Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:18 AM

Chapter 1611

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On the stage, after the crosstalk performance, the little host went up and said, "today, grandfather Liang and his family came here to spend the new year with you. Should we also perform a program?"

"Yes." The children cheered in unison.

"Well, let's welcome brother Yunhai to bring us wonderful programs with the warmest applause," the host said

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

More than 600 children clapped their hands.

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Chen Zhan and said, "uncle, you pit me."

Chen Zhan laughed, his face showing a proud look.

Chen Jiahong said, "Yunhai, the children are waiting there. You'd better go up quickly."

Zhao Wanqing also a look of schadenfreude said: "husband, you can't let the children down yo."

Xiao Yunhai said, "you are really good."

Standing up, Xiao Yunhai stepped onto the stage, took the microphone from the small host's hand and said, "you really hit me out of my guard. What is the performance? "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "I'll sing you a song. This is a new song called "sunshine always after the wind and rain.". You are so young that you have experienced a lot of wind and rain that adults have never experienced before. I hope your world will be full of sunshine in the future. "

Chen Zhan moved in his heart and said, "ling'er, quickly record your brother's performance."

Xiao Yunling quickly agreed, took out the rice grain mobile phone, and pressed the camera function.

Xiao Yunhai borrowed a guitar to play and sing.

"On the road of life, I would like to share all the happiness and sorrow with you. It is inevitable that I have fallen down and waited for you. I want to look up bravely. Who would like to often hide in the harbor, would rather have the freedom of rough seas. May you wait for the lighthouse in your heart and let you see through the fog. The sun is always behind the wind and rain, and there is a clear sky on the dark clouds. Cherish all the moving, every hope in your hands. Sunshine always comes after the rain. Please believe that there is a rainbow. I will always be around you

Xiao Yunhai plagiarized this song is a song of hope. In his simple and perfect voice, it seems that the audience can see the sunshine and fill people's hearts with hope and dream.

A song closed, the scene suddenly burst into warm applause.

"Brother Yunhai sings very well."

"What a warm song."

"Is this a song written for us?"

The little host came to the stage and said, "is brother Yunhai good at singing?"

"Good." They all cried out in unison.

The host said: "the sunshine always comes after the rain and rain. It's wonderful. Brother Yunhai, can you give this song to us and make our school song

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course."

In this way, "sunshine always after the wind and rain" has become the school song of Jiahong martial arts school.

In the evening, the students performed on the stage one by one until eleven o'clock. Zhao Wanqing, Xiao Yunling and Zhang Yuan did not escape the fate of performing on stage.

After playing for a week in my grandfather's house, Xiao Yunhai's family returned to Yanjing.

No way. On December 11, Xiao Yunhai needs to attend this year's government work conference.

The meeting lasted for three days until the afternoon of the 14th of the twelfth lunar month because it was involved in the development of the western region.

During this period, Xiao Yunhai's film "Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance" continued to be popular. No matter what kind of film it is, even if it was shot by national master Mo Kaixuan and regarded as the best Chinese literature and art film "Enlightenment of life" by film critics, it did not contain this classic comedy.

It was not until the 13th of January that the box office of "Tang Bohu's order of autumn fragrance" fell. However, the box office had already reached 5.2 billion Chinese dollars in the past month.

In the new year's Eve, which is crowded with blockbusters and the most fierce competition, this 2D movie, which was almost scored zero by film critics and invested 30 million US dollars, actually beat countless 3D blockbusters with more investment and luxurious lineups, and became the king of this schedule. As a worthy king, it immediately made an uproar in the industry.

Xiao Yunhai's fans are even more excited.

"Ha ha," Tang Bohu ordered autumn fragrance "actually won the first place, defeated those super blockbusters, the cloud emperor is really amazing."

"This time, those big directors suffered a big loss. They all thought that putting the film in the new year's file would sell well. Who would have thought that everyone would go to see Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance, and it was basically the mobilization of the whole family. "

"Have you noticed that emperor Yun has created a miracle again. He pulled down the box office of those blockbusters with a small 2D comedy. If it's in the normal schedule, maybe those films will have $2.3 billion at the box office. But because of "Tong Pak Fu's autumn fragrance", the best 3D blockbuster won only 5.4 billion, equivalent to US $1.8 billion. Ha ha, it is estimated that the emperor of cloud was scolded by those entertainment companies this time. "

"Tang Bohu points to the autumn fragrance" fully illustrates one thing. As long as the small budget movies are wonderful, they can definitely beat the big ones. ""What I want to know now is whether the faces of the critics have been beaten up or not? The expert rating column of "Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance" is still hanging there. Oh, hey, I look a little bit dazzling. "

"A low-cost comedy that beat countless domestic and foreign blockbusters only got 1.34 points. I think it's time for critics to reflect on it."

"Tang Bohu ordered autumn fragrance" was shown until January 20, with a total box office of 6.34 billion.

According to the ticket price of 18 yuan per person, there are nearly 400 million people watching. The attendance rate is absolutely frightening.

If the ticket price reaches 120 yuan like other imax3d movies, it will be more than 40 billion yuan in Huaxia alone.

Of course, if the ticket price is really so high, it is impossible for so many fans to watch in the cinema.

That day, Xiao Yunhai suddenly received a call from Minister of culture Liang Qianqiu.

"Yunhai, what are you busy with recently?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'll go to Los Angeles in two days. The post production of my Xianxia masterpiece" Zhuxian "is about to be completed. I need to have a look at it."

Originally, in Xiao Yunhai's plan, the special effects of "Zhuxian" took almost three months. Unexpectedly, due to his high requirements, it took half a year to complete.

If you add in the production time before shooting, it will be almost a year.

Yesterday, when I heard Daniel call him and said it would be finished in less than a week, Xiao Yunhai felt a little excited.

Since he came to this world, Xiao Yunhai has revised and copied the famous films of his previous life and made great box office achievements. Although he has his credit, his sense of achievement is not so strong.

The current "Zhu Xian" is the result of his own efforts. Except for the TV play which has almost no reference significance, all of them are completed by Xiao Yunhai independently. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai is more or less nervous when he is happy.

Zhao Wanqing naturally saw Xiao Yunhai's uneasy psychology and laughed at him for this.

In fact, with the current quality of Zhuxian, there must be no problem in its sales.

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Liang Qianqiu pondered for a while and said, "Yunhai, this time I'm at the request of Guo Ping An, the new director of CCTV. I'd like to invite you to participate in a financial program on CCTV's financial channel at 9:00 p.m. the day after tomorrow. Can't you come later? "

Xiao Yunhai didn't think about it. He said, "Uncle Liang, what's my situation? Don't you know? I don't have any problems with movies and TV series. But when it comes to business, you'd better give me a break. I really don't have that ability. I don't know anything but nod my head. It's not humiliating to go there. "

Liang Qianqiu said with a smile: "what? Is there anything else in the world that you are afraid of? " |

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's not fear, but self-knowledge. Without that diamond, you won't get the porcelain work. "

Liang Qianqiu said: "Yunhai, this time, CCTV financial channel invited hardy Finn, the king of American investment, who came to inspect the Chinese market, your partner Wu Qifa and several experts from Huaqing University. The main content is not to say some big principles, but to let you tell young entrepreneurs about your experience and matters needing attention, then talk about the trend of the world economy, and finally answer a few questions raised by young people on the spot. Yunhai, you should give me a face and go there with difficulty. "

"Is Lao Wu there? Uncle Liang, you won't lie to me, will you? " Xiao Yunhai is very familiar with Wu's game playing skills. He has a business mind. He graduated from Huaqing MBA, but he always keeps a low profile.

This time, Xiao Yunhai suddenly agreed to be on TV, which Xiao Yunhai did not expect.

Liang Qianqiu said with a smile, "what do I cheat you? Don't believe it. Ask him. Yunhai, I've helped you a lot on weekdays. Why don't you help me this time? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Uncle Liang, what is the relationship between you and director Guo? You can do this for him. "

Liang Qianqiu sighed and said, "he is my old classmate. He asked me to attend the class meeting last night. I drink a little too much, muddleheaded agreed to this thing down. This guy is thick skinned enough to record my words. I have no choice but to ask you with all the evidence. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "as long as Lao Wu goes, I'll have no problem. If I can't answer, I'll ask him for help

Liang Qianqiu said happily, "that's really great." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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