Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:30 AM

Chapter 1602

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When he got home, Xiao Yunhai took a hot bath and went to drink.

Seeing Zhao Wanqing on the Internet, Xiao Yunhai got close to her and told her what happened in the evening.

Zhao Wanqing heard this and said: "good, Xiao Yunhai, I will be sold after a meal."

"What kind of peddling?" Xiao Yunhai said: "I can't sell such a beautiful daughter-in-law as I am for how much money I give. Wife, that's a good thing. To go to see a movie for free is a small bargain. "

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "I don't want to take advantage of this kind of small bargain. All right, I promise you. Would you like me to say it on the home page? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's the best. Well, if I was sick, I would help a competitor. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "this is not a disease, but a fool. However, it's stupid and makes people like it. "

Click to open their own home page, Zhao Wanqing made a post on it.

"It's said that the Jedi war police is very popular in Europe and the United States, and its reputation is even better. I'll go and learn about it tomorrow."

The post has been sent out less than half an hour, and the reprint volume has exceeded a million times.

Countless fans left messages in Zhao Wanqing's comment area.

"After clearing up, you are going to see the Jedi warlords. Does the emperor know that?"

"The director of the Jedi warlords used to beat up the emperor's film in an interview. It's not appropriate to do so after clearing up. "

"Don't be silly upstairs. Can we not discuss such a big matter with emperor Yun after clearing up? It must be with the consent of the emperor

"In fact, the director is just truthful and has no intention of belittling the film of emperor Yun. It's just that they were given a hat. "

"Yes. The emperor also said in an interview that he didn't care about this matter at all. We should treat it with a normal heart. "

"It's really inappropriate for us to ban their films just because of their director's words. There's a sense of guilt for words."

"Hehe, since yunhuangqing doesn't mind this matter, I'll go to see what makes this movie popular in Europe and America tomorrow night."

Zhao Wanqing's statement made fans withdraw their boycott of Jedi warlords. Liang Hui, who has been paying close attention to the Internet since returning home, was very happy. It also made other film companies very angry.

"Are Xiao Yunhai and his wife sick. Their "Tang Bohu points the autumn fragrance" is still in the hot show, not to deal with competitors, but to help the enemy solve the problem. That's just ridiculous. "

"Did the Jedi police crew catch Xiao Yunhai? Otherwise, Xiao Yunhai would be fed up and set up such a strong opponent for himself."

"I managed to get rid of a strong opponent, but I didn't want to be rescued by Zhao Wanqing. Well, it's not as good as heaven

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, the major entertainment companies are secretly hate teeth.

The next night, the premiere of Jedi Warlords was held.

Fans screamed when Zhao Wanqing appeared on the red carpet, unaffected by the fact that she hadn't been in public for months.

Director Franks gay breathed a deep breath with a comfortable smile on his face. Before Zhao Wanqing stepped into the middle of the red carpet, he met Liang Hui and Charleson.

"Miss Zhao, I really appreciate your presence at our premiere." Said Franks gay.

This time, he really learned a lesson. Just a few words, he almost stopped his movie. Frank gay is going crazy these days.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "director Guy, you are welcome."

Seeing Zhao Wanqing talking and laughing with Franks gay, the reporters on both sides will naturally not miss such a picture. The shutter crackles and the flash lights are constantly on, which makes the night shine like day.

"It seems that the relationship between Yun Huangqing and Franks gay is not as tense as it is reported."

"I had guessed. The reason why Jedi warlords were boycotted by fans was that several other competitors were secretly abetting it. The emperor has never encouraged his fans to do so. "

"Ha ha, what kind of heart is emperor Yun? It's impossible to take these things to heart. Those companies have been taking advantage of the cloud emperor's popularity and encouraging his fans to boycott Jedi warlords, just to crack down on their rivals. "

The reporters were taking pictures and whispering.

They are the clearest group of people in the entertainment industry.

"Jedi warlords" lasts 135 minutes from 8 p.m. to 10.15 p.m.

Zhao Wanqing saw the end from the beginning, but did not feel the passage of time at all. The plot was extremely compact, and the action design was fierce and cruel. The scene was so grand that it was hard to imagine. There were all kinds of rockets, tanks, armed helicopters, fighter planes and even warships, which brought the visual advantages of imax3d into full play."No wonder this film can achieve such good results in Europe and the United States. It's really wonderful." After the movie, Zhao Wanqing clapped and sighed to herself.

Out of the studio, Zhao Wanqing was immediately surrounded by reporters.

"Miss Zhao, why are you here for the premiere of Jedi warlords?"

Zhao Wanqing was stunned and asked, "can't I join in?"

"No, I mean Mr. guy, the director of the Jedi police, once commented on Mr. Shaw's films. Don't you and Mr. Shaw mind at all?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "you are talking about the interview with Yanjing TV station. Hehe, my husband didn't take it seriously. As a matter of fact, director Guy is right. Whether it's actors, investments or scenes, the gap between Tong Bohu's autumn fragrance and the Jedi police is obvious. My husband and I are not so narrow-minded that we can't even listen to this kind of words. "

"What do you think of Jedi cop?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "it's wonderful. Especially under the 3dimax screen, the visual effect is much better than the 2D and ordinary 3D technologies in the past. This film is worthy of its reputation for winning nearly seven billion dollars at the box office in Europe and the United States. "

"Miss Zhao, how many points would you give to Jedi warlords?"

Zhao Wanqing thought about it and said, "nine points."

"What about Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "of course, it is very much. My husband's movies are always very good for me

"Miss Zhao, can you predict the result of the Jedi box office? What's more, do you think it will threaten Mr. Xiao's Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "I have never predicted the box office of a movie. Especially at this stage, when more than 20 films compete with each other, it's even worse. So don't make it difficult for me. As for the threat to Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance? Of course. However, the impact will not be too big. The two films are different types and there is no comparability. "

"Who do you think is the box office higher for" Tang Bohu's order of autumn fragrance "and" the Jedi warlords "

Zhao Wanqing thought about it and said, "it's hard to say. The advantage of Jedi cop is that the action scene is so hot that it attracts young people into the cinema. The advantage of my husband's "Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance" is that it has a wide range of audiences, young and old, and many of them are watched by the whole family together. In terms of the number of fans, "Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance" is definitely much higher than "the Jedi police.". But the biggest problem is that the price difference between the two is too far. It's really hard to predict the difference of nearly seven times between 18 yuan and 120 yuan. "

"Miss Zhao, the word-of-mouth of" Tang Bohu points to autumn fragrance "shows a trend of two levels of differentiation. It is really hard to accept the score of 1 point from the critics and 9 points from the fans. What do you think of this? "

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "there is no special view. Even twins have different opinions on the same thing, let alone others. "

"It is said that CCTV film channel will host a debate on this issue, inviting critics, directors and fans to discuss this issue. Did Mr. Xiao receive the invitation from the TV Center? If so, will Mr. Xiao discuss it with them? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "we haven't heard the news, let alone received any invitation. As for whether my husband will go or not, I don't know

"Miss Zhao, you..."

after answering more than 20 questions in succession, Zhao Wanqing got rid of these reporters. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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