Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:53 AM

Chapter 160

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Xiao Yunhai made a color to Su Yingxue. Su Yingxue understood, nodded, and said to Hua Mingquan: "Mr. Hua, the novel Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu was completed by us Yunhai with countless efforts and painstaking efforts. I believe you should be aware of its great influence. I have received no less than 30 calls this afternoon, including your club, which means that I hope to be able to obtain the distribution right of "Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu"

"It's not modest to say that no matter which publishing house gets" Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu ", its fame will certainly have an explosive growth. You know, there are tens of millions of fans waiting for it. If we hand it over to the sunshine publishing house for distribution, it will be no less than a big advertisement for you to let the people all over the country know your name. You should admit that? "

Hua Ming nodded and said with a bitter smile, "yes. Ms. Su needn't say that. I'm very aware of the influence of Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu among the fans. I just hope you'll be kind enough to leave us some hard money. "

Su Yingxue was amused by Hua Ming's poor expression and said with a smile, "Hua doesn't need to be like this. In business, the value of Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu is almost unlimited. Therefore, our requirement is an 8:2 profit distribution. We are 8, sunshine Publishing House 2. "

"What? 8: 2 "

before Hua Mingquan spoke, Zhang Liye and Wang Wenxuan stood up in shock.

They have worked for Minsheng publishing house for so many years, but they haven't seen anything. However, the distribution of 8:2 has never been heard in the whole publishing industry, let alone read it.

Zhang Liye also thought that Xiao Yunhai would open his mouth. After all, the achievements of his first two novels were there, but 80% of the profits still far exceeded his expectation.

Even Xiao Yunhai was shocked by Su Yingxue's appetite. He took advantage of the tea break to take a look at her and said, "the ancients are right. The most poisonous woman's heart is.". I just said that 60% is a little bit more. This is less than 10 minutes, and it has increased by 20%. Is this to regard the sunshine publishing house as the chief wrongdoer? "

Wang Wenxuan looked at Hua Mingquan who was calm and said, "President Hua, we..."

Hua Mingquan waved his hand, interrupted Wang Wenxuan's words, and said with a bitter smile to Su Yingxue: "the price of Ms. Su is really a little high. Don't say it's our sunshine publishing house. Even if it's any publishing house in China, it won't agree. Eighty percent, it's just blatantly trampling on the rules of publishing. "

"It's a good rule for publishers." Su Yingxue sneered and said, "Mr. Hua, I can tell you the truth. In the phone call this afternoon, nine of them went out to 80%, and three went to 90%. If it wasn't for their distribution in only a few provinces and their printing capacity was somewhat low, I would have interviewed them. In the face of great interests, rules are nothing. "

Hua Mingquan thought about it and said, "I can give 60% at most."

"This price is absolutely not good." Su Yingxue firmly said: "when our family Yunhai was not yet famous," Chu Liuxiang legend "and" Xiao Li Throwing Knife "could sell 40 million copies. Now his fame in China is no less than that of any superstar. There are tens of millions of fans, movie fans and book fans. Once "Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu" is released, it will surely set off a wave of madness, and the name of your sunshine publishing house will surely enter the front of the people of the whole country. "

"Mr. Hua, if sunshine Publishing House wants to become famous in a short time, only we" Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu "can do it. Yunhai once told me that our goal is to break through the sales miracle of 50 million copies. Even if we can't, there is no problem with 30 million copies. Mr. Hua, it's time to come again. "

To say that Su Yingxue is indeed an excellent agent. She is flexible and eloquent. When she talks, she is reasonable and clear-cut. She really has the demeanor of a strong woman.

Xiao Yunhai is still the first time to see her negotiate, and he can't help feeling: "the technology industry has its own specialty. It seems that the representative he is looking for is really right."

Zhang Liye, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly asked, "Mr. Xiao, Ms. Su, do you really think this novel can reach 50 million copies?"

Since the rise of network literature, the physical publishing industry has been seriously hit. In recent years, there are only one or two writers who can sell more than ten million works.

In such a severe environment, Su Yingxue dare to say that she is running for 50 million copies. Even Zhang Liye, who has the most confidence in "Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu", feels that Su Yingxue's words are somewhat exaggerated.

After listening to Zhang Liye's words, Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Zhang, I'm very confident about this movie" Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu. ". Both the plot and the choice of words and sentences have reached the peak of martial arts novels. It's not that I boast that none of them dare to say, but it is absolutely unprecedented. With proper publicity, I think 50 million copies may not be impossible. "

Looking at Xiao Yunhai's confident expression, Hua Mingquan suddenly moved in his heart and said, "Mr. Xiao, I heard that when you signed a contract with Minsheng publishing house for the first time, you signed a bet contract."Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. It was signed with Mr. Zhang at that time

"How about we sign a similar contract this time?"

"I'd like to hear more about it."

Hua Ming thought it over and said, "do you think it's appropriate. If the sales volume of Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu exceeds 10 million yuan, you account for 60% of the total profit; if it exceeds 20 million yuan, you account for 70%; if it exceeds 30 million yuan, 80%; if it exceeds 40 million yuan, 90%. It's 90 percent at most. What do you think? "

Su Yingxue frowns. Seeing that Xiao Yunhai seems to have a change, she pulls his clothes tightly and asks him not to agree.

In Su Yingxue's opinion, in this negotiation, she has already occupied an absolute advantage. Even if the other party does not accept 80% of the distribution, at least 70% of it can still be achieved.

This kind of gambling agreement seems to be more advantageous, but there is no absolute truth. If Xiao Yunhai had any Waterloo incident this time, then his side would not have lost a lot.

When Xiao Yunting said, "Xiao Yunting is interested in taking the place of Yinghai."

"Sea of clouds." Su Yingxue opened her eyes and looked at him angrily.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "sister Xue, I understand what you mean, but you should have confidence in me and in Xiaoao Ao Jiang Hu. Mr. Hua has to send us money. Why don't we take it? I'm going to set a 90% profit. "

Hua Mingquan gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and exclaimed, "Mr. Xiao is really a good man."

Xiao Yunhai stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "I hope we can cooperate happily."

Hua Mingquan said with a smile: "it will be very happy."

According to the agreement between the two, sunshine publishing house quickly finalized the agreement, which was brought over by a staff member.

Su Yingxue has already invited a lawyer to examine the contract carefully. There is no problem. Xiao Yunhai signs the contract.

In this way, the issue of "Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu" has been completely solved.

After huamingquan and others left, Su Yingxue angrily said to Xiao Yunhai, "you are stupid. Why do you sign such a contract. If you don't talk much, I can at least talk about 70 percent. "

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, shook the agreement on his hand and said, "but you helped me talk about 90 percent this time."

Su Yingxue directly speechless, said powerless: "boss, that needs sales to reach 40 million."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry, there's no problem."

"Well, you just said that I talked about 90 percent for you, didn't you?" Su Yingxue suddenly came to the spirit, beautiful big eyes full of expectation to look at Xiao Yunhai.

"Yes, that's right. That's what I said

Su Yingxue was very happy to hear that. She directly stretched out her hand and said to Xiao Yunhai, "take the money. You said you'd give me a commission as long as it's over 60%. Now it's 90 percent. It's over 30 points. One hundred thousand. You need to pay me three million. "

Xiao Yunhai blinked his eyes and asked, "did I say that? How I forgot. " With that, he quickly put on his clothes and walked out of the box.

"Xiao... Yun... Hai, you pay me back." In the evening, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing talked for a while and told her not to be too tired.

Since Xiao Yunhai showed her the part of the legend of Zhen Huan, Zhao Wanqing immediately fell in love with the role and had to play it.

In fact, Xiao Yunhai also wants to give Zhen Huan to her. After all, fat water doesn't flow into the fields of outsiders.

However, the early Zhen Huan is not difficult for Zhao Wanqing, but the domineering and ruthless in the later stage is what Zhao Wanqing lacks.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai tells her that if she wants to play this role, she must play Zhen Huan's hegemony.

As a result, Zhao Wanqing stopped all the work under her hand and went directly back to the company to find a teacher for training.

Xiao Yunhai made an appointment with her for several times, but he didn't even have the opportunity to make love with her girlfriend for the sake of Zhen Huan. "

After the phone call, Xiao Yunhai once again entered the plot of the legend of Zhen Huan. Two hours later, Xiao Yunhai's "Legend of Zhen Huan" script was finally completed.

Looking at the fruits of his labor, Xiao Yunhai is very satisfied in his heart.

Look at the time, it's already 11:30, Xiao Yunhai simply took a bath, and he fell asleep in bed.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Su Yingxue.

"Your advertising contract with Haoyu has been settled. The other party is very optimistic about your future, so they agree to sign for only two years, but the signing fee is changed to 15 million per year, and you must wear Haoyu brand clothes when you participate in various activities in the future. What do you think? "

"It's all right. It's hard work, sister Xue."

"It's OK. The shooting time of the advertisement is two o'clock this afternoon, in the flagship store of Haoyu clothing. ""Yes, I see. When the time comes, ask Li Bing to come and pick me up. "

As a matter of fact, for Xiao Yunhai, who is used to making TV series and movies, advertisements really have no gold content. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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