Published at 11th of May 2022 06:03:46 AM

Chapter 165

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Xiao Yunhai's humorous language and he Feng's helpless expression make the whole scene directly high to the explosion.

Chen Zhan, who secretly came to see the scene, was very satisfied with Xiao Yunhai's performance on the stage. He nodded secretly and said in his heart, "I didn't expect that this boy has some funny talent. It seems that the ratings of this happy Sunday don't need to worry."

"Are you Chen Zhan and Chen Tai Chang A soft voice came to Chen Zhan's ears.

Chen Zhan turned his head and saw a mature and elegant woman in her thirties standing there smiling at him. It was su Yingxue, Xiao Yunhai's agent.

She had seen Chen Zhan several times when she took Dong to float here last time. As an excellent professional agent, such an important person should be remembered.

Chen Zhan had no impression of Su Yingxue, so he asked, "do we know each other?"

Su Yingxue stretched out her hand and said with a smile, "now I know you? My name is Su Yingxue. I'm Yunhai's agent. Hello, Mr. Chen. "

suddenly, Chen Zhan shook hands with Su Yingxue and said," it's Ms. su. I'm glad to meet you. Yunhai is lucky to have a manager like Ms. su. By the way, this boy didn't give you any trouble? "

When Su Yingxue speaks to himself with a smile and a smile, Chen Zhan has already guessed that Xiao Yunhai must have told the other party about his relationship with himself, so there is no need to hide it.

Su Yingxue said with a smile, "it's not."

Chen Zhan waved his hand and said, "Ms. Su doesn't need to cover him. As for his bad temper, it would be a strange thing if he could be safe and not cause trouble. I just heard about him and Xia Chengfeng. Alas, it's really worrying. Ma'am, don't let him do anything for his mother. "

Su Yingxue said with a smile: "you can rest assured that the sea of clouds is OK."

They chatted for a while without a word, and the interview on the stage began.

He Feng held some pieces of paper in his hand, on which were written some questions that the audience wanted to ask. This is the characteristic of happy Sunday and also a special welfare for the audience.

"Yunhai, are you ready? That's a must

"No problem."

"So even though I'm handsome, charming, charming, and loved by everyone, I'm very serious about love."

"Ha ha ha."

"I can't stand it."

"It's just a storyteller."

"What kind of girl do you like? Frankly, I really can't describe it. But I know that she must be the most beautiful in my heart. And as long as she agrees, I will never deliberately hide my star identity. I will give her a perfect wedding and accompany her through this life

Xiao Yunhai's words made everyone quiet down, and then a burst of applause like a storm rang out.

"Don't you worry that your fans will leave you?" Chuke, who has never spoken, suddenly asked

"That brings us to a very serious question. Last summer, I saw a young girl on the Internet. In order to meet a Korean star, she threatened her parents with her life and gave her travel expenses. "

"Yes, yes, it is. It was very popular on the Internet at that time. I don't know what you think of it, Yunhai? " He Feng took a word and asked.

"I think it's OK for fans to chase their favorite stars. It's also a normal thing now, but we should pay attention to a certain degree in everything. Beyond this, it is a very terrible thing

"So, I hope those fans who like me will support me and appreciate me rationally, rather than blindly worship me."

"In fact, I'm an ordinary person, with the same emotions and emotions as everyone else. I have a lot of shortcomings, and I have a very hot temper. I really don't have anything to worship."

"if I really let me choose between my personal and my works, I will definitely choose my works. If one day I really have a girlfriend and really want to get married, I hope you can support me and wish me happiness. Thank you

Xiao Yunhai finished and bowed deeply to the audience. What he got was a wave of applause and cheers.

He Feng said: "our emperor of cloud is very honest, and he is really sincere. Then there is the third question. Why can you write so many good works? What's the secret? "

"The secret is There is no secret. "

"Ha ha ha."

"To tell you the truth, I don't know why I have so many wonderful ideas. I can only fart to say, genius's head melon seed is very cow


"Ha ha ha."

He Feng managed to hold back his smile and looked at the paper in his hand and said, "well, this classmate is obviously a novel fan. He asked you what kind of story is Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu? When can I meet you all? "Xiao Yunhai smiled and said, "is this really what they asked? You didn't add it to the purpose of promoting the "Xiaoao Jianghu" for me? "

"Of course not. We all know that we never do this useless thing on Sunday." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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