Published at 11th of May 2022 05:13:47 AM

Chapter 1634

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In Florida, presidential candidate Lyle, who just finished his speech, returned to the hotel in a good mood.

He was forty-six years old. He was slender, handsome, and gentle. Compared with Adams, he was at least more beautiful in appearance.

Of course, since Lyle can become Adams's number one competitor, his ability is still very strong. From a farm boy step by step to the governor's position, and now to compete for the president, in any way can be called a hero.

"Sir, there's news from New York that Kelly went to stern networks." The assistant put Lyle's coat on the rack.

Lyle washed his face and asked, "what is she going to do?"

"Vanessa Bessie has invited the presidents of more than a dozen Hollywood companies to Washington in the name of discussing mobile network copyright, and I expect Adams to meet them in person," the assistant said

Lyle's eyes narrowed slightly, and said, "in Chinese, he's in a corner. It's wishful thinking to canvass for him through Hollywood entertainment companies and stars."

"Mr. Lyle, we have to defend. Hollywood stars have a huge fan base in the United States. Once they stand on Adams's team publicly, they will inevitably affect those who are on the sidelines, which is very unfavorable for us

Lyle nodded and said, "you're right. We must not let him succeed. Have Hollywood's marvel, universal, MGM and general pictures made any statements? Their relationship with Adams never seemed to be very good

The assistant said, "No. Mr. Lyle, I think you'd better call them in person. In particular, Mr. Xiao, who has more than 300 million fans in the United States and is the richest man in the world, has great influence. If he publicly supports Adams, the consequences will be disastrous. "

"Kung Fu Xiao?" Lyle sat on the sofa, unconsciously tapping his fingers on the coffee table and said, "he is really a great young man. Even my daughter and son are his fans. You seem to be a fan of him, too? "

The assistant laughed, nodded and said, "our family are all his fans, so I said he is very important."

Lyle thought about it and said, "aren't you on a good relationship with GM's Dalton Welch? Let him lead the line. I want to talk to Mr. Xiao in person. "


The assistant knew that Lyle had always been vigorous and resolute in his work. In front of him, he dialed dorton Welch's number and asked for Xiao Yunhai's number.

Without saying a word, Lyle called Xiao Yunhai.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai is at home online, see a strange number, then pick up.

"Hello, this is Xiao Yunhai. Who are you?"

"Mr. Xiao, I'm sorry to disturb you. I'm Lyle. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and immediately responded that it was the candidate president. He said with a smile: "it's Mr. Lyle. I just watched the live video of your speech in Florida. It's very wonderful. I don't know what you want to do with me? "

Lyle said, "Mr. Xiao, I won't go around with you. This is a crucial moment for me to run for president, and I hope you can support me. "

Xiao Yunhai knew that he must have received the news that Hollywood bosses were going to Washington, so he called himself.

The situation is very good for Lyle, so he doesn't really need to make sure that Hollywood doesn't completely fall over to Adams in public in order to get his support.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Lyle, I'm a businessman and a foreigner. I'm not interested in the presidential election in your country."

Sure enough, hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Lyle said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, if you really think so, it is undoubtedly good news for me."

Xiao Yunhai obviously didn't expect Lyle to be so frank. He asked, "did Mr. Lyle hear about our trip to Washington the day after tomorrow?"

Lyle said, "that's right. Mr. Shaw, Hollywood stars have too much influence on the American people. At this juncture, I have to pay attention. Especially you, with hundreds of millions of fans, how can I not be nervous. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Lyle, I can definitely assure you that no matter what kind of benefits Mr. President gives me, I will not make public statements in support of him. I'm a businessman and I'm not going to be involved in American politics. I just hope that in a month's time, if you become the new president of the United States, you can give me and my company some help within the scope of the law. "

Lyle said, "thank you, Mr. Shaw. I'll remember today's talk. I really want to meet you as a legend when I have a chance. You may not know that my two children are your super fans. "

"I hope to receive your invitation to visit the White House in the future," Xiao said

Lyle laughed and confidently said, "I believe this day will come soon."

After a few more conversations, they hung up.Seeing that Lyle's face seemed to be very good, the assistant immediately asked, "Mr. Lyle, your conversation with Mr. Shaw seems to be very pleasant?"

Lyle nodded and said, "he has given me a very clear answer and will not participate in the presidential election of the United States."

On hearing this, the assistant said with a smile, "that's good. Mr. Xiao always keeps his word. If he says that he will not participate, he will definitely not participate. "

"He seems to be very optimistic that I will be able to take the presidency," Lyle said. And I just promised to invite him to the white house when I'm president. It's good for me to make friends with the richest man in the world, who is only 28 years old and has assets of more than one billion US dollars. "

The assistant laughed and said, "Mr. Lyle, the boss of other entertainment companies, would you like to contact me?"

Lyle shook his head and said, "No. MGM and GM are not on the same team as Adams, so there will be no problems. I don't really pay attention to other companies, and in the current situation, I don't think anyone dares to oppose me openly. The fact that Adams has gone to extremes and asked Hollywood entertainment companies for help just shows that he is finished. What we need to do now is to step up the offensive, tell the team, increase the coverage of the Adams scandal, and I hope the votes will surpass him before we have a debate next week

The assistant nodded and said, "OK, I'll arrange it right away."

On the other side, Xiao Yunhai and Lyle finished talking and fell into meditation.

He suddenly found that he seemed to have changed. In the past, he always talked straight, never pretending to be a snake, but now he talks with a kind of hypocrisy.

As the saying goes, butt decides the head, Xiao Yunhai did not believe it before, now his own undoubtedly fully verified this sentence.

In the past, he was an ordinary man. He could do what he wanted and say what he wanted. God, earth, and he were three.

Now he has more than 10 trillion assets. If he sneezes, the world's economy will be affected. If he says a word in public, it will be known to the whole world in less than 10 minutes.

Xiao Yunhai felt that although he was getting richer and richer, he was actually more and more constrained. The freedom they want is not gained by the increase of assets, but by greater responsibility on their shoulders.

Ma Yun, the former president of Alibaba, once said that the word "rich" is actually responsible and responsible. Xiao Yunhai has a deep understanding at this time.

Opening his own personal space, Xiao Yunhai wrote on it: "only when you go deep, can you know the value of freedom."

After just publishing such a sentence, fans will be in the comments area lively.

"What do you mean by Kung Fu Xiao? I don't understand. "

"He should be feeling. In his position, it is impossible to be free. "

"The more famous, the less free. No way. When you get something, you often lose something. "

"Seeing his words, I feel a little pathetic."

"Kung Fu Xiao can't be disappointed. I don't think he's depressed

All kinds of speculations have sprung up in Xiao Yunhai's comment area. In less than half an hour, there have been more than 100000 guesses.

This is still everyone at work. If it is at night, I'm afraid it will cost millions. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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