Published at 11th of May 2022 05:13:54 AM

Chapter 1629

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Next, Katrina's Cadet Kathy Alice and ledestanbeck's Maggie white are both girls. Although Kathy Ellis is not good-looking, she is indeed one of the most powerful colleges. Katrina has given her high hopes.

Cathy Alice didn't disappoint Katrina. Zhao Wanqing's "forever in my heart" is full of soul stirring, especially her voice is ethereal, full of a kind of Fairy Spirit, singing skills are not vulgar, similar to Dong's voice.

Perhaps because of the influence of Kathy Alice, Maggie White's performance is very unsatisfactory, giving people the feeling that she is lack of confidence. Obviously, her psychological quality is not very good.

Because of this, she was severely criticized by Barkley and Mercurio, and her tears could not help falling down.

Even Cathy Alice thought the three teachers were too strict and said something for her. The boy even got in and was severely scolded by Andrew Dora.

Xiao Yunhai said, "Miss White, what the three teachers said is not wrong at all. Your mental quality really needs to be improved. Even if this is not a competition, but a party, you see the singer in front of you is doing well. Are you going to give up your performance? This is absolutely not possible. No matter what you do, first of all, you must have confidence. We don't have to be better than others, as long as we sing our own things, that's fine. The other three teachers don't know how to take pity on the women and cherish the jade. Their tone is very problematic, but they are all good words. You should remember them well. "

"As for Kathy Alice's performance is very good. It's very rare to be able to sing" my heart forever "with such a sense of hierarchy at this age. This song praises a love that will never die. You don't seem to sing its true meaning. In terms of emotional expression, I have to tell you the truth. There is still some distance between you and my wife, Miss Zhao Wanqing. "

Kathy Alice nodded and said, "Mr. Xiao, I know this problem. I just want to express the profound artistic conception of this song like Miss Zhao. I really can't do it at this stage."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "my wife is able to express this song thoroughly because she is an actress. When singing, there will be pictures. It's a pity that some things can only be understood but not expressed. On the whole, you've been singing very well. I'll vote for you

Due to the unexpected situation of her opponent, Kathy Alice was promoted by an absolute advantage.

Ledestanbeck's face was ugly, 1824:376. The difference was too far.

However, he did not feel unfair, because the gap between the two singing is obvious.

In the third match, because they were all David's players, the tension was obviously much lower than the first two.

Their singing skills are similar and there are many problems. Barkley even criticizes them bluntly that they can't do well in the typhoon. He doesn't learn a little about David's expressiveness.

Including Xiao Yunhai, the four judges directly abstained from giving any score, which means that they are all unqualified.

The two students' faces were flushed, and David was no better. However, what they said was the truth, and he could not argue with the four of them.

As a matter of fact, David is playing tricks.

He asked them to sing the second song they had prepared, but the carefully prepared first song did not let them sing. He wanted to put them in the back and compete with other groups.

His other three mentors just don't know.

At the beginning of the fourth group's duel, the cadets of ledestanbeck, also the compatriots of Xiao Yunhai, the only beautiful woman among the students, Zheng Yu and Katrina's student, known as Elia Bernard, the prince of rock and roll.

To Xiao Yunhai's surprise, Zheng Yu chose Zhao Wanqing's sad song "Mo".

She really has the level to win the championship. Her voice is calm and flexible, with a trace of hoarseness. She has almost no change in the composition. The way she sings is similar to Zhao Wanqing, without any modification from the beginning to the end.

A strong sadness made more than 2000 people at the scene completely quiet down, and many even wet their eyes. Although most people don't know what Zheng Yu's lyrics mean, the feelings in the songs make them understand exactly what Zheng Yu wants to express.

Katrina sighed and said, "it's over. Zheng's singing on the stage seems to be several times better than that on the rehearsal. Mr. sterbeck, are you trying to be clumsy? "

Steinbeck's eyes were full of admiration. He shook his head and said, "Zheng is a live player. It is always better to sing on the spot than in the studio, especially the emotional expression. As for the rehearsal, she just didn't exert all her strength. She didn't deliberately hide it. She wanted to release all her emotions completely during the match. Obviously, she succeeded. "

Katrina said, "Mr. Steinbeck, don't talk too early. Bernard is also very good. "

Steinbeck said confidently, "I don't believe there is anyone better than Zheng's" silent "among the studentsKatrina's words suddenly stopped, and Zheng Yu's singing was deeply moved, not to mention other audiences.

After singing one song, Zheng Yu won the biggest applause since the beginning.

Next came Elia Bernard's choice of song was a rock, full of metal and violence. His mid bass area is full of metal texture, while the treble area is hoarse. He has a wide range and can sing three octaves.

It's no wonder Katrina still has a trace of expectation and confidence after listening to Zheng Yu's singing.

Bernard finished his singing with a high pitch, which could not be higher. He also received overwhelming applause. His voice was no weaker than Zheng Yu.

ZenI Valentine came out and said with a wry smile, "the two students just now are wonderful. A Chinese song, although I didn't understand what it meant, but Miss Zheng's emotion made me crimson. And Bernard's songs were so hot that I was boiling. If the two kinds of songs that are so far apart have touched our four teachers, let's hear what they say

Jed Mercurio said first: "the two students just performed the best among the four groups. Neither their singing skills nor their emotional expression are inferior to the current top-line singers. Zheng Xueyuan's Chinese song is a classic sentimental love song composed by Mr. Xiao. Its name is only one word "Mo". It was sung by Miss Zhao. When I first heard it, I was shocked. Zheng's way of expression is similar to Miss Zhao's. his emotion is very sufficient, his singing skill is also very good, and his breath is skillful. But there are also shortcomings. In the high pitch, Miss Zhao can't do these four words

"As for Bernard, I just want to say that it's really appropriate that you are made the prince of rock and roll. Your typhoon and singing skills are almost impeccable. Standing there is like a natural luminous body, which can attract all people's attention. What makes me admire is that in such a fierce body movement, you can still stabilize your breath without any problems. It is very difficult. I can not say that in the whole music world, there are not many professional singers who are better than you at this point. Eliot couldn't do it. But the only thing is that if you can't sing the treble, you can think of some other way, there's no need to struggle for it. At the end of the day, what I heard was fear

Xiao Yunhai then opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Mercurio, I don't agree with you."

Everyone was in a daze. Nobody expected Xiao Yunhai to refute Jed Mercurio's views in public. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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