Published at 11th of May 2022 05:14:00 AM

Chapter 1625

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In the president's office of stell networks, winnissa Bessie, dressed in a professional outfit and full of sexy figure, is discussing matters with Spencer Ackerman, head of stern games.

"Spencer, what do you think we should do?" Asked Vanessa Bessie, frowning slightly.

The company has just developed a new game called darkness, which, like battle of the kings, can be played on both computers and mobile phones.

It's just that Vanessa Bessie doesn't know whether to make a stand-alone stell game website app.

Previous game companies have completely declared failure and have to cooperate with Xiao Yunhai. Vanessa Bessie is afraid that she will repeat its mistakes.

She was not very good at games, so she asked Spencer Ackerman to discuss.

Spencer Ackerman seemed to have thought about this problem for a long time and said, "Miss Bessie, I don't think we can depend on Xiao Yunhai. The reason why he created such a platform for the game company and only received 10% profit was that he wanted to let game companies all over the world work for him. The failure of other companies is mainly due to their lack of visibility. But we're different. In terms of fame, we are much higher than storm games, so there is still a possibility of success. "

Vanessa Bessie nodded and said, "you're like what I think. Let's make a stell Game App. In order to make it famous, I will spend a billion dollars to promote it. At the same time, we set the cost at 8%. Even if we suffer some losses, it is better than letting Xiao Yunhai's family dominate. "

Spencer Ackerman said, "yes. Boss, I think you can contact other large game companies to jointly resist the monopoly of the industry from the twitter app game platform. "

"That's a good way to do it," said Vanessa Bessie, her eyes brightening. Today's situation is that none of our companies can compete with Kung Fu Xiao in the mobile game market. In this case, we can work together to make a special game app, and put the mobile games made by large game companies on it to compete with Kung Fu Xiao. Well, it seems like a good thing. I'm going to contact them now. "

After Spencer Ackerman left, Vanessa Bessie began to call big game companies in Europe and America.

"Well, Mr. morgent, I think we need to get together. If we go on like this, we will all become the workers of Kung Fu Xiao. "

"Mr. Brown, I think mobile games will, no, have become popular all over the world. Kung Fu Xiao has too many advantages in this respect. We need to make our voice heard together. We can never let him monopolize the whole industry. "

"Ms. Jones, I think our seven companies can form a united app to compete with Kung Fu Xiao."

An hour later, Vanessa Bessie put down the phone in a happy mood.

The president of American and European companies has agreed to build a large game platform, and all of them have agreed to build a game platform of their own.

At 3 p.m. the next day, at a five-star hotel, Vanessa Bessie and six bosses of major game companies held a press conference.

Winnissa Bessie announced to more than 200 reporters the decision of seven major companies to establish the United games app, which caused an uproar.

"Ms. Bessie, are your seven major game companies doing this to compete with Kung Fu Xiao?"

Vanessa Bessie said with a smile, "that's right. Mr. Xiao's game platform is too powerful, which makes us feel a lot of pressure. Therefore, after our research, we think that any game company alone will not be his opponent. Only by uniting can we possibly fight against him. So we came. "

"When will Lianzhong Game App go online? How many games are there? "

"It is estimated that we will meet the players in half a month. There will be many interesting games recently developed by our major companies. At the same time, we hope other game companies can join us. "

"Do other game companies have to pay you for using your platform?"

"Of course. However, we should charge a lower fee than Kung Fu Xiao. "

"As we all know, Mr. Xiao's" battle of the king "is popular all over the world, and its market share exceeds 60% of the horror. Do you think the game you developed can beat" battle of the king "

"Any game will be bored one day, and the battle of the king is no exception."

"How is your present relationship with Mr. Shaw, Ms. Bessie?"

"A common friend."


After watching the video of Winnie Bessie's press conference, Xiao Yunhai's expression on his face was extremely dignified.

Seven big game companies are united. It's too powerful. With their popularity among players, once Lianzhong app goes online, it will inevitably bring great trouble to his game platform."This Vanessa Bessie is a real problem for herself."

Xiao Yunhai rubbed his temple and thought of it.

In the face of the challenge of Lianzhong app, Xiao Yunhai has no good way. This is a conspiracy and can only be resisted.

Fortunately, he has already gained the absolute upper hand. The number of downloads of twitter app has exceeded 600 million, which no software app can do.

On his fourth day in Los Angeles, Xiao Yunhai met Robert, director of Yunqing TV station.

"Hey, boss, I'm sorry. I've been on a business trip recently. I only came back last night, otherwise I would have been here to report to you. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "don't say anything polite. How is the operation of the TV station? I've heard that although the ratings of Yunqing TV station are still ranked first in the world, they have declined compared with before. What's the reason for that? "

Robert said: "Mr. Shaw, it's not just our TV stations that are falling in ratings. Other stations are also declining. The reason lies in you. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and asked, "what do you mean? Why didn't I understand? "

Robert said, "your WiFi has completely changed the way people live. A lot of people are playing games with their mobile phones at home. Who is watching TV. According to statistics, with the advent of WiFi, the number of European and American viewers who like to watch TV plummeted by 20%. Such a large number of audience loss, our television ratings do not decline is a strange thing

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a wry smile, "the original problem is that I am the one."

Robert said: "nevertheless, the advertising revenue of our TV station last month still exceeded 10 billion US dollars, and the TV series and variety shows we shot also achieved good results, with a profit of about 5 billion US dollars.

Xiao Yunhai said: "very good. When you go back, make a detailed form for me. I want to have a look at it. "

Robert promised that Xiao Yunhai seemed to be in a good mood. He asked tentatively, "boss, have you finished the later stage of Zhuxian?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "not yet. I thought it could be done in a week, but I didn't think it would. I'm going to take it to Huaxia. Do you have anything to do with it

Robert was embarrassed to say: "boss, the third season of the voice of America is going to play eight out of six tomorrow night. He was supposed to have invited four top music producers from Europe and the United States as guests, but Mr. Jimmy Murray suddenly fell ill and lay in the hospital. So... "

Xiao Yunhai was happy and said," so you want me to be the guest instead of Jimi Murray? "

Robert turned red and nodded.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you can really find someone."

Since the sound of America was broadcast, it has been wildly sought after by fans. The average ratings of the first season reached 5.17%, and the average ratings of the second season exceeded 6%, becoming the hottest variety show in Hollywood.

After entering the music circle, many excellent students have achieved good results. Even two of them have become the first-line singers in Europe and America. The fire is in a mess, which attracts people with music dreams.

If there are more good singers, the audience rating will be higher. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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