Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:04 AM

Chapter 1622

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Three people into the office, Xiao Yunhai sitting in the boss chair, said: "Raul, say it."

Raul nodded and said, "boss, we released 31 films in January and February, including six literary and artistic films, 21 commercial films and four animated films. The total box office receipts were 78.3 billion, and the profit reached 31.2 billion US dollars, which was 18% higher than that of the same period last year."

"In addition, according to your instructions, we have cooperated with many Hollywood Star Studios. We have invested in 18 films, lost 10 of them and made only 1.2 billion US dollars."

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said: "the movie prepared by the Star Studio is really ordinary."

Raul said with a wry smile: "boss, Hollywood has more than a dozen Star Studios declared bankrupt. In order to reduce the cost, there are indeed problems in the quality of their films. Some good plays, if put in our company director's hand, certainly can sell well. Unfortunately, many stars are not willing to hire famous directors, and the directors they find are few. In addition, they often give directions in film making, which leads to the box office miserable. Well, not to mention compared with our big companies, even those small and medium-sized companies are much better than them. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "how about the star studio under our company? Have you made or lost? "

"Director bichoven is working on a big magic film, the kingdom of dreams," Raul said. "He invested 200 million dollars and asked David Harnett to play the leading role. When David Harnett saw that the script was really good, he made $60 million for his film, plus $4000 for his studio, and put in 100 million. The rest of the money was made up by the company. It is estimated that if you want to show it, it will take another six months. "

"Almost all the other films failed. Director Bickerman invested 20 million dollars in an art film, only to win 15 million dollars at the box office, and then he drew in a hurry. David put in two, one guaranteed and the other lost $8.6 million. "

"The worst is Sheila Lucia, who has a good relationship with many film company owners and gets the most resources. He spent 360 million dollars on five films, and even acted in one of his own. As a result, only 130 million yuan was recovered, and his living place was changed from a big villa to a small villa. "

"Well, the competition in Hollywood is really fierce. The great success of a film often leads to the loss of dozens of films in the same period. They are quite good. Some star artists are ambitious. They make movies with loans from banks. Their life goes directly from heaven to hell. They can only repay their loans by acting crazily. "

Daniel said with a smile: "so boss, congratulations on becoming a public enemy of Hollywood artists."

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, puzzled asked: "they invest failure, what do I care?"

Daniel said: "who made you the originator of Star Studios. If you hadn't put forward such a concept in the first place, they wouldn't have set up a studio. If you don't set up a studio, you won't lose money. "

Raul nodded and gloated: "a while ago, artists would say on the Internet that they shouldn't listen to you and set up a studio after their investment failed, which made them so miserable."

"Shit." Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai cursed: "who are these people? It's shameless. "

Raul said, "it's like bichoven, David and Sheila all said that."

Xiao Yunhai patted his forehead, some want to cry without tears.

If you can't do it well and complain about the founder, you can't speak.

The three chatted for a while, and Raul suddenly said, "boss, I heard that the major video websites in the United States are making mobile app recently. Although there is no one in the world, it is only a matter of time. Our social network app is very popular in Europe and the United States, with numerous members. Have you ever thought of adding a video website to broadcast our cartoon, movie, TV series and variety show in it? "

Last year, marvel cartoon company made more than 100 films, more than 30 animated films and 78 cartoons, and Yunqing TV station was no exception. There were more than 40 TV dramas invested in shooting and many variety shows, and bought more program copyrights.

After these films and TV programs are broadcast in cinemas and TV stations, they will be put on the Internet video website for fee downloading and online broadcasting. This alone brought more than 8 billion US dollars to Xiao Yunhai last year, which is still after the website charged 50% of the platform fee.

If Marvel has its own platform to broadcast, Xiao Yunhai will also receive more than 8 billion US dollars, which will almost catch up with the annual salary of its employees.

Before, because of the fierce competition among video websites on the Internet, even if Xiao Yunhai inserted it, he would not be able to succeed, so he didn't even have the idea.

Now it's different. On the computer network, I can't compare. But in terms of mobile phone network, Xiao Yunhai is absolutely invincible. Just one twitter app can kill everything in seconds.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai said, "Raul, your suggestion is very good. I will call the software department of Yunqing network company to make a marvel video network, which will be directly put into our Twitter app and be tied with the game. We'll set the price lower then, and I believe it will be popular soon. Hehe, if there was no music company, I would like to make a music app. ""That's great," Raul said happily. However, I think that there are too few films and TV works of our own family alone. I will contact other film and television companies to buy their online film and television copyright. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "please contact as soon as possible. Just like this, I'm sorry for the Xianyue video network. "

Previously, Xiao introduced many Hollywood film companies to manwenbin to help him compete with other websites. Now he can only cope with mobile video.

"That's what business is like, it's a matter of no way," Raul said. However, the regulations on mobile phone network video and computer network video have not been promulgated in various countries and regions. Previous Internet copyright refers to computers, and I don't know that the package does not include the current mobile app. "

Xiao Yunhai squints his eyes slightly, and he knows it is very important. If the mobile phone network video copyright is not within the previous network copyright, Xiao Yunhai can cooperate with all other companies to buy the right to play those excellent films. Therefore, it is difficult for xiaoyunhai's manway video app to be hot. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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