Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:08 AM

Chapter 1619

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At the end of the program, hardy fern held Xiao Yunhai's hand backstage and exclaimed, "Mr. Xiao, listening to you is better than reading ten years. I've benefited a lot from your words today. Unfortunately, I need to go back to San Francisco in case of an emergency. Otherwise, I will have a good communication with you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. fern, I also have many questions to ask from you. I believe there will be many opportunities in the future. "

Seeing hardy fern off, everyone turned their heads and looked at Xiao Yunhai, as if they had known him for the first time.

Xiao Yunhai said: "everybody, I know I'm pretty handsome, but I don't need to look at me as a monkey."

Zhao Wanqing said: "husband, I doubt you are my husband now?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "wife, have you been shocked by my talent tonight? Still that sentence, don't worship brother, brother is just a legend. "

Wu Yifa said: "well, seeing your self boasting and shameless spirit, I believe you are absolutely a fake old Xiao. However, I have to say that your answers to those questions are so wonderful that even I am stunned by you

Xiao Yunhai said triumphantly, "this is called cultural cultivation. In fact, if you go back and listen carefully, what I said is basically bullshit, but it is just another way of saying it. Any business book or magazine will have these contents. "

In fact, Xiao Yunhai just brought Ma Yun's classic sayings to this world.

At the beginning, Xiao Yunhai adored Ma Yun very much. Every time he made a speech and answered a reporter's question, Xiao Yunhai had to read it on the Internet. He admired his strong eloquence and sensitive response.

Today's questions are not beyond the scope of Ma Yun's wonderful answers, which makes Xiao Yunhai completely happy. Even hardy Finn was fooled by his success.

Wu Yifa raised his thumb and said, "it's true that he is a novelist. He is really good. Let's go first. Don't forget about the merger of our two major business websites. You can definitely participate in it. Otherwise, I can't hold it alone. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "don't worry. On the sixth day of February, I will work with my economic team to cheer you up. "

On the way home, Xiao Yunhai, while driving, said triumphantly: "wife, how is my performance? Are you not satisfied? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "this time, I am really convinced. I have to admit that your answers are really wonderful. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed: "it's not easy to be praised by Zhao Da Mei. Wife, I'm going to Los Angeles tomorrow. It's estimated that it will take a week to come back. Don't miss me too much

Zhao Wanqing said in a tone of Indifference: "it's normal that you can't see each other for a month or two when you're filming. What is a week? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "my wife, after listening to your words, I am really a mixture of five flavors. Don't know if you should be happy? Or should I be sad? "

Zhao Wanqing said, "I don't care whether I'm happy or sad. But there's one thing you can't forget. You said before, what are you going to do after the show of Zhuxian

Xiao Yunhai deliberately put on a puzzled expression and asked, "what? Why don't I know? "

Zhao Wanqing frowned and said angrily, "Xiao Cloud Sea, you'd better remember it for me. Otherwise, I .

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "it's funny. I have promised my two children to travel. Do you think I can break my promise

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "it's almost the same."

What they don't know is that the Internet has become lively at this time.

"Yunhuang is too good. What he said in answer to the question is just a famous saying

"In the second link, when I saw the emperor without saying a word, I thought he couldn't do it. I didn't expect that he was the best one in it

"I finally know why I am poor? There was no ambition. To tell you the truth, I'm really a man without ambition. "

"I have to be suspicious when I use people and use them when I doubt them. It's just subverting my outlook on life."

"I think yunhuang is the best leader in the world. He is in charge of his own people and his subordinates. There are so many talents in the world. As long as we manage them well, the development of the company will certainly be OK. "

"I'd rather die on the sunny beach than in the office, saying what I want. Unfortunately, I have no choice but to work overtime.

"The world is so big that I want to go shopping. It seems that only I heard it. If you want to leave for a trip tomorrow, write these ten words. "

"If we want to succeed in this world, we have to consider not what we can do, but what we should do. I like this sentence so much. I think it's time for me to do something. "

Ma Yun's classic quotations in his previous life were spread out in the program "fortune forum" by Xiao Yunhai, and were quickly sought after by netizens.

When Xiao Yunhai came home, he was very happy to see everyone's comments on the Internet. It's not like losing the face of horse boss.

In a room near Yanjing prison, Wang Yangqiu sat on the sofa with a gloomy face. His eyes were ferocious like a wolf. Opposite was a TV set, which had been smashed and scrapped by him."Xiao Yunhai, I swear that I will never let you go."

Wang Yangqiu has lived in this dilapidated house for a month. Although the wind that caught him has blown away, he still dare not step out of the gate.

Because he learned from Zhang fan that someone had spent a billion dollars in the black market to buy his life.

Needless to say, it must be Xiao Yunhai. Only he has such financial resources and energy.

Now Yanjing doesn't know how many people's eyes are staring at. If you show a little bit of horse's feet, it must be a place of death.

One billion dollars, even if it's the president of an African country, that's the price.

Originally they wanted to leave before the 15th day of the first month, but now they have to give up because of this.

Wealth moves people's hearts. Who dares to say that those underworld figures will not be inspired by money.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Wang Yangqiu's heart was shocked, his eyes quickly looked at the people. After seeing the sail, I was relieved.

"Brother Zhang, when can we leave for Korea?"

Staying here all day, Wang Yangqiu is about to be suffocated.

Zhang Fan took a look at the smashed TV and said, "Wang Shao, don't worry. I've already done it. People are absolutely reliable. We'll leave at eleven o'clock this evening. "

Wang Yangqiu was overjoyed and said, "great. Brother Zhang, you can rest assured that I will not forget you when I am developed. "

Zhang Fan laughed and said, "thank you, Wang Shao."

Wang Yangqiu was immersed in joy and did not see the complicated look on Zhang Fan's face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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