Published at 11th of May 2022 05:13:35 AM

Chapter 1643

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When Xiao Yunhai realized that there was only the man and the car, but no one else, he decided to make a move.

First of all, he had to deal with the two people in the car. Seeing all the passers-by passing by their cars, Xiao Yunhai also pretended to be indifferent and walked up.

When he came to the car, Xiao Yunhai lowered his head and knocked on the door of the car. A strong man with a full face of Qiu bearded sat in the driving position and shook down the window. He said coldly: "get out of here."

Xiao Yunhai raised his head, laughed and said, "aren't you following me?"

The strong man and the people in the co pilot's seat changed their faces. Their reaction speed was very fast, and they immediately touched the pistol beside them.

Unfortunately, since Xiao Yunhai has revealed his true face, he is naturally fully prepared.

The two small stones in the hand accurately hit two people's hands, and the stones were deeply embedded in it.


the voice of the two people just half stopped.

Originally, Xiao Yunhai in the stone pop-up, followed by the hand.

His speed is so fast that his explosive force is even more powerful. He opened the door and knocked the driver's seat unconscious. Then he bent down, and his right hand was like a knife, which accurately chopped the opponent's neck and knocked him unconscious.

After killing two people, Xiao Yunhai put them on the back seat, and he got on the car.

That is, in half a minute, the tracking master ran over and took off his coat while running.

Seeing that he was not far away from the car, Xiao Yunhai opened the door and the wind rushed down.

The man's clothes were still one sleeve away, but he felt a flash in front of him and he fainted.

After finishing the three, Xiao Yunhai called Peter Grantham.

"Got it. You give the double two thousand dollars and let him go."


In a moment, Peter Grantham's six men came.

Ten minutes later, they drove to a dark corner, next to a large forest. Peter Grantham awoke them with water.

As soon as they wake up, they find that they only have a pair of underpants left, and Xiao Yunhai, the target of their surveillance, is in front of them. His six bodyguards, all pointing their guns at their heads, quickly raised their hands. It's like a lot of practice.

Xiao Yunhai laughed in his heart and said, "three, I don't want to talk nonsense. You have a piece of paper in front of you. I ask a question and you write me an answer. If I find out that the three are different, they will cut off one of your fingers. The second time it's different, they'll cut off two of your fingers. The third time is different, three. If your fingers are gone, cut your toes. If the toes are gone, cut your tongue, ears and nose. Do you understand

The man who was good at camouflage was surprised and said, "Mr. Xiao, we have no hatred or resentment with you. Why do you want to do this? I can't understand what you're talking about

Xiao Yunhai takes a look at Peter Grantham.

Peter Grantham understood, took out his knife and cut off one of his fingers.

The man rolled on the ground.

Peter Grantham said, "he's not very obedient? So I gave him a little punishment and a big one

Xiao Yunhai said: "if you dare to shout again, I promise you will never cry out again in this life."

When the man heard this, he covered his mouth with his right hand and looked at Xiao Yunhai with fear in his eyes.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "separate the three of them. My first question is how many of you have come to deal with me? "

The three quickly wrote.

Xiao Yunhai saw that there were fifty-five and fifty-two of them. He said, "fifty-five, fifty-two, ha ha, I didn't expect that your first question was so disobedient?"

One of them even said, "Mr. Xiao, we are fifty-five. Besides the three of us, there are fifty-two. "

Xiao Yunhai gave a cry and said, "I see. Who are you? Why deal with me? "

Although they wrote differently, they all had the same meaning.

Fifty five men, all of whom were experienced mercenaries, took on a $50 billion mission to kill themselves and Vanessa Bessie.

Xiao Yunhai was stunned. He didn't expect that Vanessa Bessie was one of their targets.

Fifty billion dollars. That's not a small amount. Most people can't afford it.

As for those who have both strength and want their own and winnissa's life, the image of Terence Bessie, the second successor of Bessie, immediately appears in Xiao Yunhai's mind.

Needless to say, Vanessa was his competitor, both were his enemies, and Terence Bessie had a real motive to kill them.

"What weapons do you have?"

Soon, Xiao Yunhai got the answer.

Damn it. Rockets, grenades, sniper guns, submachine guns.

Xiao Yunhai can't believe his eyes when he sees the answer.No wonder they can feel that the other side has the ability to kill themselves. It turns out that they even have rockets in their hands.

In modern society, no matter how high the Kung Fu is, it is impossible to withstand the impact of rockets.

Xiao Yunhai continued to ask, "what are your plans to deal with me?"

"I don't know," they wrote

Peter Grantham, who was next to us, suddenly asked, "who are the people who are following us besides you?"

The Three wrote down two names on the paper.

Xiao Yunhai was startled and said, "no, there are still two people."

At this time, Xiao Yunhai suddenly got goose bumps all over his body. He felt a great danger in his heart and was coming towards him.

Although Xiao Yunhai didn't know where the danger came from, he always believed in his premonition. Without thinking about it, he called out: "there is danger, run quickly."

With that, he turned his head and rushed out of the distance of ten meters.

When others heard the warning, they reacted very quickly and ran in different directions.

The other three were all in a daze. They were about to take advantage of this opportunity to escape when they suddenly found a light spot and flew down towards themselves.


in their despairing eyes, the red dot fell less than three meters away from them and exploded completely. The huge shock wave sent them flying and their bodies were blown into several sections.

Two of Xiao Yunhai's six bodyguards ran slowly and were overturned. They fell heavily on the ground and never got up again. They did not know whether they were alive or dead.

"Rocket. Run, Mr. Xiao. " Peter Grantham said in a great surprise.

He knew that the target of the other side was Xiao Yunhai. If he failed to hit, there would be attacks.

These people are simply too bold, but this is the capital of the United States of America, Washington, where you attack the world's richest man with rockets, and you declare war on the entire American government.

Peter Grantham's voice had just dropped when another rocket charged head-on.

Xiao Yunhai is keenly aware that the impact point of the rocket is very close in front of him. He stomps his right foot and makes a bang. The mud splashes and a big pit appears on the ground, which is as fast as lightning, which fully shows his powerful explosive power.

Unfortunately, manpower can be endless.

When the rocket exploded completely, Xiao Yunhai was only 10 meters away from its explosion point. The huge shock wave directly blew Xiao Yunhai out three meters, causing a burst of pain in his chest. He should have been hit by a stone or something.

Xiao Yunhai turned over a kite and his feet had just landed. Suddenly, the whole person felt a shiver. His heart seemed to be under threat. Without saying a word, he flashed to the right.

It may be due to the impact of rockets, Xiao Yunhai was a step late, did not escape the attack of the other sniper, was sniper gun hit his left arm shoulder.

However, after the bullet rushed into his shoulder, it was tightly clamped by Xiao Yunhai's muscles.

Obviously, the distance between the sniper and him should be quite far, otherwise, Xiao Yunhai can not hide at all, and it is impossible to clamp him with his muscles.

Xiao Yunhai quickly judged the general position of the sniper and hid.

And a few of his bodyguards were not so lucky. Three of them were killed, and two of them were stunned by the blast. Of the six bodyguards, only Peter Grantham was left.

The deafening sound of the rocket explosion was extremely loud in the silent night, and people nearby had already scattered and fled when they saw the huge firelight.

In order to interrogate them, Xiao Yunhai found a dark place far away from the crowd. Unexpectedly, he brought great disaster to himself.

Even he did not expect that the other side would dare to start in such a busy market.

The police station is more than 20 miles away from here. At their speed, it will take at least 20 minutes to come over.

That's long enough for those people to kill themselves 20 times. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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