Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:51 AM

Chapter 162

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"Well, why? Just standing in front of you is Mr. Xia Chengfeng of Hongda Company. Is this identity not enough? These young people don't know the rules. Don't some of you make-up artists understand them? Now Mr. Xia is going to use this dressing room. You should go out at once. "

"Is it summer Chengfeng? Hehe, it's a narrow road for enemies. "

Since Xiao Yunhai crossed the world, the biggest enemy is the summer Chengfeng.

From the original forced purchase of song copyright failed, Xia Chengfeng to himself can be said to have exhausted the means.

Not only did he lose the role of Lv Bu in the Three Kingdoms, but also implicated his good brother Huang Bo, so that he could not enter the propaganda camp of Chu Liuxiang. A few days ago, he sniped at his own album, which made Xiao Yunhai hate Xia Chengfeng.

Now see Xia Chengfeng bullying new people again, where Xiao Yunhai still press to endure. At present, regardless of Su Yingxue's obstruction, along the sound came to No. 2 dressing room.

Mango stage dressing room is very interesting. From the elevator, there are singular numbers 1, 3 and 5 on the left and plural numbers 2, 4 and 6 on the right. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai's No. 1 dressing room and Xia Chengfeng's No. 2 dressing room are on both sides.

Xiao Yunhai went to the door of No.2 dressing room and looked inside. Good guy, there are many people. Xia Chengfeng and his staff have eight.

Sitting in front of the mirror were three young men, two men and one woman, all staring angrily at Xia Chengfeng's assistant, while the three makeup artists stood behind them, somewhat at a loss.

"What are you looking at? Don't you know the identity of Mr. Xia? Can you take the responsibility for delaying his makeup on the program? " Fat assistant peeks at Xia Chengfeng's eyebrows, knowing that the boss is a little angry, he yells at them quickly.

The three young people obviously know the name of Xia Chengfeng. Although they hate each other, they are stronger than others. They can only bear their anger and prepare to leave.

Just as they stood up to leave, there was a burst of applause at the door.

When they looked back, they saw a young man in his twenties with sunglasses, clapping his hands and smiling, and said to Xia Chengfeng, who has been silent all the time, "I say who is so arrogant? It's Mr. Xia Chengfeng. Yes? Bullying new people again? Yes, Mr. Xia is known for bullying new people. It's just that I don't understand. You're also a first-line singer. Do you need to show off in front of new people? "

Naturally, the speaker is Xiao Yunhai.

"Who are you? How dare you talk to Mr. Xia like that

Seeing a young man standing up to ridicule Xia Chengfeng, as a dogleg, the fat assistant naturally would not miss such a good performance opportunity and jumped out immediately.

Xiao Yunhai snorted, took off his sunglasses, squinted at him, and said, "what's the name of the ghost

The young woman looked at Xiao Yunhai's appearance, ah, pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "you are the cloud emperor."

Another young man also recognized, surprised said: "yes, it's him."

When the three of them were forced to retreat by Xia Chengfeng, Xiao Yunhai's appearance was to help them solve the siege.

On weekdays, the fat assistant relies on Xia Chengfeng's authority, pretends to be a fox and acts as a bully. In the face of Xia Chengfeng, people all give in three points. How ever has he been so ridiculed.

In addition, his master and Xiao Yunhai do not deal with it, which is famous in the circle.

As a result, as soon as Xiao Yunhai's voice fell, the fat assistant's face suddenly turned red as if he had been trampled on his tail. He pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "don't think you are lucky. If you have a broken record, you will feel that you are superior and supercilious. You are just a singer of Tianhua entertainment. If you want to take you down, you will have minutes...

"shut up." Xia Chengfeng finally spoke.

If he doesn't speak, he can't do it. The fat assistant regards the records with more than 10 million sales as broken records, and now he is less than 8 million. What kind of record is that.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Xia is really hard to open his mouth."


Xia Chengfeng looked at Xiao Yunhai coldly and said, "Xiao Yunhai, don't be arrogant. If you are too arrogant, someone will come to take care of you."

Xiao Yunhai sneered and said in a tit for tat: "there are a lot of people who can clean me up, but that person will not be you. When I was a newcomer, you secretly used a lot of means to trouble me, but in the end, I didn't get to this step. You can't clean up the former me, but you can't do it now. "

"Xia Chengfeng, I really don't know why you are so domineering. In terms of character, ability and talent, which one can you win. If it wasn't for your good father, you would have been kicked out of the entertainment circle with your virtue. "

People around are shocked by Xiao Yunhai's words. It's too rude. It's just the rhythm of tearing faces.

In the entertainment industry, for a good song and a role, everyone secretly fights with each other and uses different means, but on the surface, they still care about each other's face. After all, the entertainment industry is so big that it may be possible for the two to cooperate. If you tear your face, it's hard to talk when you meet.But now Xiao Yunhai's practice is completely different from Xia Cheng's, and he has not left half room for each other. In the future, there will be absolutely no opportunity for cooperation.

The fat assistant, who was originally arrogant, was scared to one side. He was joking that he couldn't even deal with his own boss. He didn't have to deliver food.

As the prince of Hongda entertainment, Xia Chengfeng has always wanted wind and rain since he entered the entertainment industry. Even if the heavenly queen meets himself, he is very polite, let alone other artists.

But now Xiao Yunhai's words are simply pointing at his nose in front of his face and scolding him as a waste, or in full view of the public, the humiliation pouring out from the heart directly makes Xia Chengfeng explode completely.

His normally hypocritical face became extremely ferocious. His eyes stabbed at Xiao Yunhai like a knife, and his whole body was murderous. He pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said with gnashing teeth: "Xiao... Yun... Hai, do you know? No one dares to say that to me. You are the first. I admit you have talent, but we are not. There are more people who rely on their talents and arrogance. There has been no good end since ancient times. "

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "relying on talent and arrogance, at least you can rely on talent, and some of them can even be famous in history. what about you? What do you have? You are a garbage full of bad water. You can't do anything but bully people. If I were you, I would have killed myself by looking for a piece of tofu. "


Xia Chengfeng was purple by Xiao Yun's sea air, his whole body trembled, his chest heaved violently, but he couldn't say a word in his mouth.

If the eyes can kill people, it is estimated that Xiao Yunhai would have died at this moment.

In terms of swearing, ten Xia Chengfeng is not Xiao Yunhai's opponent. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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