Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:27 AM

Chapter 1604

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Shen Qingyan, a famous film critic nearby, said, "Mr. Xiao, you are very good at changing the topic. We're going to talk about your movie first, and then we'll talk about the problems that come from this movie. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "well, I'll answer teacher Lai's question in another way. When a director makes a film, he has to think it over carefully. Before I started shooting, I knew that "Tang Bohu ordered autumn fragrance" would be liked by the fans, because the laughter in it was too much for the screenwriter, let alone others. Of course, I also know that it will be criticized by teachers like Charlotte's troubles. But what about that? I can't give up shooting this comedy movie that can make hundreds of millions of people laugh just because of your dozens and hundreds of critics. Hehe, no one can do anything that is small and loses big. "

Shen Qingfeng: "Mr. Xiao, how many points do you give to Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't know. Doctors don't treat themselves. Those who have the most say should be those who have seen the film. "

Lai Changping sighed and said, "Mr. Xiao, do you know that our film review Association really respects you very much. Although you are young and not many films have been made, the achievements you have made are expected by all the people in the industry. But I didn't expect that you would make such a film that is not nutritious and seriously inconsistent with your identity. It's really heartbreaking

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said: "Mr. Lai, first of all, I want to thank you for your attention. Secondly, I want to say that my positioning is a director and an actor, and there is no great identity. Many media are boasting that I am the world's first director, saying that I am the flag bearer in Chinese films. Ha ha, these appellations really flatter me. I don't think I have that great ability and ability. I just want to make some movies that fans like. When a person feels that he is high again, maybe the next moment waiting for him is failure. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

"Well said."

"Be modest and modest. That's great."

Xiao Yunhai's words not only won the applause of the fans, but also Lai Changping and Shen Qingyan clapped their hands.

Lai Changping said: "Mr. Xiao, it's really great that you can have such an awareness."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Lai, I have read your comments on Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance.". The words are not pleasant, but they are not beyond my expectation. With all due respect, do you think you are standing a little higher when you evaluate a movie? "

Lai Changping and others looked at each other and asked, "what do you mean?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "when I decided to participate in this debate, I checked the film ratings of the past ten years on the Internet and found a big problem. For more than 95% of the literature and art films, your scores are much higher than the average score of the fans. More than 30 films have even exceeded 3%. And for those commercial films, you often score much lower than the fans. In other words, in your eyes, commercial films are inferior to literary films, right? "

Lai Changping thought for a moment, nodded and said, "I don't deny this. We critics really value those films with strong artistic flavor. "

"Don't you think it's a problem?" Xiao asked

Shen Qingfeng: "it is the responsibility of Chinese filmmakers to spread culture. When they encounter a really good-looking film full of artistry and humanity, they will definitely give a high score and then recommend it to the fans. This is what we critics have to do. Is there a problem with that? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course, there is no problem, but have you ever thought about whether fans can accept this kind of film? To tell you the truth, I can't understand a lot of literature and art films. The dialogue and plot in them are not known to me. How many points will you give to this kind of film? "

Lai Changping frowned and said, "Mr. Xiao, what do you mean? Do you mean we are high and low? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "Mr. Lai, don't you think you are going this way now? Whether we are directors, actors or critics, we all have a common service object, that is, the audience. With all due respect, I think the reason why there is such a big difference in film ratings is that teachers have a very different perspective from the audience. The vast majority of the audience is no matter what kind of literary or commercial films, for them, there are only two standards for films, good and bad. "

"Take my book" Tang Bohu points the autumn fragrance "for example. Why do you give it a zero? "

Without thinking about it, Lai Changping said, "because it is not artistic at all and lacks humanistic color. It is full of pranks from the beginning to the end. It is for the sake of being funny. We certainly don't give it high marks. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Lai, then I want to ask why a comedy film just to make people laugh, why must it be artistic? The purpose of my shooting "Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance" is very simple. The new year is coming soon. I hope everyone can laugh and be happy when watching this film. Obviously, I did. I personally think the only measure of a comedy's success is whether it can bring laughter to the audience. The louder the audience laughs, the more successful it will be. On the contrary, even if a comedy is artistically strong and the audience doesn't laugh, is it still a comedy? ""Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

Xiao Yunhai's words once again caused applause.

"The emperor is right. The purpose of comedy is to laugh

"It's no wonder that the films made by Emperor Yun can get such good box office. Because he looks at problems from the same perspective as we do, success is easy. "

Not only the audience, but also Lai Changping fell into meditation.

He suddenly thought of his son's words, although slightly different from Xiao Yunhai's words, they all mean the same thing.

Is Xiao Yunhai's view correct?

This let Lai Changping's confidence suddenly appeared a crack.

"Mr. Xiao, according to what you mean, everyone can shoot commercial films. Why do you still want to shoot art films?" There is a sinking flue.

"Of course not." Without thinking about it, Xiao Yunhai said, "I don't belittle art films. I want to express the meaning of four words, both refined and popular. We should not only value those films with strong artistic color, but also treat those films with strong commercial elements from a fair perspective. If you want to promote Chinese culture, it is absolutely impossible to blindly follow the line of literature and art. Why is the box office of art films generally inferior to that of commercial films? We directors should think about it. It's a strange thing that a movie that even domestic fans can't understand. It's strange that the box office can be good if it's shown abroad. "

Jiao fangtao nodded and agreed with this, saying: "at the beginning, when I was shooting Xiaocui, the most difficult part was how to make foreign audiences understand the meaning of my film. A familiar idiom, put abroad, no fans can understand. I can't even understand the movie. How to promote Chinese culture. Including our current "Sword Fairy", it took more than 20 Chinese and foreign experts to translate, which took a month to complete. Even so, I can't guarantee that Sword Fairy will get good results

Shen Qingfeng: "Mr. Xiao, director Jiao, are we out of line?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's really a little bit. Let's go back. Ladies and gentlemen, I think a truly excellent film critic should not be too lofty and lofty like many writers, but should look at a movie from the perspective of an audience. Because your film review is written for the audience to see, to help them understand the advantages and disadvantages of the film, for them to choose. To put it seriously, the significance of the existence of directors, actors and critics is, in the final analysis, for the public. The same as the public's vision, that is, excellent movies, excellent film reviews. On the contrary, we are nothing. "

Xiao Yunhai's words raised the audience to the highest position, which immediately aroused the audience's resonance, and the overwhelming applause resounded throughout the studio. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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