Published at 11th of May 2022 05:13:52 AM

Chapter 1630

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Jed Mercurio was not dissatisfied. He pushed his glasses and said, "Mr. Xiao, what's your opinion?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I think Bernard's last treble is not too strong, but light. What you are talking about is the technical problem of singing. In a recording studio, a singer who can sing to an octave often can't sing to the highest level, and must leave a certain gap. Otherwise, it is likely to collapse and the timbre will be greatly affected. "

Jesse Barkley said, "that's right. That's what Bernard just said, and I don't think Jed's comment was wrong. "

It's not the same as a singer on the stage. In the studio, you are faced with some cold machines, and there is no need for singers to communicate with them. But the singing scene is different. The singer needs to communicate with the audience. Bernard was singing high, and the audience was listening to it. Even so, in the final finale, he made a reservation. It seemed that I was worried that I couldn't sing, so I dropped it a little bit. Bernard, am I right? "

Bernard nodded and said, "yes."

Xiao Yunhai said: "in that mood, if it's me, I won't fall down, but I'll sing the ending with the greatest strength. Even if it's flying, it doesn't matter. Because the fans at that time were no longer listening to your songs, but your emotions. What's the most important thing about rock of this nature? It's venting. Don't worry about the skills. It's something that should be considered in the studio. It's totally unnecessary on the spot. "

Andrew Dora said: "I agree with Mr. Shaw. Mercurio and Buckley have never performed on stage. They don't understand that when a singer goes crazy on the stage, he is not communicating with the audience with singing, but with emotion. "

Jesse Barkley said scornfully, "I still believe that Mr. Shaw sang to that extent. As for you, Andrew, I don't think so

"I was a singer for a while, and I had concerts," Andrew Dora said angrily

Jesse Buckley looked white and said, "I know. It's only one show, and then you can be your producer and stop singing. "

"Ha ha ha."

All of them burst into laughter.

"Mr. Mercurio said," Mr. Mercurio is talking about the singing style in the recording studio, while Mr. Xiao is talking about the live singing style. There is no contradiction between them. Ladies and gentlemen, how are you going to choose your fifty points? Mr. Mercurio, who will you give it to? "

Jed Mercurio thought for a while and said, "I give 85 points for both of them. If I'm allowed to choose, I'll give Andrew my fifty chapters, purely in terms of personal preference. Because I think he sang something of his own, and Zheng's singing was imitating Miss Zhao, which didn't surprise me. But she's still great. "

Zheng Yu's eyes darkened, but he bowed to Mercurio.

Barkley said: "Zheng's songs moved me more. My eyes were red at that time, which made me think of a lot of things before. So my fifty is for her. "

Andrew Dora said, "I'll give it to Andrew. He sings to my taste. It's a personal interest, it has nothing to do with the quality of singing. "

"In this way, Zheng gets 50 points, Andrew gets 100 points, and finally it's Mr. Xiao. Who will you give the votes to?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "just said Andrew, I haven't said Zheng Yu. Mr. Mercurio is right. Zheng Yu's singing style is very similar to my wife's, but his voice is different. He has also made some special treatment in details. It is very good to see something rare in the ordinary. What's more valuable is that Andrew can pull everyone out of the atmosphere of "Mo" at the end of Zheng Yu's singing. At this point, the two of you can directly issue records. You are all so excellent. I think the four of us will not make a mess. It's up to all the audience to choose. "

Barkley immediately knew Xiao Yunhai's meaning and said with a smile, "this is a good idea."

"Mr. Xiao, do you want to vote 50 for Zheng Yu?" asked ZenI wanlunding

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. In this way, it is 100 to 100, and the initiative is completely given to the fans and friends on the spot, which can be regarded as creating a fair environment for them. After all, whether it's a movie

or a song, the most important thing is to get fans and fans to like it. "

ZenI Valentine nodded and said, "I see what Mr. Shaw means. OK, let's take a look at the big screen. Who can be the first to be promoted to the top two. 1103 vs 1097. Oh, my God, there is only a difference of six votes. Let's congratulate Andrew on his promotion. "

Seeing the disappointment in Zheng Yu's eyes, Xiao Yunhai asked, "Zheng Yu, do you know why you lost?"

Zheng Yu shook his head and said, "I don't know. I thought I'd make it through this song

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "your singing skills are almost the same, and the performance of songs has reached a very high level. The only thing you lack is a trace of luck. Maybe you have chosen the elements of Chinese songs. After all, the people who can hear the lyrics are really good. You don't have to be disappointed. Prepare for the next one. "Zheng Yu said, "thank you, Mr. Xiao."

At the end of the first round, ZenI Valentine suddenly said with a smile: "the students' competition is too tight. Should we ease our emotions? The four tutors have already shown their singing voice in the program. Since Mr. Xiao is here, will you ask him to come up and sing a song

Before the audience could react, Xiao Yunhai stood up and yelled, "host, you'd better ask director Robert? Our previous agreement was that I was only responsible for commenting, not performing

"I heard from Mr. Robert," said ZenI Valentine. But at the scene, he said no. Mr. Xiao, you are here. If you don't come up to sing a song, our program group will be scolded by the fans. "

"Yes, Kung Fu Xiao, one."

"Kung Fu Xiao, have one."

Even the judges and four tutors beside him were all shouting and asking Xiao Yunhai to sing on the stage.

Xiao Yunhai grinned bitterly and walked to the stage with a helpless face. He said, "I'm really not ready for anything. What are you going to let me sing?"

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Yunhai said, "well, I'll sing the song" my heart will last forever "that our students just sang. You should not have heard of the male version."

The audience immediately burst into warm applause.

"Mr. Xiao, I don't know music, but I also know that boys have a much lower range than girls. Do you want to let the band down?" said ZenI Valentine

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "no, I should be able to sing. All the band teachers, please play it again , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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