of 9.08 points, which was bright red, suddenly came into his eyes.

"How can it be so high? Is this the score a piece of junk should have? Even for those blockbusters, it's impossible to achieve this score. "

For the first time, Lai felt that he seemed to be very far away from the audience's vision.

The next day, the box office of "Tang Bohu ordered autumn fragrance" was hot. It took 117 million in four shows, with a attendance rate of 99%. You should know that the ticket price is only 18 yuan.

The whole industry is stupid.

Those who did not put Xiao Yunhai's comedy in the eyes of the company, looking at the report, are a bit incredible.

"How could it be? It's legendary. ""Even at one o'clock in the morning, the attendance rate is 100%. Is this what a bad film can do?"

In China's one-day box office list, "Tang Bohu ordered autumn fragrance" fell directly to the fifth place. What's more, on the major online film forums, fans almost unanimously recommended the play.

"What's the funniest costume comedy? Please refer to Tang Bohu's order of autumn fragrance. "

"I hate the emperor. His "Tang Bohu ordered autumn fragrance" made me a big fool. I threw up my afternoon meal with laughter. It was really embarrassing. "

"The expert rating on the movie watching website is only 1 point. Am I dazzled? How can such a good movie have only one point. "

"The original" Charlotte trouble ", the film critics played two points, now" Tang Bohu points autumn ", they gave another point. But these two comedies are my favorite. I really don't know whether I should still believe them in the future? Our views on a certain matter are far from each other. "

"Tang Bohu points the autumn fragrance" on the movie watching website is a piece of rubbish. Seeing the comments of the film critics, I am also drunk. Fortunately, I went to see it again, or they would have to take it to the ditch. "

"Brothers and sisters, please don't believe the critics. It is highly recommended that Tang Bohu order autumn fragrance. If you don't watch it, it will be a great loss to you. "

The views of the fans and the critics have just turned 180 degrees.

At the beginning, this kind of problem also appeared in Xiao Yunhai's "Charlotte trouble". However, at that time, other people's words were light and did not attract the attention of the media.

Now Xiao Yunhai's identity and status in China's entertainment industry do not do the second person think, his film again appeared such a contrast, immediately set off a big discussion in the circle.

Why critics and fans have such opposite opinions on the same film has become a topic of discussion among netizens.

And "Tang Bohu order autumn fragrance" also took advantage of this, almost full of venues, many of them are family mobilization with children and girls, and some even read it three or four times, still laughing.

The reason why classics can become classics is that every time I look at it, I can feel its charm even if I know the plot. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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