Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:17 AM

Chapter 1612

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After communicating with Liang Qianqiu, Xiao Yunhai called Wu's mobile phone without saying a word.

"Lao Wu, you can go to a financial program of CCTV in silence. Yes? Want to be a business star? " Xiao Yunhai said sarcastically.

Wu Yifa said: "the biggest purpose of my visit this time is to publicize Yunyi shopping website. Lao Xiao, let me tell you something. The merger plan of Yunyi shopping website and Stell business network has been determined. In a week's time, I will invite all the shareholders related to the two companies to hold a meeting in Yanjing to thoroughly solve the relevant problems of stell business network

The reason why Xiao Yunhai paid attention to the merger of the two Internet business giants for the first time was that it involved too many companies. For example, there are more than 20 cooperative companies in the world.

The situation of STEL business network is more complicated than that of Yunyi shopping network, which is why it takes half a year to make a plan.

Xiao Yun Hai Road: "everything has the final say. But that doesn't seem to be your reason to be on the show? "

Wu Yifa said with a wry smile: "the new director of CCTV has been my father's secretary. Ah, otherwise, ghosts would be willing to participate in this kind of "face revealing" thing

Speaking of this, Wu's chess game suddenly came to his senses and said, "no, Lao Xiao, how do you know that? It doesn't seem to have been publicized yet, has it? Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "we are really hard brothers and brothers."

Hearing this, Wu laughed and said, "Lao Xiao, who can let you participate in such a program?"

He is very clear, with Xiao Yunhai's temper, not to mention the TV station director Guo Ping'an, even Mr. Xiao can't force him to do things he doesn't like.

Xiao Yunhai said: "what debt is the most difficult to repay in the world?"

"Of course, it's a debt of gratitude." Wu didn't think about it, so he blurted it out.

"That's right." Xiaoyun Haidao.

"To whom do you owe?" Wu asked curiously.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Liang Qianqiu department is long. As you know, he has been taking care of me all the time. I really can't push out, so I have to go this way. Lao Wu, you also know my level, so you should help me more. "

Wu Yifa said with a smile: "don't worry. It's on me. My brother is also a high-quality student who has read MBA. It's much better than you. Haha, I was a little nervous about talking to that Hardy Finn. Now that you are the richest man in the world, I don't worry at all. "

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "don't look down on people here. Maybe I'll help you out. "

Xiao Yunhai, the richest man in the world, Wu Yifa, one of China's top ten tycoons, and Hardy Finn, the king of American investment, will have a talk with several financial experts on CCTV about the world economy and their own entrepreneurship. The news was spread on the Internet that night, which attracted the attention of netizens. Especially those young entrepreneurs are very excited, have rushed to tell.

"My God. For the first time, Emperor Yun has participated in such a commercial interview program. Can we say that the sun is coming out from the west? "

"I seem to hear that emperor yunhuang is a shopkeeper who can't go to the company several times a year, and he relies on his subordinates to support him. I don't know if his real level will work? I'm a little worried about him

"Compared with the cloud emperor, I am still very optimistic about the founder of Yunyi shopping network, Wu Yifa. He is a serious MBA Master of Huaqing University, personally in charge of Yunyi shopping network, the level is absolutely no problem. At the very least, he should be able to fight hardy Finn, who is eloquent. As for the emperor, I don't expect anything from him. "

"It's stupid upstairs. Yes, hardy Finn is really powerful. He controls the world's largest investment company. He even directed a currency war and took away billions of billions of wealth from Southeast Asian countries. Don't forget, he's just a wealth manager, and there's no comparison between him and yunhuang, who has more than one billion dollars of assets. "

"That's right. But it's a talk show. It has nothing to do with what you say. Why does hardy fern have so many fans who adore him? In addition to his achievements, it is also because of his knowledge and eloquence. In an economic debate, he once refuted the economic doctorates of more than ten colleges and universities, which was very powerful. Although the emperor is a cow, he is not as good as he is in this respect. "

"I don't think much of the game of emperor Yun and Wu. Fortunately, there are still a few financial experts? "

The Internet is so lively that it naturally attracts Zhao Wanqing's attention.

"Husband, how could you go to such a program?"

Xiao Yunhai did not tell her this before, so Zhao Wanqing did not know.

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "Uncle Liang invited me personally. I can't push it."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "husband, you should be careful. This program is called "fortune forum", which is created by CCTV financial channel with huge investment. Maybe it's because the day after tomorrow is the first issue, so we invited three of you as guests to attract people's attention. No one knows what's going on inside? Husband, you can't even understand some financial statements. You are brave enough to attend such a program. "For her husband's level, Zhao Wanqing is really clear.

If we talk about vision, mind, means, leadership and advanced consciousness, few people in the world can compare with him.

But when it comes to business common sense, let alone compare with Hardy Finn, even if you are much better than him.

As you know, hardy Finn is not only an investor, but also a master of seven or eight economic books. No wonder everyone on the Internet is not optimistic about Xiao Yunhai and Wu's game methods.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm just going to make soy sauce and tell the story of my own business. If I really want to debate, then I'll hide and watch. Anyway, it has nothing to do with Lao Wu, an MBA graduate student and several other experts. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "do you mean to be a turtle with a shrinking head?"

Xiao Yunhai pretended to be angry and said, "well, Zhao Wanqing, do you dare to say that I am a shrinking turtle? How can I deal with you? "

Two people frolic for a while, after a while, came Zhao Wanqing's Jiao ~ Yin sound.

At 6:00 p.m. on the 25th of the first month, Xiao Yunhai was driving toward CCTV. Zhao Wanqing was still sitting on the co driver of the car.

"Wife, you're really good. How could you tell the TV station behind my back that you want to be a live audience? How unreasonable." Xiao Yunhai said indignantly.

It turned out that Zhao Wanqing contacted the CCTV program group the day after learning that Xiao Yunhai had participated in the fortune forum and asked for a good place for her.

Zhao Wanqing, the wife of the richest man in the world and a famous international star, asked to be a live audience. Naturally, the TV station would not refuse such a good thing.

Therefore, without Xiao Yunhai's knowledge, Zhao Wanqing became a live audience. Before leaving, she told Xiao Yunhai, and immediately made Xiao Yunhai speechless.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "I mainly want to see with my own eyes how Xiao Da, the richest man who has always been arrogant, was asked how he was exhausted and poor in words."

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "I know you have no good intentions. If I'm really disgraced on the court, I don't have to go home. I'll do it to you in the car

Zhao Wanqing naturally knew what the family law he was talking about. His face turned red with a brush. His left hand pinched his big leg and said, "let's talk nonsense."

Xiao Yunhai didn't feel the pain at all. He said with a smile: "is it nonsense? When you come back, you will know. "

Since their marriage, they have never been in a car like that.

Zhao Wanqing's face became more red. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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