Published at 11th of May 2022 05:13:58 AM

Chapter 1626

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At this time, the third season of "the voice of America" has entered a white hot stage. Three of the four mentors are Xiao Yunhai's old friends, including David Hume, Katrina Graham and Eliot, and the other is veteran singer lied Steinbeck. The TV station spent 160 million US dollars on the appearance fees of these four people alone, and the audience rating was higher than that of the second season No.

Robert said, "boss, you are just a guest of comments, you don't need to be on the stage in person. After the eight students have finished singing, you can make a little comment. "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "I planned to go to New York tomorrow morning. In that case, let's change it to tomorrow night. Hehe, I haven't been a judge since I started. OK, I agree. "

Robert said happily, "thank you, boss."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "don't be so polite. By the way, what other judges besides me? "

"It's all music producers, Jed Mercurio, Jesse Barkley and Andrew Dora," Robert said

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "these three are the top figures in European and American music. It's not easy for you to invite them here. What's more, they're all notoriously strict, especially the guy Andrew Dora, even David, who he used to scold, let alone these young people. Robert, aren't you afraid that the show will be out of control? "

These musicians are not as easy to talk as ordinary artists, and their eyes are higher than the top. For them, good is good, and bad is bad. It's more difficult for them to aggrieve themselves and praise those bad singers.

At that time, it will be a big trouble for the students and the tutors to get down.

Robert said with a smile: "this is David Shermer. They take the initiative to listen to the opinions and suggestions of these music teachers, and then make improvements and sprint to the champion."

Xiao Yunhai said: "they are not afraid of death. When will the teachers arrive? When we get to our acre of land, I have to meet it in person. "

Robert said, "tomorrow evening at 7:30."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK. I'll be there at seven tomorrow afternoon

The news that four famous musicians, Xiao Yunhai, Jed Mercurio, Jesse Barkley and Andrew Dora will arrive at the third season of "the voice of America", was soon publicized by the TV station all over the world.

The Internet is full of comments from fans.

"My God. "The voice of America" students this time miserable. In addition to Kung Fu Xiao, the other three are known to be strict in the industry. It's hard to impress them with a song

"Tomorrow's show will be absolutely wonderful. I guess it's not just the students. I'm afraid all the instructors have to be trained. "

"Eliot and David are so bold that they are not afraid to be defeated?"

"Oh, my Casey, you must come on. Otherwise, it is possible to be scolded. "

At 11:00 p.m., the studio of "the voice of America" on Yunqing TV station was full of lights. Four tutors and eight students gathered to practice the songs that needed to be contested the next day.

For them, the arrival of Xiao Yunhai is no less than an examination. The candidates are not only eight students, but also their four tutors. If the students are not good-looking, they are not good-looking.

Therefore, this time, no one kept the singer's song secret. Instead, they showed it out in a generous way, so that the other three tutors could give their opinions, so that they could make use of the daytime time tomorrow to revise them.

"Joe, there's nothing wrong with your singing skills, but your feelings are not completely open. There are also problems with typhoons. You must be confident on the stage and stretch your body as far as possible. Don't give people a feeling of being small and family like. " Eliot said to his student, Denny Joe.

David next to him said, "Elliott, in fact, Joe has made a lot of progress in his shyness and introversion. His voice can catch people. I think it's better to sing some lyric songs

Ledstenbeck nodded and said, "David is right. Eliot, I know you want Joe to have more possibilities and surprise the fans, but Joe's personality is so, it's impossible to change him in a few days. You'd better choose a song again. "

Eliot frowned, looked at Joe, who was at a loss on the stage, and said with a bitter smile, "maybe I'm a little too anxious. All right, Joe, we're going to choose a new song tonight. Aren't you going to sing Xiao's hey, jury? We can try. "

Joe bit his lip, bowed to Eliot and said, "I'm sorry to disappoint you, teacher."

Eliot waved his hand and said, "how can it be? You are very excellent. Your voice and singing skills are perfect, but you have problems in the typhoon. This requires a lot of stage experience and can't be changed overnight. Come on, you are the only one in our group. I don't want to lose even one student, and finally enter the finals naked. It will make me lose faceThe reason why "the voice of America" is sought after by fans is mainly because it is similar to "singer's night" in those years, and the promotion power is in the hands of 2000 fans of different ages.

Therefore, anything can happen at the scene.

Eliot is the most famous of the four, but his luck is not very good. In the first two sessions, in the big PK of four groups of students, all three students were mercilessly eliminated by fans, leaving only Joe as a trainee.

Tomorrow's game is eight into six. If Joe leaves, Eliot doesn't know what to do.

Joe nodded hard and said, "teacher, don't worry, I will sing well."

Red Steinbeck clapped his hands and said, "OK. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the end of today's training. Just a few tutor's instruction, you must remember, and then have a good practice, to meet tomorrow's four music masters. Come on, and let them clap for you. "

The eight students all answered, "yes."

Seeing everyone leave in turn, Katrina patted her high chest and said, "how are you doing? I feel more nervous than the students on stage. "

Eliot said with a wry smile, "Katrina, the last thing we should be nervous about is you."

David nodded and said, "that's right. Tomorrow night is eight into six. There are only two cadets for me and lied. Both of them are likely to be eliminated, not to mention Eliot. And if you have three cadets, even if it's a total annihilation, you can have one left. When it comes to nervousness, Eliot should be the most nervous

Ted Steinbeck said, "Katrina, I don't think you're worried about whether you're going to be eliminated, but what the four musicians are saying, right?"

Katrina said, "that's right. Among these judges, the one I am most familiar with is Mr. Barkley, who wrote my famous song at the beginning. In order to pursue perfection, Mr. Barkley asked me to sing hundreds of times before I could barely meet his requirements. I'm worried that our students won't be recognized. "

Eliot said with a smile, "then why do you agree that the TV station should find these teachers as guests?"

Katrina said, "you all agree. How can I disagree. Don't you really worry? "

Eliot said, "I don't worry. Because my teacher is Mr. Jed Mercurio, when I record songs, I don't feel well without being scolded by him. "

The crowd burst into laughter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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