Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:26 AM

Chapter 1605

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The Internet is more lively.

"The emperor of the cloud is the emperor of the cloud. Even if he participates in the debate, he is still confident and not arrogant."

"Emperor Yun's speech is really convincing. The movie is for our fans' service. We say good is really good. Other people's praise is nothing

"I didn't watch reviewers' comments on movies two years ago, especially commercial films, because they never score more than eight."

"What is an art film? I didn't understand that before. Later, I learned that all the movies we didn't understand were called art movies. "

"Why can emperor Yun become the first director in the world? It is because he has always been a fan's point of view to guide the play, so even if it is to shoot a film with strong artistic color such as "master of the generation", we can still understand it and still feel its brilliance. "

"The emperor is right. The film review association should make some changes and put commercial films in the same position as art films, otherwise Chinese films will only be trapped in the local area and will never be able to rush out of the world. "

On TV, Xiao Yunhai gave full play to his eloquence and quoted quotations from other sources. Liang Hui and others, who had never interrupted, had room to play. They used their own actual experience to prove Xiao Yunhai's words. Everyone who listened to him nodded frequently.

Half an hour later, the discussion ended. Xiao Yunhai declined the TV station's invitation to dinner and drove home.

"Husband, you can offend those film critics. I saw that the faces of those teachers were very ugly after the program

Watching the live broadcast, Zhao Wanqing put Xiao Yunhai's coat on the hanger and said.

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "if you offend me, you'll offend me. Anyway, I'm not going to show them movies and TV series."

Zhao Wanqing said, "but they are the mouthpiece of the film. If we deal with you together, you will be in great trouble. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't worry, haven't you heard a word? A gentleman can be deceived with a prescription. They are all traditional literati. They are very lofty. They don't care to do that kind of villain behavior. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "you are so cunning. But I agree with you very much. At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, Zhang Yuan and ling'er will be back. Would you like to pick up the plane? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "tomorrow I will go to the government office to talk about the gawar oil field again. Hehe, I'm a hot potato for the government now. Uncle, they always want to make some profits from me. I regret the establishment of this Yunqing oil and gas company. "

Zhao Wanqing a pair of beautiful eyes ruthlessly white his one eye, have no good anger said: "you little take advantage of here still sell good. Oil is the lifeblood of a country. Can the government not be nervous? Will you come back for lunch tomorrow? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's hard to say. I heard the staff member say that the government is determined to take over the gawar oil field this time. In addition to my shareholder, it has also invited several other shareholders and more than a dozen oil tycoons, all of whom are tycoons. These people have been in Yanjing for three days. They are said to be very difficult to serve. They are all above the top. They don't look at the officials who accompany them with them. The negotiation is in a deadlock. "

"Why are the government so used to them?" asked Zhao Wanqing? I can't buy it here. I can't buy it from other parties. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "wife, didn't I tell you? These people are all big local tyrants. Each of them controls a lot of oil fields. The government can't afford to offend them. No way, Arab countries have begun to restrict oil exports. If you want to get enough oil, you have to pay attention to these people. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "what are you going to do

Xiao Yunhai said: "maybe let me be a bridge in the middle. Anyway, I am also the world's richest man on the surface. Yunqing oil and gas company's oil reserves are now ranked second. You should give me a little face. "

In fact, Xiao Yunhai doesn't want to get involved in this matter at all.

The government staff made several phone calls to him, and Xiao Yunhai declined all of them.

But the last call was made by Xiao Chongyang himself. Xiao Yunhai had no choice but to promise to come down.

Liao Shengzhi, Minister of resources, Wang Qihong, Minister of Finance and Tian weiqi, President of Huaxia oil company, gathered in Xiao Chongyang's office to report on the situation today.

"Chief, these oil tycoons are so wayward. One by one, they are high spirited. In terms of both sides, there is no sincerity in negotiation. " Liao Sheng aspires to say.

Today, Liao Shengzhi didn't do any work. He talked with more than a dozen oil tycoons for a day, but he didn't come to any conclusion. Liao Shengzhi's ambition is very high.

Wang Qihong said with a smile: "minister Liao, it seems that your feelings are similar to mine."

He was the person in charge of reception two days ago. He was also made angry by these people. When he accompanied them to climb the great wall and visit the Forbidden City, he not only delayed his work, but also was very tired.

It's a bit gloating to see Liao Shengzhi.Liao Shengzhi sighed and said, "these people... Forget it, I don't know what to say about them."

Xiao Chongyang said, "don't say such despondent words. Countries in the Middle East are locking up oil exports, providing these private oilfields with an opportunity to make a fortune. Now that they are here, I absolutely don't believe they are tourists. "

A week ago, Iraq, Iran and other major oil exporting countries officially announced to the world that they would reduce the export of crude oil by 50 billion barrels a year, causing a series of chemical reactions.

Oil prices soared, from $10.5 billion barrels to $148.5 a barrel, and the stock prices of major oil companies have also risen. For example, Xiao Yunhai's Yunqing oil and gas company directly rose to 7 trillion US dollars, and TMC energy company broke through 20 trillion US dollars.

Huaxia is the most seriously injured.

Most of their oil imports come from the Middle East. As a result, the domestic oil production can not keep up with the demand of these Arab oil tycoons.

The Chinese government also paid a huge price to invite them here.

Liao Shengzhi was very clear about the current situation. He just complained a few words and said, "chief, they are waiting for the price. I heard that European and American countries have also accelerated the pace of attracting private oil companies, and it is estimated that some people have met with them

Xiao Chongyang nodded and looked at Tian weiqi, the general manager of the oil company. "What is the situation of Tahe Oilfield now? When can we officially supply refined oil? "

Tian Weiqi said: "the construction of our refinery is very complicated, and the pipeline is being laid. It will take at least four months to complete. However, the railway should be open to traffic in two months, when we can transport crude oil from Yunqing oil and gas company to refineries in other regions. "

Xiao Chongyang nodded and said, "we must speed up the pace and complete the quality and quantity. I called Yunhai an hour ago. He will also participate in the negotiation tomorrow. It should be helpful. My request is not high. Take that gawar oil field down to me first. "

"Yes, chief." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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