Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:06 AM

Chapter 1620

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Zhang Fan went back to his house, and his two brothers immediately surrounded him.

"Boss, let me say, just kill him and get the money. It's too dangerous to take such a waste to Korea. " Said Huang Tao.

I'm afraid Wang Yangqiu never dreamed that the three people he relied on planned to deal with him.

It has to be said that this is a tragedy.

Zhang Fan said: "Tao Zi, the chief executive treats us well. We can't kill his only son. What's more, although Xiao Yunhai's billion dollars are very moving, don't forget that Wang Yangqiu has two billion dollars there. All we need to do is get the code, and the three of us can become billionaires in an instant. At that time, we will go to cosmetic surgery, change our identity, and find a country at will, and we will be able to live comfortably. "

Huang Tao asked, "boss, when we get the money, what should Wang Dashao do?"

Zhang Fan said: "leave him some money and let him live and die. I'm worthy of the chief. "

The other two looked at each other and nodded together.

As for how to get Wang Yangqiu's password, for the three people, it is nothing at all.

That night, the four left Yanjing in a shabby van. And then he went to Korea in a boat.

At six in the morning, Wang Yangqiu arrived in Korea.

"I'm out at last." Came to the shore, Wang Yangqiu opened his arms and exclaimed contentedly.

Sunlight on his body, as if to give him a layer of Xiaguang.

Unfortunately, his good mood was immediately destroyed.

"Wang Shao, we need to pay them. It's a million dollars." Zhang Fan said without expression.

Wang Yangqiu opened his mouth and said, "how much is it? million. Why don't they grab it? "

The captain who sent them here was a Chinese. He did this all year round. When he heard Wang Yangqiu's words, he was not happy.

"Young man, I want you to be careful. Our price is clearly marked, and there is no fraud between the old and the young. If you are not introduced by my old friend, I will charge you 500000 deposit first. "

With that, he winked at his crew.

More than a dozen people quickly surrounded them, and four of them took out their pistols and aimed at them.

Although Wang Yangqiu often sent people to do some bad things, but he himself has never met, suddenly pale, scared not light.

Zhang Fan frowned and said, "Wang Shao, this man has a good way in South Korea. We can't afford to offend him with our current situation."

Wang Yangqiu said, "but I don't have any money on me. Do you have any? "

Huang Tao said, "we are all poor soldiers. We don't know what a hundred dollars looks like, not to mention one million dollars."

Zhang Fan said: "Wang Shao, I remember that Mrs. Wang left you a Swiss bank check? Why don't we just go and get it. The next cosmetic surgery will also cost a lot of money, because we are looking for black hospitals

Wang Yangqiu at this time a little helpless, nodded and said: "good."

Zhang Fan turned to the captain and said, "a million dollars is OK, but we need to go to the Swiss bank."

The captain said, "yes, you can go alone. I'll send some brothers to act as your bodyguards. You'd better not play tricks

Wang Yangqiu said, "I will go."

Without thinking about it, the captain refused and said, "absolutely not. I'm not blind. The three of them are just protecting your servants. All of them are from the army and know kung fu. If you leave, how can I rest assured. You can go anywhere you like, but he alone can't

Zhang Fan said: "this boss, we are just bodyguards. We don't know the process of withdrawing money from Swiss bank."

Wang Yangqiu nodded repeatedly and said, "yes. What's more, I have a Swiss bank check with a password. I can only go there. I can't fake it. "

The captain said with disdain, "do you think we are fools? You're a fugitive. You can't withdraw money by your identity. At most, it depends on your password. You just have to tell one of them the code and they can get it back? "

Wang Yangqiu was shocked and said, "that's not good. I... "

The captain said angrily, "I say OK, you don't have a choice. Either take the money or we'll kill it and throw it into the river to feed the fish. I don't have that much time to play with you. "

Wang Yangqiu's face changed greatly. When the scholar met the soldier, he could not explain why. Wang Yangqiu finally realized what this sentence meant.

Although Zhang Fan and Zhang fan are very nice to themselves, Wang Yang is narrow-minded and suspicious, and he does not trust them completely. Especially, there are two billion dollars on the cheques of Swiss bank. Even if a rich man sees them, he may take them for his own, let alone Zhang Fan, who have never seen such big soldiers as US dollars.

Can look at the present situation, he seems to have no choice.

Hearing the captain's supervisor's voice, Wang Yangqiu had no choice but to take out the check from his pocket and give it to Zhang Fan, saying, "brother Zhang, I'll give you my life today."Zhang Fan took the check, his face as usual, and said, "Wang Shao, don't worry, I'll be back soon."

Seeing that there was no greedy color in Zhang Fan's eyes, Wang Yangqiu put down his heart a little and told him the password of the check.

Zhang Fan nodded and said, "I know. This big brother, it's still early. The Swiss bank should not be open for business. Why don't you find a place to sit down and eat something first. "

The captain snorted and said, "I think so. We'll wait for you on this boat. I tell you, it's at least an hour's journey from here to the Swiss bank. I have a car, Lao Zhang. You and some brothers will take him away now. "


Zhang Fan and several crew members left by car, while Wang Yangqiu stayed on board.

It was not until 10:30 that Zhang Fan came back and handed the captain a million dollar Swiss bank check. The four men finally got away.

He took a taxi to a restaurant and ate something at will. Wang Yangqiu said, "brother Zhang, do you think you should return the check to me?"

Zhang Fan laughed, tore off a piece of paper, wrote a phone number, and then took out a check from a Swiss bank, all handed it to Wang Yangqiu, saying, "this is the mobile phone number of the doctor who your mother contacted for your cosmetic surgery. There are two million dollars in this card, which is enough for you to return home."

Wang Yangqiu's expression changed greatly and said, "brother Zhang, what do you mean?"

Huang Tao laughed and said, "Wang Shao, we took such a big risk to rescue you from Yanjing prison. How can we give you some benefit fee. You're expensive. Two billion dollars is not much. "

Wang Yangqiu couldn't believe his ears. He turned to Zhang Fan and said, "I trust you so much. You betray me."

Zhang Fan shook his head and said, "Wang Shao, the Wang family is over. If it wasn't for your father's sake, do you think you can still live now? I've left you two million, which is the end of my kindness and righteousness. Next, we are going abroad. I hope we will never see each other in our life. "

with that, Zhang Fan and his three men got up and left without looking back.

Only Wang Yangqiu was sitting there, after a long time, he swore: "you three bastards." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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