Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:13 AM

Chapter 1615

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"Ha ha ha."

Everyone just laughed.

Xiao Yunhai said: "what I said is the truth, I didn't joke with you, and here is not a laugh point, really."

I don't think it's OK. So we all laugh more.

Wang Siyu said with a smile, "sister Wanqing, your husband is so funny."

Zhao Wanqing said: "whether it is outside or at home, he is like this."

Even so, Zhao Wanqing's eyes are full of love.

Having a husband who is devoted to himself and is humorous is what every woman wants to have?

On the stage, Xiao Yunhai continued: "I said in many programs that I didn't expect that I would be able to get to this point and have so many industries. Sometimes, I have an unreal feeling, as if I was dreaming. Lao Wu is right. I'm not an excellent manager. So far, I haven't managed a company. If Lao Wu hands over Yunyi shopping website to me and let me be the CEO, I can guarantee that within three months, I can send the whole Yunyi shopping website to the Western Paradise to see the Buddha. "

"Ha ha ha."

"I knew that the emperor's speech must be full of jokes."

"Ha ha, listening to Emperor Yun's speech is like watching a cross talk. It's great."

"But I don't think a person who doesn't know anything really can't make a difference in business. I don't know special effects, but my dreamy special effects company has developed 3D technology; I don't understand procedures, but my Yunqing network company has developed WiFi, app and other things; I don't understand energy exploration, but my Yunqing oil and gas company has found several super large oil fields; I don't understand finance, but my Yunqing international investment company is booming, and there are few loss projects. I'm very successful in business, not modestly. In more than five years, from a penniless poor student to today's assets of more than one billion US dollars, I dare say that few people have been more successful than me. And I dare say that no boss is as comfortable as I have been

"I don't think it's a particularly bad thing to be ignorant of business and financial management. We have all learned a poem. We don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain. We only live in this mountain. Maybe the reason why I do this is because I don't understand these things, and then I can get out of those rules and let the people who understand achieve one goal after another. There are so many talented people in the world that any one on Wall Street can manage a medium-sized company. So I don't think a leader needs to know everything, but one thing is that you can't manage things, but you must know how to manage people. If you can't do that well, you're a total failure. If you want to succeed, there is no way. "

"As you all know, my starting point is entertainment, from music to TV series to movies. Then I set up a special effects company and an investment company, won marvel, founded a TV station, bought Yazhou, and started to enter the field of energy and network last year. All these are not closely related to me. All of these are made up of the heads of my economic team and various company departments I did it. In terms of the length of time I've worked for my company over the years is not as long as shooting a movie. "

"What is my role? 1、 Put the most suitable people in the most appropriate position, give them a platform to show their talents, and give them full support. 2、 I have a meeting every once in a while to set a goal for them and tell them what they need to do. 3、 Take a large part of the company's profits to reward my employees. I want to make them feel that only when the company is developed can your personal salary be increased in multiples, so as to improve their working enthusiasm. I heard from my economic team that in my companies, there were more than 20 employees with a salary of more than 10 million US dollars last year, and more than 120 employees with more than one million US dollars. As for the person in charge of the company, they are all over 100 million dollars. "

"Wow." Everyone's mouth was wide open and there was a look of shock on their faces.

"Really? That's too happy. "

"It's true, of course. When the news came out, the whole wall street was crazy. "

"If only I could get into the company of yunhuang."

Wang Siyu asked softly, "sister Wanqing, is this true?"

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "yes, it's true. I've seen that list. The minimum bonus for employees is $150000. "

Last year, near Christmas, Kristi worked out a bonus list according to Xiao Yunhai's reward system and sent it to Xiao Yunhai's mailbox.

At that time, Zhao Wanqing almost didn't faint after seeing it. It was a total of 9.6 billion US dollars, which almost scared people to death.

Kristi also called Xiao Yunhai, too many.

Xiao Yunhai just took a look, and then called Kristi to tell her that the staff's pay this year is worth the price. Without saying a word, she asked her to send the money according to the table.

This kind of watch later spread to the outside world, immediately caused a tsunami on Wall Street, Xiao Yunhai was also secretly scolded by countless bosses.Without comparison, there is no harm. Compared with Xiao Yunhai's employees, employees of other companies didn't get enough bonus, which almost triggered a white-collar parade.

Even the president of the Labor Association called Xiao Yunhai, hoping that he would not disclose the employee's salary list in the future.

Wang Siyu sighed, "your husband is so generous. With such a boss, those employees have to work hard for him. "

Zhao Wanqing showed a proud look and secretly said, "if you know that Kristi got 460 million dollars in salary alone, I don't know what kind of expression it will be."

On the platform, Xiao Yunhai talked about the future development of his company, and finally said, "I have done these things in these years. The program group asked me to introduce my own entrepreneurial experience. I thought about it for two nights, but I didn't think of it. Because they did everything, I was just an idle person. Well, that's the end of my speech. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa." There were warm applause at the scene.

After the first session, Zhang Xing said: "thank you for your wonderful speeches. Let's move on to the second link. Is the rise of Internet companies a sign of social progress? You can see that there are several economics teachers sitting next to us, and they will also participate. Mr. Zheng Lixing, I know that Mr. Wu is your student, and he just opened a Yunyi shopping website. Let's start with you. "

Wu Yifa said: "Professor Zheng is not only my teacher, but also my wife's teacher. She just doesn't know that I am also learning from Mr. Zheng."

Wang Siyu snorted and said, "this big villain."

Zheng Lixing said: "although Yifa is my student, I still want to say that the rise of Internet companies can never be linked with social progress. The speed of the development of this industry is really too fast. I talked with several teachers in the economic field and agreed that if the Internet companies continue to develop in this way, it is likely to cause a more serious financial crisis than in the past. "

"Take Yifa and Mr. Xiao's Yunyi shopping website for example. This website really makes people's life more convenient. You can buy what you want without leaving home. But it has a huge impact on physical stores. According to the statistics of relevant departments, since the emergence of Yunyi shopping network and Stell business network, the physical stores of Huaxia have disappeared... "

" the market value of an online company with only a few hundred people has reached over one trillion US dollars, which is simply terrible. If you can't imagine the market value of other companies. If there is no accident, it will definitely hurt the vitality of the world economy. "

After Zheng Lixing finished, Xiao Yunhai said, "Lao Wu, are you sure Professor Zheng is your teacher? It's a little too hard. "

Everyone, including Zheng Lixing, burst into laughter.

A teacher nearby said, "Professor Zheng is not alarmist. It is not for no reason that Internet companies are called virtual economy. With an app software, the market value of Mr. Xiao's Yunqing network company has reached more than one trillion US dollars. Where does this figure come from? Only from the real economy.... "

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