Published at 11th of May 2022 05:13:28 AM

Chapter 1649

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Under the guidance of a nurse, Christie walks in.

"How do you feel, Mr. Xiao?" Kristi asked, sitting in front of the bed, looking at the pale Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai reluctantly showed a smile and said: "not bad."

With that, he took a look at the nurse standing on the side.

Christie understood and said, "nurse, Mr. Shaw and I have business secrets to talk about. Can you go out for a moment?"

Miss nurse is beautiful and tiny frown, way: "Mr. Xiao is a special patient, the dean asked me to monitor the whole process."

Xiao Yunhai said, "you can give me ten minutes. If anything, I'll call you right away

The nurse thought about it, nodded and said, "OK, it's only ten minutes."

As soon as the nurse went out, Xiao Yunhai came down from the hospital bed and locked the door as fast as lightning.

Christie was stunned to see his movements, which were far more agile than ordinary people.

"Mr. Xiao, are you pretending?"

Xiao Yunhai stretched himself and said with a smile, "how can it be? I was really hit by the bullet, but my muscles were much stronger than ordinary people. In addition, the submachine gun of the other side hit me through a big tree, so it was not deep into the flesh and was clamped by my muscles. The doctor's skill is good. It's done in ten minutes. It's just that I'm a little tired, and I've been sleeping till now. "

Xiao Yunhai is indeed sleeping. The reason why the doctor didn't find out that he was in a coma was that he adjusted his breathing very weakly, and it looked like he fainted after serious injury.

After waking up, the doctor and the nurse were relieved to leave.

Kristi knew that Xiao Yunhai's Chinese Kung Fu was very magical. She was not too surprised. She said, "Mr. Xiao, it would be great if you had nothing to do. Do you know who attacked you? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there are not many people in the world who can take out 50 billion US dollars. If you count them, they are just three or five.". And who wants me to die and Vanessa Bessie to die, besides Mr. Terence Bessie? "

Christie said, "Mr. Shaw, can you find evidence?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "it's useless to find that group of mercenaries. Terrence Bessie must have cleaned himself up if he did. Otherwise, he would not have been the second successor of the Bessie family

"What are we going to do next?" Christie asked

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "the serious terrorist attacks in Washington have dealt a great blow to Adams. I've fallen out with him completely. It's too bad for me to keep him as president of the United States. "

Christie said in surprise, "Mr. Shaw, are you going to stand by Lyle?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course not. I will attack the American government severely and indirectly support Lyle. If he has the ability to sit in the presidency, even if he fails in the end, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's already the case. Let's move out of America. By the way, what about those bodyguards? "

Christie sighed and said," all but Peter are dead. In addition, they blew up your private plane at the airport. Two pilots and two stewardesses were killed in the cabin. "

"What?" Xiao Yunhai's eyes flashed a ray of cold and fierce light, and his eyes were full of murderous opportunities. He said, "Terence Bessie, I will never let you go."

The relationship between the pilot and the stewardess on the plane and Xiao Yunhai is very good. During the journey, when they are idle, they often play cards together.

I didn't expect that group of people would be so insane that they would not be able to kill themselves with rockets. They also installed bombs on the plane. It was absolutely hateful.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Ms. Kristi, find their families and give them one million dollars each."

Christie nodded and said, "OK."

"Is Wanqing coming?" Xiao Yunhai asked

Miss Christie, you are not the only one who is worried about you. It's expected to arrive at nine in the morning. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "we must protect their safety, understand?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Shaw," said Christie. "I promise there won't be any problems."

They talked for ten minutes until the nurse knocked on the door and Christie left.

The success of Xiao Yunhai's operation was soon spread all over the world by Wen Yanhong, and those fans who liked him were relieved.

The next morning, Lyle and his party came out of the New York Hotel and were quickly surrounded by reporters.

"Mr. Lyle, what do you think of the time when Mr. Shaw was attacked in Washington?"

Lyle stopped and said solemnly, "the National Security Bureau and the Washington police department are obviously not doing a good job. They should take full responsibility for this incident. Mr. Xiao is the richest man in the world and a big star loved by nearly a billion people around the world. He was attacked by rockets and submachine guns in the capital of the United States. I feel very sorry and blush at the same time. This is a disgrace to the American government. "Slapping in the face


Lyle's remark is undoubtedly mocking Adams's incompetence.

The disgrace of the American government is not the disgrace of Adams. Who let him be the president.

The reporters were all so delicate that they could hear Lyle's meaning.

"Mr. Lyle, a lot of people on the Internet say that Mr. Adams should be primarily responsible for this. Because Mr. Shaw and the presidents of other Hollywood entertainment companies came to Washington to meet with Mr. Adams. Otherwise, it would not have happened. What do you think of it? "

Lyle said with a smile: "I know the content of the meeting. Mr. Adams is just seeking the support of Hollywood entertainment companies. It's just that I don't think this kind of method can really go on the stage. I have always believed that it is the American people who can determine the fate of the United States, and no one else can control it, including Hollywood stars with countless fans. I firmly believe that if I were to be the president of the United States, it would never happen again. "

"Mr. Lyle, Mr. Shaw is no longer in any way. Will you see him in Washington this time?"

Lyle nodded and said, "of course. Although Mr. Xiao is not an American, his industry in our country is as high as trillions, and he pays hundreds of billions of taxes every year. But the last thing I got was a terrorist attack. As an official of the United States, no matter whether I can take the seat of president of the United States, I have the responsibility to express my apology and sympathy to Mr. Xiao. "

"Mr. Lyle, the law and order of the United States has been going from bad to worse in the past two years. How do you think it can be fundamentally relieved?"

Lyle waved his hand and said, "this will be something I need to talk to Mr. Adams on TV tomorrow night."

After answering several questions in a row, Lyle glanced at his assistant, al.

"I'm sorry, dear journalists. We're going to Washington. That's all for today. Please give way. "

Sitting in the car, Lyle said, "we'll go to the hospital to see Mr. Xiao immediately this afternoon. You can arrange it."

"Mr. Lyle, there are countless reporters at the door of the hospital now, and we don't need to make any arrangements at all," Al said with a smile. Such a terrorist event is very beneficial to your campaign. The Chinese government is very concerned about Mr. Xiao's affairs, and the harsh wording is shocking. If Mr. Shaw can also question the security of the United States in public, then president Adams will be even more culpable. "

Lyle took a look at the driver and frowned, "you'd better get rid of that. Even if I can't be the president, I don't want things like this in Washington. "

Lyle had always been cautious and never said too much, even in front of his own people.

Al quickly admitted his mistake. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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