Published at 11th of May 2022 05:13:34 AM

Chapter 1644

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At the top of a building in the distance, a two meter tall man with a full face of curly beards was squatting on the ground, carrying a rocket launcher on his shoulder, and the mouth of the barrel was still steaming.

"Hey, man, are you dead?"

A small white man with a far-infrared telescope nearby shook his head and said, "No. However, he seems to have been shot, hiding behind a big tree. So, you adjust ten degrees to the left, and then you give him a shot. Anyway, our people have gone up, finished and finished. "

The big man nodded and said, "good."

Under the command of the little man, the big man slightly adjusted the angle, and the last rocket drew a straight white line in the air and headed for the big tree beside Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai felt the danger again, and pushed the tree with his right foot. The whole man rushed out like a cheetah.


The rocket exploded again, and in the smoke of gunpowder, the big tree fell down.

Xiao Yunhai was not injured this time. He was like a ghost. He climbed to a big tree like a monkey.

Peter Grantham, the only remaining combat veteran, took advantage of this rare opportunity to hide.

This corner, which has just been baptized by gunfire, becomes extremely quiet in an instant. If the trees were not still burning there, no one would have known that an asymmetric battle had just taken place here.

Xiao Yunhai quietly hid in the tree, gently pulled the bullet from his shoulder and put it into his pocket.

Just then, in his ear, he heard the footsteps of a group of people. Although they lowered their voices, they still did not hide from Xiao Yunhai, whose kung fu had reached its peak.

After a while, they came to the tree where Xiao Yunhai was.

Looking at the submachine guns in their hands, Xiao Yunhai secretly scolded: "this group of birdmen, he really looks up to himself."

It seems that they also know that time is short. Under the command of an officer in a helmet and camouflage suit, more than 40 people divided into six teams and searched in different directions.

For Xiao Yunhai, as long as you let him get close, everyone will die. So it's not the mercenaries that threaten him the most, but the snipers in the distance.

Fortunately, he has the sense to avoid danger. Otherwise, he won't have to fight this battle at all, and he will just admit defeat.

Xiao Yunhai, an expert in art, was bold and fell down from the tree like a civet cat. The action is like flowing clouds and flowing water, with tiptoes up, quietly coming to the back of the last person.

The man seemed to feel something. Just about to turn back, Xiao Yunhai had already put out his hand, covered his mouth and twisted his neck.

The crackling sound reached the ears of the people in front of them and turned back one after another.

Xiao Yunhai had no intention of hiding at all and rushed directly into the crowd.

This time, Xiao Yunhai did not dare to retain a trace of strength. The power of two thousand kilograms was not what these mercenaries could fight against.


with Xiao Yunhai's all-out blow, the first mercenary in front of him collapsed in his chest and his mouth gushed with blood. The whole

man flew out and hit the three people behind him.

Three experienced mercenaries just fell to the ground and fainted.

Xiao Yunhai, like a ghost, doesn't care about the faint mercenaries. He quickly comes to the mercenary who is ready to shoot with a gun. He blows the mercenary away with his strength like a volcanic eruption, and the people behind him dodge one after another.

They just saw the fate of the three people in front of them, so they didn't dare to pick them up. But in the end, the one didn't have the good luck and was hit hard. It seemed that people heard the sound of bone smashing, and neither of them got up again.

Those dodging mercenaries opened fire wildly in the direction of Xiao Yunhai, but they didn't see half a figure after fighting for a long time.

At this time, the voice of Xiao Yunhai's playful abuse suddenly came out from behind, saying: "since the fight is finished, then all go to die."

"Bang, bang, bang"

Xiao Yunhai hit them in the back of their chest with four punches in succession. Without accident, the bones of the four people broke and their whole body flew up in the air.

If they are facing ordinary people, each of them can kill dozens of them, but when facing Xiao Yunhai, especially when he is close to him, they are simply killed by him without any resistance.

It's slow to say, but in fact, everything is done in half a minute. When other members of the group came, Xiao Yunhai had already disappeared.

After examining their bodies, the leader's face was hard to see. He said, "they were all killed with their fists. They should be our targets. We must be careful, the other side's Kung Fu is the best in the world, and never let him get close to him. "

They all nodded in unison, with a dignified look.

More than 50 mercenaries, against one of the richest men in the world, were killed 12 by him, but he did not even see the shadow of each other. It was really frightening to say that.At this time, a stone like thing carrying a huge wind, suddenly flew from behind.

"Get down. It's a grenade." As the leader said, he jumped forward.

The rest of them were on the ground.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no news.

The leader looked up. Under the moonlight, he found that the other side threw a round stone. He could not help but get angry. He knew that the richest man in the world was declaring war on himself.

Many mercenaries saw that the grenades were not grenades at all, so they stood up one after another.

Who would have thought that just when they were a little slack off, another thing fell between them and hit one of them on the back.


This time it's really a grenade, and it's still two hanging together.

Xiao Yunhai, of course, was the one who launched the attack. His grenades were found from the nine mercenaries. They only have the leader. The others just carry a submachine gun. Obviously, there are not many of them.

Xiao Yunhai has never seen a grenade, let alone use it.

But he had seen too many anti Japanese dramas in his previous life, and knew that the grenade had a pull ring, so he just needed to pull it out and throw it out.

Xiao Yunhai had a good example. First, he reduced their sensitivity with a stone, and then he threw both grenades, achieving the effect of killing more than ten people.

Without time to celebrate, Xiao Yunhai immediately hid.

Sure enough, he just hid behind a big tree, the submachine gun in the other party's hands fired wildly at his direction.

The gunfire kept raining for half a minute before it stopped.

Three mercenaries carefully went to check, but found nothing.

The leader looked at his watch and there was only ten minutes left, and there was a flash of anxiety on his face.

For 50 billion US dollars, they have already paid a high price. If so many people die, they can't even find a hair of Xiao Yunhai.

More importantly, our side is in Washington, doing something that challenges the national security of the United States. If we can't fix Xiao Yunhai within five minutes, we will have to go back to nothing. At that time, they will inevitably be the crazy revenge of Xiao Yunhai.

Thinking of this, the leader's heart burst into regret. He knew that he would kill Winnie Bessie. He could not earn 40 billion yuan, and it would be good if he got 10 billion yuan.

"Boss, we have only ten minutes left. The ghost signals. The Washington police have seven minutes to go."

The voice of the sniper Hades came from the headphones.

The leader said, "can you find the location of the target?"

The king said, "No. You are in a dense forest. I can't see anything. "

The leader said angrily, "how unreasonable. We can't stay any longer. Let's go. "

This group of mercenaries is quite a bit of a snake. Seeing that Xiao Yunhai is uncertain, they leave with their bodies in a hurry.

Xiao Yunhai felt that he was not in danger, so he came out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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