Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:48 AM

Chapter 164

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From the young woman's words, Xiao Yunhai knew that the three were the actors who participated in the happy Sunday recording with Xiao Yunhai. The beautiful girl's name was Wang Li, and the two men's names were Zhang Hua and Zhang Meijun.

They are all freshmen of modu film and Television College. They are valued by mango TV station. They have made an idol drama called "Summer Academy". It is popular on Mango TV at 10:00, and is loved by many young people.

Mango station saw that the ratings were good, so they informed them to come and participate in the recording of happy Sunday. This just happened.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "that's really a coincidence. We're quite predestined. I came here to record for happy Sunday."

"It's wonderful that you are the big star that Mr. He said." Wang Li said happily, "I was just worried. Don't record programs with us that summer Chengfeng. If it's really him, we're not dead."

Zhang Hua and Zhang Meijun also took a deep breath.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the three people with a look of lingering fear. He laughed and said, "isn't it a summer Chengfeng? See, you're scared? "

"The whole entertainment industry is that you dare to scold others. No one in other artists, including those movie stars, dare to say anything about him, let alone scold him." Teacher he walked into Xiao Yunhai's dressing room and said.

Seeing Mr. He, the three young people quickly stood up. He Feng waved his hand and said, "your makeup artist is waiting for you in the No. 3 dressing room next to you. Hurry over. It's my negligence this time, and I've wronged you. "

After the three left, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "teacher he is not revenge for the summer Chengfeng?"

He Feng shook his head and said, "I dare not. I came here mainly to ask if there is anything wrong with Taiben? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "I just had a fight with Xia Chengfeng that son of a bitch. Where can I see it? In fact, I have nothing to say. You just follow your steps. "

"Well, we'll prepare it according to the script. Anyway, it's more than an hour before the recording. We'll discuss what's not appropriate then. "

He Feng finished and was about to go out. After three steps, he stopped again. He turned to Xiao Yunhai, thumbed up and said softly, "this is a beautiful thing to do."

Xiao Yunhai laughed.

After he Feng left, Su Yingxue sighed: "even he Feng, a famous good man in the entertainment industry, has such a big opinion on this summer Chengfeng. I really don't know how many people he has offended."

"If heaven wants it to perish, it must first make it mad. Look at it. When Xia Chengfeng and Hongda have a good time, I don't know. If something happens to him or Hongda entertainment, I'm afraid many people will fall down on him. "

At seven o'clock sharp, the recording of happy Sunday officially began.

In the warm applause of the audience, he Feng, sun Xiaoyue, Wang Guorong, Chu Keke and Zhu Xiwu stepped onto the stage with a brisk pace.

"Hello! Welcome to our happy Sunday. Did you miss us? " Five hosts asked with one voice.

"I don't want to." The audience laughed.

This is the beginning of happy Sunday, which can open the atmosphere all at once. So it hasn't changed since it started broadcasting.

After his brief opening remarks, he Feng said: "today's program, we have invited many guests. They are all new people. They have been in the business for less than a year, and they are all students. One of them even spread all over China. He.... "

before he Feng finished his words, there was a burst of warm cheers from the audience.

"The cloud emperor, the cloud emperor, the world is unique"

"the cloud emperor and the cloud emperor, the world is unparalleled"

"the cloud emperor and the cloud emperor, the world is unparalleled"

"Oh! It's a big show

On the stage of happy Sunday, there are not many people who can cause such a sensation.

He Feng said with a smile: "don't worry, let's come one by one. First of all, welcome our handsome and beautiful classmates Zhang Hua, Zhang Meijun and Wang Li to come on stage

"Summer campus" this idol drama in the circle of young people is still very popular, see the three protagonists, we are still very face to clap.

Especially those evil wolves, see pure and beautiful Wang Li is to shout.

The reason why the audience of happy Sunday is young people is to have such a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

After the three people came to the stage, the host conducted a simple interview, mainly asked about the situation of "summer campus", and then asked them to take a rest at the same time.

Seeing that the scene has become hot, he Feng said: "the one we are going to invite out next is wonderful, absolutely brilliant and omnipotent. He has too many titles

"What are they?" Sun asked

"There is also a martial arts writer, songwriter, singer, actor, director, screenwriter of martial arts novels. Xiaoyue, what does it feel like to hear this? "

Sun Xiaoyue deliberately showed surprise and joked: "teacher he, are you sure you are talking about people?""Ha ha ha." The audience burst into laughter.

He Feng rolled his eyes and said, "nonsense, it's worth saying. In fact, we all know. Who do you think it is? "

"The cloud emperor and the cloud emperor are unparalleled in the world"

"the cloud emperor and the cloud emperor are unparalleled in the world"

He Feng yelled: "yes, it is the cloud emperor. Let's invite the cloud emperor Xiao Yunhai to bring his album song "fairy tale."

"I have forgotten how long it has been since I heard you tell me your favorite story; I thought for a long time, and I began to panic whether I did something wrong again."

With the sound of soothing and soft music, Xiao Yunhai came out wearing a proper casual suit, singing and smiling at the same time.


the audience cheered when they saw the appearance of Xiao Yunhai.

One female fan even got up and tried to rush to the stage, but was stopped by the security guards.

Xiao Yunhai also saw the situation and shook her head gently. The girl immediately understood his meaning and returned to her position very obediently.

The little thing was completely photographed by the camera.

"You cry and say to me, fairy tales are deceitful, I can't be your prince; maybe you won't understand, since you said you love me, my sky stars are bright."

The former Guangliang version of fairy tale always has a faint sadness when singing. Although the song is very popular, Xiao Yunhai does not like this expression.

Therefore, when Xiao Yunhai sang this song, he made some changes in artistic conception and added more hope and strength. He believed that he would have the best future like fairy tales.

This "fairy tale" as the main song of Xiao Yunhai's album, once released, immediately swept the whole China, almost all the streets are singing.

So when Xiao Yunhai sings the chorus, both the host and the fans can't help singing along with Xiao Yunhai.

"I would like to be the angel you love in the fairy tale, open your hands and turn into wings to guard you ... "

because of the time, Xiao Yunhai's" fairy tale "only needs to be sung once, so after repeating the chorus part twice, the song is finished.

Although some of the fans still have some ideas, they still burst out their warmest applause.

He Feng took several hosts to the stage, and then pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said to everyone, "I don't need to introduce it."

"No The audience said with one voice.

"Hello, Yunhai?"

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "Hello, I'm Xiao Yunhai. I'm very glad to be able to attend happy Sunday."

There were warm applause from the audience.

"It seems that we emperor Yun is very popular." He Feng Dao.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's mainly because people are handsome and born. There's no way."

"Ha ha ha."

"So the emperor is so humorous."

He Feng's eyes brightened. It seems that Xiao Yunhai is a very interesting person.

For variety shows such as happy Sunday, the favorite is the humorous and playful stars.

They don't have the burden of idols. They don't have to pretend to be cool all the time. They will be very relaxed and comfortable to communicate with each other.

And the most afraid is that kind of idol star, every word and action should be careful, careful, naturally will not play, recording effect will be greatly reduced.

He Feng said, "Yunhai, do you know? In the entertainment industry at this stage, you are the one we want to interview most. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "why? "

" because you are so talented, as I just said, it's hard to believe that there are so many identities of martial arts novelists, songwriters, singers, actors, directors, screenwriters and martial artists on one person. We always feel like you have a lot of secrets hidden in you, waiting for people to discover. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "do you know why I don't want to participate in variety shows?"


"Because that's what I want. If you have participated in many variety shows and you all know me, how can you still mix in the circle? "

"Ha ha ha ha."

Xiao Yunhai's explanation immediately caused laughter.

Sun Xiaoyue pointed to He Feng, who couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "this time our teacher he has finally met an opponent."

He Feng turned around Xiao Yunhai with a dignified look and said, "this time, the opponent is really different. It seems that I should be more careful.


"Ha ha ha."

He Feng is indeed a top host, and knows how to put the effect to the best.

"Well, well, it's not easy to have such a chance. Let's not patronize and laugh, but talk more seriously."As soon as Xiao Yunhai heard this, his face immediately showed an expression of sudden realization and said, "it turns out that what we just talked about is not serious."

"Ha ha."

"The emperor is too quick to respond."

"As expected, he is my idol, even he can't say anything about him."

"I thought that emperor Yun would be a man who was superior and unsmiling. I didn't expect him to be so humorous."

He teacher deliberately collapsed, squatted on the ground, hugged his fist and said: "boss, I'm not satisfied with it? Can we have a good chat? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed, helped He Feng up and said, "OK, Mr. He, don't pretend any more, as if you don't know you're acting."

"Ah, ah, ah, I'm crazy."

"Ha ha ha."

The audience at the bottom had already bent over with laughter, and some even coughed with laughter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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