Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:09 AM

Chapter 1618

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The host saw that the time was almost over and said, "OK, there are still the last ten minutes. The opportunity was given to the audience. Who has a question, you can ask it? "

To Xiao Yunhai's dismay, all the audience asked Wu Yifa and Hardy Finn a question at the beginning.

"Mr. Xiao, there are many excellent big sellers on Yunyi shopping website. Do you think they can become bigger and stronger, or even go public?"

"You should ask Lao Wu about this question."

"Mr. Wu has already given a positive answer. What do you think? "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "of course, it's OK to go public, but you have to be quite psychologically prepared. Many people in the world regard listing as a sign of commercial success. This is not wrong. It shows that your strength has been very strong. But I would like to remind you that listing is the beginning of the pain. At that time, you should regard money as the wealth entrusted by the society to keep for them. Therefore, you have to bear much greater social responsibility than before. Just like many young people look forward to getting married every day, but after getting married, you will find that this is the real pain... "

Speaking of this, Xiao Yunhai took a look at Zhao Wanqing under the stage and quickly closed his mouth.

The audience was slightly stunned, then burst into laughter and murmured: "dare to face Qinghou, saying that marriage is the beginning of pain. Now, the emperor is finished. "

Seeing such a good opportunity, Wu Yifa naturally couldn't let it go and said, "Lao Xiao, you can't say half a word. Go on. I think it's very good. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "there's nothing hard to say. When young people get married, they will find that life after marriage is the beginning of real pain. Before, you were full on your own, and the whole family was not hungry. You will easily say, the world is so big, I want to go shopping. And then wherever you think about it, you go. "

"After marriage, you have to take on the responsibility of family. Especially after you have children, you have to play the roles of father, husband, son and son-in-law, and you may even suffer some grievances. But even though you are less free than before, you will grow up and learn a lot from it that you can't learn before, and make you feel happiness that you can't feel before. This is the most precious treasure of our life. Therefore, we should all appreciate our wives, love our children and strive hard to create a best living environment for them. Well, that's the end of my answer. "


Seeing that Xiao Yunhai finally rounded up his words at last, everyone clapped and cheered.

Wu Yifa said: "Lao Xiao, OK. I thought I would go home and kneel on the kneeling board. It seems that I don't need it."

"Ha ha ha." The audience laughed.

Zhang Xing said: "what's the problem? There's only five minutes left. The student in blue

"Mr. Xiao, it's useless to pass on school and read books online. Because if you look at the top 20 richest people in the world, only three of them, including you, have studied in universities and other majors. Do you think it is useful or useless to go to school? "

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said: "people who enter higher education seldom think of starting a business. Those who drop out of school or have not attended school go out to look for a job, and no one wants him, so he has to start a business! That's the biggest difference between the two. "

"Good." There was a round of applause.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and continued: "a person is absolutely not excellent because he has a high degree of education; it may not be said that he is not outstanding if he does not go to school or study. Going to school will improve one's intelligence quotient, social experience will improve one's EQ, more contact with sour and bitter things will improve one's love quotient, and doing more investment and financial management will enhance one's financial quotient. Therefore, I feel that if one wants to succeed, one of the four is indispensable. Going to school and reading is just one aspect of it. What's more important is that you can't learn in school. "


Xiao Yunhai's answer has been recognized by all.

"Mr. Xiao, your Yunqing network company has become very close to people's lives. How can you ensure that your company will not have problems in the future, which will affect people's lives?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head, spread his hands and said, "I can't guarantee what will happen in the future. Maybe tomorrow my Yunqing network company will go bankrupt. Who can be sure that this will not happen. I can only say that I will try my best not to have problems. I can't give the rest

"Mr. Xiao, will your attitude towards the company always be like this? Or will it be the CEO of the head office in the near future after the company is integrated? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "people know that I am not the material to be a CEO, and I will not go up and fiddle about. For a company, the most terrible thing is that the layman leads the insider. Several of my leaders are experts. With them, the company will not collapse. "

"Mr. Xiao, don't you worry that these responsible persons will betray you in the future?"

"It's a kind of helplessness to have no doubt about the employment of people and not to use them. It is a kind of realm to suspect and use people. The biggest challenge and breakthrough of leaders lies in employing people, and the biggest breakthrough in employing people is to trust people. I'll give these two words to you, and you can have a good experience when you go back. ""Mr. Xiao, are you satisfied with your life now?"

"Very satisfied. I think I handle my work and life very well. If I want to learn financial management, I will be one of the best CEOs in the world in three years. But why should I do that? I come to this world not to work day and night, but to enjoy life more. If there is a choice in the future, I hope I die on the warm sunny beach, not in the cold office. "

"Mr. Xiao, do you have any way to make poor people like me rich?"

"I think the biggest problem for the poor is that they have no ambition. I can't do it. It's hard for other people to do it. So I have no way

Xiao Yunhai's answer can be said to be wonderful, every sentence is rich in philosophy, so the scene of applause.

After a look at the time, the host Zhang Xing said, "OK, that's all for questioning. Our program is about to say goodbye. Three gentlemen, do you have any advice for the young people who start their own business now? "

Wu Yifa pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "let him talk. I'm really afraid to speak in front of him now. "

I nodded, too. I always thought my eloquence was good, but compared with Mr. Xiao, there was still a big gap. Mr. Xiao, just say something on behalf of the three of us. "

After being polite, Xiao Yunhai said, "OK. I want to tell you young entrepreneurs that today will be cruel to us, and tomorrow may be beautiful. Unfortunately, most of them died tonight. I hope all of you can use your strength, confidence and courage to break through the shackles of today and move forward to a brilliant tomorrow. "


After listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, all the people stood up and clapped all over the hall. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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