Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:51 AM

Chapter 161

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That afternoon, under the direction of the advertising director, Xiao Yunhai put on all kinds of clothes and put on all kinds of poses. His expression was more exaggerated than that of Zhou Xingxing on the earth. It was killing people.

It took four hours to complete.

That's it. The director still praises Xiao Yunhai's acting skills on the wine table. What he said is crying and laughing.

Two days later, Xiao Yunhai and his team flew to Changsha to participate in the recording of happy Sunday.

It's already Saturday. If you don't record it, you won't have time.

As soon as he got off the plane, Xiao Yunhai was stunned.

Good guy, there are so many reporters. They are as dense as ants! Formation than Xiao Yunhai to participate in the film and television drama conference, I don't know how many times bigger!

Big newspapers, tabloids, TV stations, magazines As long as you can see anything that has something to do with entertainment, you can almost see it here, and the number of police on duty is nearly twice as much as last time!

The most peripheral is Xiao Yunhai's fan group, which has more than 1000 people. Some hold banners and some hold posters. When they see Xiao Yunhai come out with sunglasses, they scream wildly.

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

Loud slogans resound through the sky.

Seeing such a noisy scene, Sima Qian, Meng Fang and song Yufeng quickly stood around Xiao Yunhai and protected him.

"Mr. Xiao, your first album has sold more than 10 million copies in just ten days. What do you think of it?"

"I am very grateful to the fans who like my songs, and I will continue to do well in the future, dedicated to you."

"Your albums are selling so well, why do you want to participate in the recording promotion of happy Sunday?"

"I think this album should have a better performance. Happy Sunday is the best variety show in China at present, and the ratings are very high, so I'm here."

"Do you think that......"

Xiao Yunhai simply answered a few questions from the reporters and walked outside the airport under the protection of Mengfang and others.

Seeing his fans welcome on the aisle, Xiao Yunhai felt proud and moved.

He suddenly stopped, waved to the fans in front of him, gathered in Dantian, and said, "thank you for coming to the airport to meet me. I'm very glad and grateful to have your kindness. Thank you. I will make better works in the future. It's very cold. Let's go back soon. "

Xiao Yunhai's warm words make fans more crazy. Some girls even burst into tears and rush to the security guards to maintain order.

"Sea of clouds, you are stupid. Fans must be more excited to see that you care so much about them, so get out of here


The party soon got into the luxury car prepared for them on Mango terrace.

Xiao Yunhai sat in the car, exhaled a breath and asked, "sister Xue, have you spread the news about me? Why are so many people picking up the plane? "

Su Yingxue shook her head and said, "No. It should be the message from Mango station. At that time, they asked me for my opinion, and I agreed without thinking about it. This is my negligence. "

"It doesn't matter. Sooner or later everyone will know."

Su Yingxue said: "Yunhai, it's your first time to be on a variety show. During the recording, you must control it well. Some words should be said and some words must not be said. Especially in the game, to remember convergence, do not play too crazy. Once upon a time, some artists played too much, and their irascible temper suddenly leaked out, and the number of fans directly dropped by half. Later, the company launched emergency public relations for him, apologized and held a press conference, which restored his popularity. And... "

hearing Su Yingxue's chatter, Xiao Yunhai nodded on the surface, but actually he didn't know where to fly.

The car soon arrived at Mango TV station downstairs, Su Yingxue took him to the fourth floor.

"Sister Su, long time no see." A 25-6-year-old young woman saw Su Yingxue and warmly welcomed her.

"Hello, Xiaoyue. Sister Su has come to trouble you again. " Su Ying Xue Jiao smiles at the guest way.

"Where to say it. The beauty of Dong Piao you brought last time made all the young people here go to buy albums the next day. Now many people have become floating iron powder. This time I heard that you have brought a handsome man. Let me have a look. I like handsome man best

"Hello, sister Xiaoyue. I've heard about it for a long time. Please take care of it in the next recording." Xiao Yunhai took off his glasses and said hello with a smile.

Sun Xiaoyue is the host of happy Sunday. He is known as a madman in the field of hosting. He has a strong eloquence and a very fast reaction speed. He is one of those people who dare to say anything to the outside world. He often asks the stars down.Therefore, she is also the most difficult one of the five hosts on Happy Sunday.

Sun Xiaoyue saw Xiao Yunhai and was surprised to say, "you are the emperor of clouds. Heaven, how did you come? I am not dreaming."

"All right, Xiaoyue, don't do it again. You're the host, don't you know who's going to record today Su Yingxue said with a smile.

"She doesn't know." A 40 year old, tall and thin middle-aged man came to Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile, "Hello, I'm He Feng. Welcome to the emperor."

"Hello, Mr. He. Nice to meet you."

He Feng is the host of happy Sunday. He is similar to he Jiong in his former happy base camp. He Feng is famous for his stable typhoon and good at round the court. Therefore, he is very popular in the circle.

All the stars who come to the show have basically become his friends.

"Miss Su, I can prove that Xiaoyue did not lie this time. She's not feeling well these days. She's been hanging bottles in the hospital. Today, she's just recovered. I haven't had time to tell her about Mr. Xiao's coming, so she doesn't know. "

It has to be said that he Feng's voice is very gentle and pleasant, with a special rhythm, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Hearing this, Su Yingxue immediately took sun Xiaoyue's hand and asked with concern, "what's going on?"

"It's just a fever. It's already good. Today, when I see my idol cloud emperor, it's no problem. "

"I can prove that. Xiaoyue is definitely a big fan of Mr. Xiao. She can sing all his music works. Even the legend of Chu Liuxiang and Xiao Li's throwing knife have bought several copies. You know, she never reads martial arts novels. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "then I really want to thank sister Xiaoyue for her support."

At this time, a fleshy little fat man came over, handed a book to He Feng, and said, "Mr. He, this is the script recorded today. Hello, yunhuang. I'm Zhu Xiwu, the host of happy camp. "

"Hello, brother Xiwu."

Although Zhu Xiwu is a doormat among the five, he is actually very business minded and has invested in a lot of industries and is very prosperous.

Recently, there are entertainment reports that he is a billionaire, much like Haitao in his previous life.

Hearing Xiao Yunhai call Zhu Xiwu elder brother, he Feng and sun Xiaoyue are surprised, but they are greatly interested in Xiao Yunhai.

Since Zhu Xiwu has always played a stupid and clumsy role on the stage, many artists look down on him, even some artists who are far less famous than Zhu Xiwu.

Xiao Yunhai, as a big star who won the first world record war, not only does not have any airs, but also has such respect for Zhu Xiwu, which obviously shows his great bearing and good education.

Zhu Xiwu didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai would call him brother. He was moved and flattered. He said, "Mr. Xiao, just call me piggy."

Xiao Yunhai smiles at him and doesn't speak.

"Mr. Xiao, I'll talk to you first. In addition to you, this happy Sunday recording also invited three new people, they just made a youth idol drama, broadcast on our mango channel, please don't mind

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "no problem. By the way, you can call me Yunhai directly. Don't yell, Mr. Xiao or the emperor of cloud. I'm a little awkward. "

"Well, we'll call you Yunhai. This is our desk book. If there is anything inappropriate, we can change it immediately. The recording time is seven o'clock sharp, with two hours left, which should be enough. You should have a full-time make-up artist? "

Seeing Xiao Yunhai nodding, he Feng said, "that's good. Our dressing room No. 1 has been arranged for you, and I'll have you taken to the first room on the twelfth floor. "

"Well, we'll see you later.

Looking at the back of Xiao Yunhai's departure, he Feng sighed: "no wonder people can get to this point when they are young. In addition to their brilliant talents, they are also very important in their conduct of life. Look, there's no limit to his future. "

Sun Xiaoyue nodded and said, "I am worthy of being my idol."

Zhu Xiwu's eyes are a little red, which is moved by Xiao Yunhai's voice brother. He said seriously: "sister Xiaoyue, after the cloud emperor is my idol, the only idol."


under the guidance of a staff member, Xiao Yunhai and his team soon arrived at the 15th floor. As soon as they got out of the elevator, they heard a rude voice coming over.

"How dare you use our brother Feng's dressing room? Get out of here soon. "

"This is what teacher he asked us to come over and make up. Why should you drive us away?" A young man is very stubborn, because of anger, his voice is a little shaky.

Xiao Yunhai shakes his head, sighs and thinks with his buttocks that he can guess which star is playing big card.Such things are common in the past or in the world. As long as your fame is bigger than the other party and the position is higher than the other party, then whether you have any reason, it must be the other party's fault.

This is also the entertainment industry's potential rules, so Xiao Yunhai does not want to ask about this matter. But he did not wait for him to step out a few steps, a familiar name instantly into his ears, so he had to stop. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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