Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:29 AM

Chapter 1603

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Back home, see Xiao Yunhai is lying on the sofa, leisurely playing "battle of the king" with mobile phone, suddenly some psychological imbalance.

"Husband, you are really good. I've been chased and intercepted by countless reporters outside. You'd better play games here. What a shame. " Zhao Wanqing takes Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone jiaochen Dao.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I just put the two little guys to sleep. You'll be back when you've played a game

Zhao Wanqing glanced at him and said, "ghosts believe you. By the way, let me ask you something. Has CCTV film channel invited you to attend the debate? A reporter suddenly asked me such a question, which confused me

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. An hour ago, their director called me in person. "

Zhao Wanqing asked, "did you agree?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is all because of my" Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance ". Of course, I will attend. However, I will not participate in the previous discussion, only in the final stage

Zhao Wanqing said, "then you have to be careful. Don't be so secretive. When? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the night after tomorrow. How about the Jedi cop, wife

Zhao Wanqing said, "it's quite beautiful. You've met a real opponent. "

Xiao Yunhai said with disapproval: "it doesn't matter. Every movie that's shown now can be called my opponent. As people say, in terms of cast, investment and scene, I'm in the top of the bottom. But you look at the box office, those so-called blockbusters are still under my weight. What kind of time period and what kind of film will be put on is the premise that the film can get high box office. It's new year's day, I'm going to watch comedies, and my movie tickets are cheap. Ha ha, I'm definitely the strongest in terms of endurance. "

Zhao Wanqing said defiantly: "the ticket price is really your sharp weapon, but it will also hurt yourself. One ticket can catch up with six or seven of you. Even if "Tang Bohu points to autumn fragrance" has more lasting power, it can't compare with others. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. I want popularity, not box office. Besides, the reason why I made this film is just to make the fans have a happy Spring Festival. The box office is not in my consideration. "

Zhao Wanqing said:" it's good that you can have such a mentality. As great as Jedi cop is, it has far more competitors and more pressure than you. It's hard to say who can win the Chinese box office champion in this schedule. "

According to statistics, within a month after the 15th of the 12th lunar month, more than 60% of the films are made with 3dimax technology, and 20% of the films are ordinary 3D. However, Xiao Yunhai's "Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance" is the only small cost 2D film. Otherwise, it will not be ignored by those directors.

However, no one thought that this movie, with an investment of only 30 million US dollars, turned out to be the biggest black horse, and almost all the big budget movies were wiped out in the face of it.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "small cost also has the advantages of small cost. Do you see, the word-of-mouth of "Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance" is still far ahead of other films. I don't believe that even the Jedi police can beat me. "

Xiao Yunhai guessed correctly.

The audience rating of "Jedi warlords" was not as good as it was on the video viewing website, only 8.57 points, but the expert rating was far better than him, 8.23 points.

However, the box office is not as good as its word-of-mouth. It may be due to the influence of previous events. The premiere night only won 78.24 million, but the potential is the strongest.

Xiao Yunhai's "Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance" is still in a strong momentum, with 327 million. In a week, the total box office has exceeded 2 billion. Although it fell to the third place, it was no less popular than the scene at the beginning, and the attendance rate was much more than that of other films.

After the lunar new year, all the films have declined as expected. The disadvantage of the low ticket price of "Tang Bohu's order of autumn fragrance" is obvious, only getting 212 million, ranking sixth. However, "Jedi men" topped the box office with 576 million strong, with only 317 million in the second place, which was far from the "Jedi men".

At 8:00 p.m. on the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, at the request of the film and television administration, the film forum held by the film channel began.

This time, the organizers invited six five-star film critics, four film directors and stars, as well as more than 20 fans.

Among the film critics, Lai Changping, who made a sharp comment on Xiao Yunhai's Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance, has been included.

The director and actors are Xiao Yunhai's old acquaintances, Jiao fangtao, Zhang Xiaojing, Liang Hui and Wang Youcai.

They all have films on show, which can be used to publicize this national topic.

At the beginning of the discussion, the critics and fans started a heated debate, leaving no face for each other. The atmosphere was extremely tense, and the contradiction was irreconcilable.

Jiao fangtao and others just become spectators. If they were not asked by the host, they would not even have a chance to speak.Fortunately not. Because there is no serious relationship between the critics and the fans, the words are sharp like a knife and there is no scruple in speaking. On the one hand, they are the critics and mouthpiece of the film. On the other hand, they are their food and clothing parents. They dare not offend them. The four of them are on pins and needles. They are very embarrassed.

"I didn't come to the show if I knew it." Liang Hui and others thought secretly.

The two sides argued for more than 50 minutes. The public said that the public was reasonable, and the old woman said that the old woman was reasonable. Neither of them could convince anyone. However, the focus was on Xiao Yunhai's Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance.

The host saw that the time was almost up, so he interrupted the debate between the two sides and said, "to be honest, I didn't expect the discussion meeting to be so intense today. The contradiction between the six five-star film critics and the 22 fans focuses on Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance. One side said it was a rotten film, while the other said it was one of the most classic comedies in Chinese movies. Today, we are lucky to have Mr. Xiao Yunhai, director of "Tang Bohu ordering autumn fragrance", come to the scene and listen to what he said. Applause, please

In the scene of hundreds of audience full of surprise cheers, Xiao Yunhai took the microphone and walked out calmly.

Standing in the middle of the venue, he first bowed to the audience and then bowed to the three parties participating in the debate. Then he shook hands with the host.

"Mr. Xiao, did you hear the debate among some film critics, teachers and fans in the back?" Asked the host.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. So I wanted to go, but I was stopped by your security guard


"Ha ha ha."

As soon as Xiao Yunhai came on stage, the atmosphere of the whole program suddenly changed a lot.

"Why are you going?" asked the host

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course, I was scared. The two sides of the needle point to the wheat awn, I listen to the cold sweat straight out in the back, worried that they start to fight again, that can be a big trouble

The scene laughed again.

The host said, "Mr. Xiao, you are really joking. There are three groups on the court now. Which group are you going to sit in? "

The more than 20 fans exclaimed, "here we are, here we are."

Xiao Yunhai waved to them and said, "thank you. But I'd better go to the safer teacher Liang. After all, I'm a director and an actor. "

After Xiao Yunhai came to his seat and sat down, the discussion continued.

The host said, "Mr. Xiao has arrived. Do you have anything to ask?"

At the moment, Lai Changping incarnated as the main attacker and said, "Mr. Xiao, did you expect the occurrence of today's events long after you finished filming Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. I said it at the press conference

"Why do you want to make such a controversial film?" Lai asked

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a smile: "there is not much controversy among the fans. Most of the fans gave scores of more than 8.5 points. It should be said that the controversy mainly comes from the opinions of teachers and Chinese fans, which leads to the loss of guiding significance of your comments, just like the original "Charlotte trouble". Am I right? "

Lai Changping's brow frowned as he stagnated.

In fact, Xiao Yunhai is not wrong, but as soon as this argument is thrown out, it becomes a contradiction between film critics and fans. Xiao Yunhai's "Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance" can be left out.

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