Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:12 AM

Chapter 1616

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Four teachers at this moment on the network company for severe criticism, said the words are very impolite.

After they had finished, Zhang Xing said, "Mr. fern, Mr. Xiao and Mr. Wu, do you have any different views on these teachers' words?"

Xiao Yunhai spread his hands and said, "I don't know much about these things. Let Mr. fern and Lao Wu come."

Hardy fern laughed and said, "Mr. Shaw is really modest. Who doesn't know with the current situation, Yunqing network company will replace stell network company to become the world's first. "

Xiao Yunhai even said, "Mr. fern, don't lead the fire to me. At the level that I can't even understand the financial statements, I really can't refute several teachers. What's more, I actually quite agree with what they said, as if I had just been brainwashed by them. So, if you have any different opinions, please speak quickly. We can also listen to Gao Yi. "

Hardy fern said, "in that case, I'll just say a few words. There is a certain truth in what several teachers said, but it is also too alarmist. Take Mr. Xiao's Yunqing network company as an example, although... "

next, hardy Finn, Wu Qifa and several economic experts will come and go and have a good debate. Xiao Yunhai, on the other hand, cocked his legs and drank tea while listening to them. His expression was very leisurely.

No way, in the middle of the link, those economic terms gushed out of people's mouths like no money. Xiao Yunhai couldn't understand, let alone participate in the discussion.

Zhao Wanqing saw her husband's self indulgence and then looked at the other people's serious expressions. She directly covered her face and said, "it's really a shame."

Wang Siyu is very satisfied with the performance of Wu's game. Obviously, he didn't expect that his husband, who doesn't speak much at home, is so powerful once he participates in the debate. It surprised her.

Among these people, hardy Finn was the most powerful. He not only debated with four economic experts, but also refuted the arguments of Wu's chess playing method. He was learned and eloquent.

The program has been publicized by CCTV and attracted countless families to watch it.

I was very surprised to see that a foreigner could suppress those Chinese experts with Mandarin that was more fluent than Chinese people, and the Internet became more lively.

"The old man is very good."

"The emperor is so pitiful that he can't say a word. "

" I feel that there are too many economic terms in it, and even my MBA graduate student has some difficulties

"It seems that they are very tall in their debates."

"I don't know how to listen to everyone's words. "

" I'm sorry that my cloud emperor doesn't know anything, but he comes to participate in such a program. I can only say that his courage is commendable. "

Time flies, and the debate lasted half an hour.

Zhang Xing wiped his sweat and said, "my God, I didn't expect this debate to be so fierce. I really listen to the teachers' words and let me win the reading of ten years."

Xiao Yunhai said with admiration: "Mr. Zhang, you are so good that you can understand them. I can understand it at the beginning, but I'm just dumbfounded. "

Zhang Xing's mouth moved for a moment, some embarrassed said: "in fact, I don't understand most of them."

"Ha ha ha."

The crowd laughed.

Zhang Xing said: "well, let's end the second link. Here is the question time. First of all, Mr. hardy Finn. Does anyone have any questions to ask? "

"Apart from the audience, can we also ask?" Wu asked

Zhang Xing nodded and said, "of course. But only one question. "

Wu said, "well, Mr. fern, your life is a legend. As we all know, investment is very risky. But you seem to be an exception. The media say that you have never failed in investment, and don't know how to do it? "

How come, hafferd, shaking his head: "it's not possible that the investment has failed? I just haven't had problems with big investments, but I've failed countless times on small investments. Just like the last economic crisis, I lost almost all of my shares in the company. If you ask me what I know about investing, my answer is the same as before, No. Do you know who the investment expert I admire most

"Who?" Wu asked curiously

Hardy fern laughs, "it's far away, it's near."

Wu's method of playing chess was stunned, pointing to Xiao Yunhai and saying, "is it old Xiao?"

Hardy fern nodded and said, "that's right. Mr. Xiao's eyes are too spicy. Whether it's entertainment companies, game companies, energy companies, electronics companies or Internet companies, it can be said that there is nothing wrong. Every investment has gained several times, dozens of times or even hundreds of times of profits. As long as he takes over the company, his company will soon come back to life. In less than a year, the market value will grow exponentially. Such as Yunyi shopping, Marvel comics, Yunqing oil and gas company, and more recently, Internet companies have set off huge waves all over the world. Everyone says that I am the king of investment. In fact, the real king of investment should be Mr. Xiao. Because of his investment in just a few years, the profit he has gained has caught up with my efforts for decades. Mr. Wu, do you think Mr. Xiao is admirable? "Wu Yi Fa nodded and said, "it's true to hear that."

Hardy fern said, "I have a lot of problems in my stomach right now. I want to ask Mr. Shaw for advice. It's a pity that the host only requires us to ask one, which is really too few. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. fern, are you deliberately promoting me? It really flatters me

Host Zhang Xing thought for a moment and said, "the rules are set by people. We can change them. If you have any questions, all the teachers on the stage are free to ask questions. The time is 20 minutes, and the next 10 minutes will be given to the audience. "

"That's great," said hardy fern. Mr. Xiao, what industries do you think will make the most money in the 21st century

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "first, the energy industry. Such as coal, oil, natural gas and other non renewable resources, in the case of no other material to replace them, doing this will definitely make money. Second, entertainment industry. In modern society, material civilization has been highly developed, and everyone has turned to spiritual civilization, and the film and television works are undoubtedly the most spiritual satisfaction. Third, medicine. Now we all pay attention to the health of the body, this need not be said. Fourth, network industry. Anything that can change the way of human life and bring convenience to everyone's life will make special money. Other things like cosmetics, jewelry, cars and so on are all good

Hardy Finn nodded and said, "so that's why you bought Marvel Comics and set up Yunqing oil and gas company and Yunqing network company."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's different to be able to make money and make money. In the same industry, you may make money, and I may go bankrupt. I'm a filmmaker. Buying Marvel just makes it easier for me to make movies. I bought the energy company because Huaxia allowed our private enterprises to explore and develop the western region. I did it for the purpose of making money and helping the west get rid of poverty. As for Yunqing network company, it is because I have many strange ideas in my mind, hoping to turn it into reality. It happens that more than 9000 engineers from stell network company came to my company, and WiFi and mobile payment appeared. To put it bluntly, it's not how good I am, it's the situation. "

Hardy fern asked, "Mr. Shaw is really modest. During the speech, Mr. Wu said that he asked you to invest in the current Yunyi shopping website. You agreed without thinking about it. Why is that? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I said it in an interview before. I have always believed that what the 21st world can change is those small businesses and small companies. Like microbes, they change the whole soil, affecting plants and large animals. When Lao Wu introduced his website planning, it coincided with my point of view, which made me feel intimate. It happened that I had a lot of spare money at that time, so I invested in it. "

"Wrong." "At that time, Lao Xiao seemed to know that our shopping website would be successful, and his confidence was even stronger than mine. In retrospect, he seems to have a premonition of his success. Mr. fern is right. Old Shaw, you're really hiding. "

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said, "I was fooled by you at that time, and I just entered the stock market. Now, if you're lazy with me

"Ha ha ha."

Everyone laughed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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