Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:02 AM

Chapter 1623

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Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai said: "Raul, has anyone raised this question to the network Department of the United States?"

Raul saw that Xiao Yunhai seemed to be very interested in this matter, and even said: "a week ago, led by Paramount and Disney, Hollywood, including US marvel, have been in succession, but the network department has not given any reply."

Paramount, Disney and other film companies have thousands of film and television resources, but all sell the Internet copyright. If the mobile phone network copyright is not included in it, it is absolutely Baili and harmless to them.

And the owners of those video sites are miserable. Without copyright, they can't even make mobile apps.

The two sides are bound to fight endlessly. The network Department of the United States is caught in the middle, so it is impossible to make a quick decision.

Xiao Yunhai said, "Raul, who do you think will win?"

"It must be Hollywood studios," Raul said

"Why?" asked Xiao Yunhai

Raul laughs, "because Paramount Pictures is now the property of the Bessie family. Mr. Shaw, this is a crucial moment in the US presidential election. After one year's preparation, President Adams had the chance to win. However, who wanted to be attacked by several other competitors? In front of the public, he exposed a lot of rumors about him, which led to a sharp decline in his popularity. His support rate dropped from more than 50% to 38%, only 4% more than that of the other candidate, Lyle. This is very dangerous. If it wasn't for the support of the Bessie family, it's hard to say what the result would be

"The separation of mobile network copyright from the original network copyright was led by Vanessa Bessie, and the director of network department was from Adams. Under the present circumstances, even if Adams was given ten courage, he would not dare to damage the interests of the Bessie family. That's why I'm guessing that Hollywood studios must win. "

Xiao Yunhai suddenly nodded and said, "I see. Now that it's almost certain, you should contact those companies quickly. Big film companies like Disneyland and MGM will do it themselves. You focus on the small and medium-sized companies. Remember, we just want good movies, not bad movies. "

Raul said, "I understand. What about the price? "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "it's really hard to decide. What do you think? "

Raul seems to have thought about this problem for a long time. He said: "boss, our game platform charges 10% of the profit. The film and television platform should not be too high. How about 20%

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and immediately made a decision, saying, "it's still 10%. If we want to gain an advantage in the future competition, we have to use the way of small profits and high sales. "

Raul nodded and said, "OK. I'm sure you will be interested in such a low price. "

After Daniel and Raul left, Xiao Yunhai called LAN Jiancheng, director of Software Department of Yunqing network company. Soon, the phone was connected and LAN Jiancheng's voice came over.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "minister LAN, where are you? How can I hear the noise outside? It seems to be very loud

LAN Jiancheng said, "I'm on the construction site of our laboratory."

Xiao Yunhai let out a cry and asked, "how far has it been built now?"

LAN Jiancheng said: "the progress is very fast. It is estimated that it will be completed in another half a year."

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good. Minister LAN, I'm calling you to ask if I'm going to add a movie and television website to our Twitter social networking site app. Can you do that? "

LAN Jiancheng laughed and said, "it's too simple. I just ask my colleagues in the software department to develop a player, and then change the content and form of the website based on the game webpage. With the strength of our software department, it can be done in less than two weeks. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "that's really good. I'll ask Raul to contact you as soon as possible. First, we'll hang up the film and television works of our company to see how the effect is

LAN Jiancheng said, "OK. I'll go back and make arrangements. "

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai want to know something about the storm game company, then dial Allen's mobile phone number, let him come.

After a while, Allen knocked on the door and came in.

Xiao Yunhai let him sit down and said, "Ellen, what are we storm game company doing recently?"

"Most of them are working on dungeons and warriors, and a few are doing other casual games," Allen said

Xiao Yunhai said: "to what extent have we achieved it?"

"Dungeons and warriors will be available in a month, playing on both computers and mobile phones, just like battle of the king," Allen said. As for the small games, such as cards, mahjong and racing cars, you can finish them in two weeks at most. Just, everybody is asking, can this kind of small game make money? Other companies don't look up to them at all. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "so this is our opportunity. We don't want to make money directly from the players, but let the players play against the players, and we will draw five percent of their game gold. "What is the most popular game in China in the past? It is not "glory of the king" or "Warcraft", but a common fight against landlords. When you're free, there are so many people playing poker.

Xiao Yunhai let storm develop such a game, is to build a combat platform. For example, when fighting the landlord, three people bet at the same time, and the one who wins can get all the bets, of course, after being drawn by Xiao Yunhai.

In this way, just drawing a percentage can make Xiao Yunhai earn a lot of money.

Allen suddenly realized, "I see. Yes, Mr. Xiao. I see

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I understand, then finish it as soon as possible. When I go online, I think it will be even more popular than the war of the king. By the way, how's the battle of the king? "

Alan said happily, "two words, invincible. Since the "war of the king" was born, including our "world of Warcraft", no game can match it. Players all over the world are playing, even many Hollywood stars have formed teams to play, and even have been broadcast live. Last month, our "battle of the king" occupied 68% of the market share, and the profit exceeded 20 billion US dollars

Xiao Yunhai nodded with satisfaction and said, "very good. Is world of Warcraft over? "

Alan looked dull and said with a wry smile, "that's right. World of Warcraft is going from bad to worse, but it still brings us about 50 million dollars a day. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "50 million dollars a day is much better than I expected. What's going on with other game companies? "

Allen said: "I heard that everyone's goal is on the mobile game. Many game apps have appeared on the network, but the download volume is very general."

Xiao Yunhai frowned and asked, "did the game companies that contacted us before think about putting their games on our game platform?"

Alan shook his head and said, "so far, there is no one. They seem to be very inclined to build their own game app. Maybe they don't want to pay us 10% of the profits? "

Xiao Yunhai disdained to say: "shortsighted. No matter how good your game is, it won't work without publicity. Our Twitter app is now the most powerful way to publicize on the Internet. We can get much higher income than their own app just by losing 10% of the profits. Well, I don't know what these people think. "

Allen hesitated for a moment, as if to say something, and then closed his mouth.

Xiao Yunhai looked at me with a smile: "Ellen, do you want to tell me something. Come on, don't hold on to it. Go ahead

Alan said, "boss, not everyone is like this. A week ago, Shermo and Matthew called me and said that they had a mobile game of tank war under internal test, and it was estimated that it would be finished in two days. They want to use our game platform. What do you think of this matter? "

Xiao Yunhai didn't even think about it, so he said, "it's worth saying. Of course, I promised them. Allen, the game platform in our Twitter app is for all the game companies in the world, not just for our storm. Don't talk about shermore and Matthew. Even if it's stern games, we'll take it. If you want to be bigger and stronger, you have to have the mind to accept all kinds of rivers, understand? "

Alan nodded and said, "I see, Mr. Shaw."

Xiao Yunhai said: "if there is nothing else, you can go back." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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