Published at 11th of May 2022 05:13:48 AM

Chapter 1633

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Among the many candidates, the Anderson family chose Lyle, who was not in the same camp as Adams. The campaign cost alone cost 30 billion US dollars. At the same time, they gave advice to fight against Adams. The time was very good, which made Adams's support rate plummet.

Vanessa Bessie said, "Kelly, have you got in touch with my family? What do they say

Kelly said with a wry smile: "the most important thing in the current situation is the support of the people. The secret means are basically useless. Only those with a strong reputation in American society can publicly support it. In terms of popularity, there is no doubt that Hollywood stars are the best choice. "

"Don't you want to make a deal with the entertainment companies by taking advantage of the copyright issue of the mobile network?" asked Vanessa Bessie

Kelly said: "I don't think it's a good idea. On the contrary, if one is not done well, it will attract collective resistance from other Hollywood companies. But let's try. "

Vanessa Bessie nodded and said, "OK, I'll contact the famous entertainment giants to go to Washington as soon as possible, and hope it works. Kelly, what else can I do for you

Kelly said, "Vanessa, I want you to mobilize all the propaganda departments to crack down on Lyle. Since he has no loopholes, let's make them. And then there's Kung Fu Xiao, who plays an important role in the United States. If he can publicly support us, it's just like adding a tiger to a tiger. "

Vanessa Bessie frowned and said, "the first thing is OK. The second is very difficult. Kung Fu Xiao is a hard and soft guy. I don't have the ability to ask him to do it. However, if he can really help you, things are likely to succeed. In Hollywood, marvel, GM and MGM almost form an iron triangle, supporting each other, among which marvel is the leader. Xiao Yunhai agreed, and the other two companies are likely to agree. "

"I talked to him at his concert last year, and his answer was no help," Kelly said

Vanessa Bessie sighed, "my relationship with Shaw is not so good, so Kelly, I really can't help you. He seems to have arrived in New York. Would you like to see him? "

Kelly thought for a while and said with a wry smile, "we don't have anything to give him. Let's forget it."

Kelly spent two hours at stell networks and left in a hurry.

Vanessa Bessie takes her to the car and looks more dignified.

Adams has always cooperated with the Bessie family very well. Many big projects are made through him. Once he goes out of office, it will do harm to the Bessie family.

In fact, before Kelly came, winnissa Bessie had been instructed by her family to mobilize all her energy to help Adams win the presidential election. This shows how serious things have been.

Back in her office, Vanessa Bessie began to call the bosses of Hollywood entertainment companies and gather them to go to the Washington network department to discuss the issue of mobile phone network copyright. Everyone agreed.

Only Xiao Yunhai, Vanessa Bessie thought for a long time, then dialed his phone number.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai was inspecting Yunqing network company. They recently developed three software patents. LAN Jiancheng gave him a serious explanation. Unfortunately, Xiao Yunhai didn't understand at all. He only knew that these three patents could bring him tens of millions of dollars in income.

Although Xiao Yunhai doesn't understand, it doesn't prevent him from praising the software department, which makes the leaders of each group very happy.

Just came out from the software department, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone appeared Winnie Bessie's call.

Xiao Yunhai stopped, shook his mobile phone and said with a smile, "see, Miss Bessie seems to be in a bit of a hurry."

"This morning, the president's wife, Kelly, went to visit stell networks, and I just saw it on the Internet," Kristi said

Xiao Yunhai nodded and pressed the answer button.

"I'm glad you called me, Miss Bessie. It shows that our relationship is not as bad as I thought it would be." Xiao Yunhai said with a smile.

Kristi nodded secretly beside her, and had to say that after years of training, her boss has become more and more mature. At the very least, we have fully mastered the way to communicate with these capitalists.

Vanessa Bessie said with a smile: "no way, we want to develop STEL network company, we also need the support of Yunqing network company, I dare not offend you."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "Miss Bessie is really a joke. You stern game company has contacted several other large companies in Europe and the United States to form an alliance to compete with my game app. Where else can we use it. Miss Bessie, I don't know what your platform cost is. It can't be less than 10%? It's not a good idea for us to fight a price war. It will only lead to both losses. "

Vanessa Bessie said, "it's not your fault. It's too low to set the price at 10%. Mr. Xiao, have you ever thought about raising the price? "Xiao Yunhai said: "I am to seize the market, so as not to be overtaken by you. Miss Bessie, I hope that after your game app goes online, we can have a good discussion on the price, and it is better to unify them. As for who has a large market share, it depends on their own propaganda means. What do you think? "

"Of course," said Vanessa Bessie. It's not just game apps, but video apps. Business activities need us to make a rule, otherwise it will be detrimental to the development of the whole industry. I'm calling you this time mainly to ask you to go to Washington with the presidents of our seven major entertainment companies to discuss with the American government the issue of mobile network copyright. "

Xiao Yunhai pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Miss Bessie, this matter seems to have little to do with our Marvel Comics company?"

Vanessa Bessie said with a smile, "Mr. Shaw, don't lie to me. The software department of Yunqing network company is making video app. If there is a problem with network copyright, what is the use of your video app. Mr. Xiao, it's not a good habit to do nothing but enjoy the fruits of victory behind your back. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that Miss Bessie is very interested in our company. She even knows this thing. Well, I'll ask Ms. Wen Yanhong, the CEO of our company, to come with you. "

"No way." Vanessa Bessie refused Xiao Yunhai's proposal without thinking about it.

It's a matter of copyright. It's not about the purpose of the election.

"Mr. Shaw, it doesn't show that we attach importance to this matter by sending the CEO to the office," said Vanessa Bessie, who felt that her words were inappropriate. You are the richest man in the world, and you are the first in the mobile network. If you don't go, we will lose our strength. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "so the presidents of the eight major Hollywood film companies will be there in person?"

"That's right," said Vanessa Bessie

At this time, Xiao Yunhai had basically determined the purpose of Vanessa Bessie and said, "OK. When? "

Vanessa Bessie said, "the day after tomorrow, we'll meet at the American network building at 10 a.m. In addition to the eight of us, there are still a few entertainment company bosses who will go there. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK, I know."

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai's face showed a smile, said: "Vanessa Bessie must I go, it seems that the president is really worried."

"What are you going to do, Mr. Shaw?" Christie asked

Xiao Yunhai said: "or that sentence, two do not help each other."

American president Adams asked the network department to do this just to invite the presidents of Hollywood entertainment companies to go there and hope to get their support.

As for the issue of mobile phone network copyright, no matter whether Adams is satisfied or not, he absolutely dare not refuse.

Because at this juncture, offending Hollywood, Adams really has no hope.

The reason why Xiao Yunhai used to go was to gather a number of people to avoid Hollywood saying that they did not take responsibility and only knew to take advantage of it. That would not be good for his reputation.

Christie frowned and said, "I'm afraid it won't be that easy. Now that this president has used Vanessa Bessie to bring together the head of Hollywood entertainment, there are bound to be ways for you to support him. Otherwise, it would be meaningless for him to do so. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if you want to get something that should not belong to you, there are only two ways: one is threat, the other is inducement. Threats, Adams would not dare. What's left is inducement. Although he is the president of the United States, I don't think he can offer something that I can't refuse. Hehe, seriously, I haven't been to Washington yet. This time I'm just browsing. "

From the company, Xiao Yunhai returned to his new villa. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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